Karasun sanatorium Crimea Utes village. The village of Utes and the Karasan estate

Official information about excursions to Utes and Karasan dry like sand in the dunes of the Black Sea:

  • content of the excursion – acquaintance with two palaces and two parks;
  • duration – 4 hours;
  • Swimming is included in the excursion program.

Yes, it’s not enough... And it’s not clear whether it’s worth going there or not? You will have to take a preliminary tour – a virtual one. Ready? Go!

Where is the village of Utes?

Resort village Cliff and the palace and park ensemble estate Karasan are located on the southern coast of Crimea and are administratively part of the Malomayaksky village council, Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Alushta region). Name Cliff the village inherited from the first hotel opened on its lands. The estate owes its name to the name of the area in which it is located - Karasan(from Kara-Asan). In one translation, Karasan sounds like “east, sunrise.”

Cliff - a love story

IN most beautiful place On the southern coast of Crimea - on Cape Plaka, a palace proudly rises, its style reminiscent of medieval castles. His main entrance decorates the coat of arms Princes Gagarins with an inscription in Latin translated into Russian as “In ancient times there is strength.” This palace was built Princess Gagarina in memory of her deceased husband, as a tribute to the sad and beautiful love of a young Georgian princess and a gray-haired Russian general...

The happiness was short-lived - she lived with her husband for about three years Alexander Gagarin beauty Tasso from the ancient Georgian family of Orbeliani. The former adjutant of Count Vorontsov was acting governor of Kutaisi when he was shot by the Svaneti prince. The young widow took the loss seriously and did not leave her room for several months. In order not to lose her sanity, at the end of the 1850s, Tasso went to the Crimean estate of her husband Kuchuk-Lambat, in which he dreamed of building beautiful palace for her on the seashore. Until my last days Anastasia Davidovna Gagarina lived in solitude, not appearing in the world. In 1902, at the age of 70, she began to fulfill Alexander's dream, starting the construction of a Gothic palace-castle, the design of which was prepared by the famous architect from Yalta Nikolai Krasnov. In 1907 the building was ready. This event was the final one in the life of the faithful princess - she died that same year. A century later, a sculpture of “memory of Love” was installed in front of the castle - a bronze image of Princess Gagarina, facing the dream castle in which she never had to experience happiness with her husband. Anastasia Gagarina buried in the estate courtyard, not far from the chapel Alexander Nevsky.

Secrets of the Karasan estate

No less dramatic is the fate of the neighboring castle of Princess Gagarina. Karasan estate. The estate, called for a long time “Pushkin’s house” in honor of the poet who once stayed within its walls, was named “Karasan” Nikolai Raevsky. “Pushkinskaya Alley”, which is 130 m long, reminds us of the “dear guest”.

The estate was founded in the first third of the 19th century by the Russian general M. Borozdin. In 1839, it became the inheritance of his daughter Anna, the wife of General Raevsky. In 1887, a stone palace was built on the estate. The building immediately became overgrown with legends and became a carrier of mystical energy. According to one legend, stones from old building, dismantled on Bear Mountain. Later it turned out that this building is the remains of an ancient Christian temple. The Raevsky family began to be haunted by troubles and misfortunes, which ended only after, by order of the general, a bas-relief depicting the Virgin Mary was built into the wall of the palace.

The palace in Karasan was built according to the design of the famous Crimean architect K. Eshliman and is an imitation of the ancient Isfahan palace (Iran, 17th century).

Utes and Karasan parks

The beauty of both palaces is harmoniously complemented by the surrounding parks. Cliff Park founded in the middle of the last century. More than 160 species of shrubs and trees are represented on its territory. The park is laid out according to all the rules of landscape art - its paths curve smoothly, emphasizing the natural beauty of the area. Next to the palace there is a flower calendar, from which an alley of cypresses and juniper trees begins. The pride of the park are oleanders, scarlet, Babylonian willow, Chinese wisteria, bamboo, 800-year-old boxwood and 1000-year-old yew.

The park in Karasan was founded in 1820 and its floristic richness is even more amazing: more than 220 species of shrubs and trees are represented here. N.A. took part in the foundation of the park. Gartvis, who was at that time the director of the Nikitsky Botanical Garden. Walking along the shady alleys, here you can meet Lebanese cedar, bamboo, fan palm, fir, Aleppo and Italian pines, Lusitanian and Arizona cypresses, Japanese aucuba, and ailanthus.

Architecture Features

Today in Palace of Princess Gagarina one of the buildings is located sanatorium "Utes". The building is well looked after - the façade still has golden tiles that were once brought from Italy, “Venetian” glass still sparkles in the windows, and tiles from Germany “lie” on the roof. The palace was built in the Art Nouveau style with Gothic elements: sharp roof shape, corner towers, “German” brickwork, imitation of fortress walls. Inside you can see gilded stucco on the walls main staircase and ceiling, oak panels decorated with carvings.

The Raevsky Palace combines elements of different architectural styles with a predominance of Moorish. The main facade is decorated with a protruding risalit with a portal and columns, “Moorish” windows with ornaments and stained glass windows. From the old interior, antique clocks, fireplaces, internal staircases, carved panels and stucco moldings on the walls and ceiling have survived to this day. Today the Raevsky Palace belongs to the sanatorium " Karasan».

How to get to the Cliff

If your holiday in Crimea takes place in Simferopol, then you are lucky - from here you can get to the famous parks and palaces easiest way. Here are the options:

  • by minibus from the railway station bus station to the Utes sanatorium;
  • from the Simferopol railway station by trolleybus to Alushta, then by taxi to the sanatoriums.

The southern coast of Crimea is unique not only for its climate, warm sea and abundance of fruits, but also for the number of places where you can take excursions.

Mount Demerdzhi. This is one of the most attractive and mysterious mountains of the Main Range, one of the natural wonders of Crimea. At the foot of the mountain there is a pile of huge stones. This is the result of powerful collapses. The first of these occurred in 1894, when a block of rock covered four houses, the last in 1966. Another half hour of walking and you are on the right bank of the ravine, in front of Valley of Ghosts. This is the name of this place on the southwestern slope, lined with numerous figures that resemble fortress towers and walls, fantastic monsters, pillars. A life-giving creation of nature as a sculptor! One of the pillars - the Giant - is especially noteworthy. This stone hulk with a diameter of 5 m, around which pillars and smaller columns are piled up, rose up 25 m. The path, as it climbs, will lead to Maria Rock, which, when viewed from the highway, resembles the silhouette of a woman. However, up close you will be disappointed: you will see not a woman’s bust, but the usual form of weathering up to 20 m high. Demerdzhi (from the Crimean Tatar demirdzhi - blacksmith) - according to local residents the most beautiful mountain in Crimea after Chatyr-Dag. How many hours does a day have, so many times its color changes. It’s as if a rainbow is shimmering across its slopes.
Demerdzhi is covered in legends. One of them is about a blacksmith who built a giant forge on its smoking peak. Here he forged weapons for the army of conquerors. The strongest men were taken to work in the forge, where they soon died. Death walked around the mountain and only one girl - Maria - decided to convince the blacksmith to put out his hellish forge, but fell at his hands.
The old gray mountain could not withstand such atrocity. It trembled from base to top, swallowing the blacksmith and his forge into its depths. Since then, Mount Funa received a new name Demerdzhi.

Jur-Jur waterfall. Dzhur-Dzhur waterfall is the most powerful and uniquely picturesque waterfall in Crimea. It does not dry out even in the driest years. In the gloomy gorge of Mount Demerdzhi near Alushta, the Ulu-Uzen River runs down a three-cascade rapid, falling from a hundred-meter height. From a limestone ledge 15 m high, water falls in a wide 5-meter vertical stream into a deep pit, and from there rushes into the river bed. The waterfall fully justifies its name (the Greeks called it Cremasto Nero - “hanging water”): it does not rumble, does not it makes noise, namely it murmurs, the streams of water do not fall rapidly, but seem to slide down, breaking at the foot of the ledge and forming a playing rainbow in the icy dust.
Walking about a kilometer from the Dzhur-Dzhur waterfall upstream of the river, you can see a whole series of picturesque cascade rapids. The most beautiful of them are the top ones - the penultimate and last ones, about 30 and 60 meters high. Not far away is the Dzhur-Dzhur cave, 750 m long. And around there is an old tall forest of beech, hornbeam, with an admixture of oak, linden, rowan, dogwood, and hazel. The gloom of the beech hollow harmonizes with the gloomy cliffs of the surrounding mountains. Of particular scientific value in the reserve are areas of the old 200-year-old sessile oak forest and Crimean pine groves.

Ayu-dag (Bear Mountain). The shape of Mount Ayu-Dag (Bear Mountain) is characteristic of all laccoliths - the so-called “failed volcanoes”. The dome-shaped peak was formed as a result of the cooling of magma in the thickness of the earth's crust. It was as if the volcano did not have enough energy to eject molten substances from the bowels of the earth and, exhausted, it froze on the surface stone mushroom. The height of Bear Mountain is small - 577 m above sea level, but its area is impressive - 5.4 sq. km.
Ayu-Dag is a state reserve. This mountain juts out into the sea, forming a cape that is clearly visible from almost all sides of the southern coast. This is an excellent reference point for sailors. Already to the inhabitants of the Middle Ages, this peak looked like a huge bear leaning towards the sea and as if drinking water from it. Many legends and stories are associated with this peak of the South Coast.
Distance hides a lot. From a distance it seems that the mountain is overgrown with bushes, but in fact the fur of the gigantic stone bear is a real dense and shady forest. It has ancient roads, trails, vast green meadows, and right next to it there are stone cliffs, screes, rocks, on which waves crash below.
Ayu-Dag is called one of the natural mineralogical museums of the South Coast. The stands on Red Square in Moscow are made from Crimean diabase. Recently, a previously unknown mineral in Crimea was found here - vesuvian. The total number of minerals discovered on Ayu-Dag has reached 18. The relict vegetation covering the slopes and top of the mountain is also interesting: evergreen strawberry trees, Pontian broom shrubs, and Crimean cistus live here. This is the only habitat in Crimea of ​​a special type of forest cabbage and the only habitat in Ukraine of a rare fern - the pteridose fern.

Nikitsky Botanical Garden. On June 10, 1811, with the active participation of the famous botanist and sericulture inspector of the south of Russia M. Biberstein, the “Decree on the establishment of the Imperial State Botanical Garden in Crimea” was signed in St. Petersburg. In the same year, 375 acres of land were purchased from the village of Nikita (now the village of Botanicheskoe) from the local landowner Smirnov. M. Biberstein offered the post of director of the garden to his assistant, 30-year-old scientist H.H. Steven. Already in September 1812, the first plantings were made. This was the beginning of the modern State Nikitsky Botanical Garden. Over 14 years of tireless activity, H.H. Steven, later nicknamed “Nestor of Russian botanists,” collected more than 450 species of exotic plants. Nowadays, the living collection of the garden includes 30 thousand species, hybrids and varieties of plants from almost all countries of the world. In the Lower Park of the garden Californian oak grows (not found anywhere else in our country), and in Primorsky there are the most heat-loving trees and shrubs: myrtle, feijoa, orchid tree, chamerops (dwarf palm). In the Nikitsky Garden there are Aleppo pine, Numidian (Algerian) fir, grass-leaf oak (California) and Arizona cypress, Virginian juniper and the only specimen of the “iron tree” in the Nikitsky Garden - Persian parottia. The tree reaches 6 m in height, has a crown of broadly oval leaves, which take on a pink-orange color in the fall. Winery "Massandra"- the head enterprise of the agro-production association "Massandra". The ancient factory building has unique Golitsyn cellars, where dry, dessert, strong and liqueur wines are kept in oak containers for aging. The Enoteca contains over 1 million bottles of collectible wines. Listed in the Guinness Book of Records. The plant has a winemaking museum and a tasting room (dry, strong, dessert, liqueur wines). At the factory you can purchase vintage and collection wines of Massandra. There is an exclusive excursion with a visit to the enoteca and tasting of collection wines.

Massandra Palace(Palace of Alexander III). In Upper Massandra, there is one of the best architectural monuments of the southern coast of Crimea, the palace of Emperor Alexander III. It was built on the slopes of a mountain range, in a secluded place surrounded by forest.
The history of the palace is interesting. Construction began in 1881 by order of the governor’s heir, Prince S.M. Vorontsov, but a year later the prince died. In 1889, the Massandra estate of the Vorontsovs, along with the unfinished palace, was bought for Emperor Alexander III. Three years later, the construction of the palace was completed, but Alexander III did not have to live in it: in 1894 he died in Maly Livadia. In Soviet times, for many years this beautiful architectural monument was a closed "object". IN royal palace, which became a state dacha, the leaders of the party and government of the former USSR stopped to rest. Currently, the palace is the object of excursions.

"Glade of Fairy Tales" museum of floristry and Zoo "Fairy Tale". Above Yalta, above the South Coast Highway in a forested gorge, there is the "Glade of Fairy Tales", a museum of sculpture and floristry. Hundreds of fairy tale heroes are made from different materials, and often nature itself has already created them from funny snags and growths.
Here is also the huge and ever-expanding Skazka Zoo, the largest private zoo in Ukraine, where you can feed and pet the animals, and also take pictures with Baba Yaga and other wild personalities.

Yalta Zoo "Fairy Tale" opened in 1995 and during this time it has been visited by more than 1 million people. This is the first private zoo on the territory of the former USSR. Today, “Skazka” is home to more than 120 species of animals brought from all continents globe. Many of the animals arrived here with injuries and were nursed by his workers. IN last years The zoo buys animals under international contracts concluded with the Association of European Zoos and Aquariums.
Here you can see pelicans, squirrels, monkeys, Ussuri tigers, rabbits, Himalayan bears, peacocks, ostriches and many other animals and birds. Each animal in this zoo has its own name written on a sign. You can take a photo with each of them. On the territory of "Fairy Tale" you can hear music and sounds of wildlife all the time. There are many souvenir shops, cafes and funny crooked mirrors. This zoo differs from others in that you can feed the animals and pet everyone except predators. At the entrance to Skazka there is a special table with food for animals, which you can buy and feed to your favorite animal. The most extreme animals drink beer and smoke cigarettes, such as monkeys.
At the Yalta Zoo you can visit "Grandma's Yard" - this is the area where domestic animals are located: dwarf pigs, ponies, sheep and goats.

Great Livadia Palace- the former summer residence of the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II - the main attraction of Yalta. The Livadia architectural and park complex is one of the outstanding monuments of architectural and park art. The palace was built according to the design of the remarkable Yalta architect, academician N.P. Krasnov (1865-1939) in the style of the Italian Renaissance. The Livadia Palace Ensemble, in addition to the Grand Palace, includes the retinue building, the palace of the Minister of the Court Baron Fredericks, built simultaneously with the palace, the palace church in the name of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, built in 1872, and the Italian courtyard.
By the way, the gates of the Italian courtyard, as N.P. Krasnov testifies, are “Italian work, taken from Verona in 1750,” and not made by Ural craftsmen, as stated in guidebooks of recent years and stories of tour guides. In 1925, a sanatorium for peasants was opened in the former royal palace; later, in 1931, it was transformed into a climatic treatment plant. On February 4-11, 1945, three months before the victory over Nazi Germany, the Crimean (Yalta) conference of the heads of government of the three states of the anti-Hitler coalition - the USSR, the USA and Great Britain was held in the Great (White) Hall of the palace, at which the "Declaration of liberated Europe", the decision to create the UN and other documents that were important for the fate of the world. During the conference, the palace was the residence of the President of the United States of America, F. Roosevelt.

The Tsar's Path, or the Sunny Path in Livadia - the beginning of the Royal Path, which can be easily identified by the sign, is located in the park near the Livadia Palace. About one and a half thousand meters, the Tsar's Path passes without any descents or ascents at a huge height (more than 130 meters). At the Krestovaya rock the trail reaches a height of one hundred and seventy meters. Throughout its entire length, the Sunny Path is hidden by the crowns of trees; even on fairly hot and sultry days, coolness reigns here in the oak forest. That is why the trail is called the “Path of Health” - it has absorbed the influence of almost everyone therapeutic factors climate of the local resort.
The trail was laid from Livadia to Oreanda in 1861; previously it went only to Lower Oreanda. Here, at the behest of Nicholas II, a road with a total length of 6580 meters was built in the 1900s. It was called the "horizontal path" due to the fact that most of its route passed at the same height.

Swallow's Nest, castle(Cape Ai-Todor). Perhaps the most famous landmark of the South Coast, along with the Vorontsov Palace. It dominates the entire coast between Miskhor and Livadia. The castle was built on the Aurora rock of Cape Ai-Todor in 1912 according to the design of the architect A.V. Sherwood for Baron V. Steingel, a Baku oil industrialist. With the outbreak of World War I, he left for Germany and sold the castle to the merchant Shelaputin, who opened a restaurant here. In 1927, during an earthquake, part of the rock collapsed, but the building survived, although for many years it was considered unsafe and was closed. Restored in 1971. Now it houses the expensive Italian restaurant “Verona”. Entrance to the site near the castle is paid. You can get to it by regular ships or by minibus from Yalta. The rocky island of Parus, pushed out into the sea, is picturesque. And above it on the rock there is a sculpture of an eagle. At the foot Swallow's nest traces of Stone Age people were found by scuba divers in flooded caves.

Miskhorsky sanatorium and park complex. Late 18th century; up to one hundred species and forms of plants, 23 hectares; p.g.t. Koreiz. Miskhorsky Park is a monument of landscape gardening art, founded earlier than other Crimean parks - at the end of the 18th century. Here, on an area of ​​23 hectares, about 100 species and garden forms of exotic trees and shrubs are concentrated. IN landscape park groups of trees alternate with clearings. Along with local forest species (downy oak, Crimean pine, blunt-leaved pistachio) are Arizona and Guadalupian cypresses, Aleppo and Coulter pines, palm trees, bamboo, and oleander. There is a color and musical fountain in the park. No one will pass by two sculptural groups - bronze "Mermaid" and built on the embankment fountain "The Girl Arza and the Robber Ali Baba", made based on Crimean Tatar legends. They reflect one of many moments of the abduction of girls by Turkish pirates and their sale into the harems of Istanbul pashas and beys.

Cable car to Ai-Petri. From Miskhor you can take a cable car to the Ai-Petri plateau. This is the longest cable car in Europe. Travel gives you the opportunity to see majestic mountains, the wild beauty of the gorges, the mysterious darkness of the caves, the unique panorama of the South Coast. There is a weather station on Ai-Petri, founded in 1895. Here you can touch the Ai-Petri meridian, marked with a geodetic sign - a metal globe on a granite base. The viewing platforms offer a wonderful panorama of the South Coast. In the southwest, the famous Ai-Petri battlements rose, reminiscent of the teeth of a huge dragon. Using the Miskhor-Ai-Petri cable car you can make a wonderful journey by air. Twenty minutes and you are at an altitude of 1200 m!

Alupka palace and park complex ( Vorontsov Palace) . The town of Alupka is located 17 km west of Yalta. In the 20s of the XIX century. Here the estate of Count M.S. arose. Vorontsova. He was brought up in England until the age of 19, and then made a career and a huge fortune. The austere English architecture in the western and northern parts of the palace is inconceivably mixed with the Muslim splendor of the southern and eastern façade. The palace was designed by the English court architect Edward Blore. The palace has about 150 rooms, the front part of which is distinguished by expensive decoration, unique furniture and paintings. And in winter garden A collection of antique statues flaunts against the backdrop of luxurious greenery.
The park was laid out by the German gardener Karl Kebach, mixing Italian and French techniques. Exotic plant species were delivered from all over the world, along with valuable local species, about 200 species. The fountains, cascades, and ponds are wonderful, one of which is called Swan Lake. Chaos of blocks of diabase, the igneous rock from which the palace was built, have also been preserved.
Entrance to the park is free, but through a special paid entrance to the South Terrace you can get to the famous Vorontsov lions. They are made of white marble by the Italian sculptor Bonnani.

Mountain-Cat and Simeiz rocks. A complex natural monument (1947) in Simeiz, elevated to the rank of state significance (1984). The bizarre shape of the mountain justifies its name: looking closely, you really guess the “head” that has fallen to the shore, higher up the slope - the curved 260-meter “back”, and then the “tail” of a giant cat. Scattered nearby are other limestone rocks with original shapes: one that stepped into the sea rock Diva, the wreckage of the storm-destroyed Monk, Panea, Swan Wing. Some of them are associated with mythical stories and legends. On the slopes of Koshka - a real museum relief forms: stone chaos alternates with grandiose peaks and towers, abundant karst potholes. An 80-meter karst mine goes deep into the massif. And on top of this geological foundation, like an emerald blanket, spread relict woodlands. In this natural botanical museum, tall juniper and strawberry tree, Crimean pine, Pontian broom, cistus, and pistachio, listed in the Red Book, grow in this natural botanical museum. Mount Koshka is the only habitat of fumana thyme in the CIS. 16 species of local plants are listed in the Red Books.

Blue Bay tract, water park. At the western foot of Mount Koshka lies the beautiful Limenskaya Valley, ending in the bay of the same name, called Blue because of its color. the clearest sea. Three peaks rise above the valley: Pilyaki, Camel and Khyr. At their junction, one of the few sites of an ancient Neolithic man in Crimea was discovered. Archaeological excavations have revealed many scrapers, knives, and arrowheads made from translucent white and gray-violet flint.

Aquapark famous for using sea ​​water. The water park itself is quite large and has a variety of water attractions.

Foros Church. It is located above the village of Foros on the border of the lands of Sevastopol and Greater Yalta. Visible from everywhere - from below from the sea and from above from Yaila, on the lonely Red Rock (sheer cliffs reach 400 m) stands the graceful Church of the Resurrection of Christ. In 1892, the architect academician N.M. Chagin, commissioned by tea magnate A. Kuznetsov, erected it in memory of the rescue of Emperor Alexander III and his family during a train crash in 1888. The image of the church on the rock became a trademark on tins of the best tea in the empire.
Above the church, the old south-bank highway goes to Sevastopol through the Baydar Gate. It opens from them best view to the church, as if floating above the South Bank. And the new highway, very convenient and picturesque, goes at the foot of the cliff with the church. One way or another, the church has become one of the symbols of the South Coast. She is even depicted in the film “Jackie Chan's First Strike.”

Yalta embankment

Theater of sea animals "Aquatoria" is a unique project that united people and animals on one stage. A project that allowed not only humans but also animals to show their individual acting qualities. Until now, it was believed that an animal is a kind of creature that can carry out commands. But how to explain the look, the acting, the reaction to the audience, the excitement before going on stage? Undoubtedly, these dolphins, sea cats and lions, white whales and walruses are not just inhabitants of the seas and oceans - they are real artists who are rightfully called STARS!

Yalta embankment- this is the central oldest, but extremely beautiful street of the city, official name- Lenin Embankment. Lenin Embankment is the central walking street of Yalta, one of oldest streets cities. The promenade is lined with palm trees and filled with a continuous line of attractions, bars, cafes and restaurants. The architecture combines a variety of styles and is clad in polychrome red granite and light gray porphyrite.

Cathedral of St. Alexander Nevsky- - the main Orthodox Cathedral of Yalta, one of the city’s attractions . The cathedral was built at the end of the 19th century in honor of the Russian Emperor Alexander II, who died at the hands of the People's Will. The interior was designed by the architect S.P. Kroshechkin, the iconostasis, dome and walls were painted by the Kiev artist I. Murashko. The mosaic with the image of the holy prince on the outside of the temple was made by the students of the Venetian A. Salviati. The domes of the temple were covered with gold. Next to the cathedral, a church house was built in the style of an ancient Russian tower according to the design of the architect M. I. Kotenkov. In 1908, the construction of a three-story house was completed, which housed a parish school in honor of Tsarevich Alexei, a shelter for tuberculosis patients, and a meeting hall for the Alexander Nevsky Brotherhood.

Yalta lighthouse- rises on the edge of a concrete pier near the passenger port of Yalta, which partially blocks the entrance to Yalta Bay. The main purpose of the lighthouse is to ensure safe navigation of ships along the southern coast of Crimea and when ships enter Passenger Port Yalta. And the purpose of the pier is to make it safe for ships to dock in the port. Indeed, in winter, serious storms of up to 8-9 points sometimes occur on the local coast. And the long pier reliably protects the berthing of ships in the port.

Magarch tract, wine-making center. Magarach is a suburb of Yalta, whose name was included in the name of the Institute of Viticulture and Winemaking "Magarach". The institute itself is located in the center of Yalta, in two large respectable buildings of the former Yalta Men's Gymnasium (where, by the way, the famous poet Samuil Marshak studied). And the pilot plant, museum and tasting complex are located in the Magarach tract, which means “source”, adjacent from the west to the Nikitsky Botanical Garden, with which it is connected by a common history.
A school of gardening and viticulture for orphans was created here back in 1828. A small museum houses ancient winemaking equipment. The wines that Magarach produces are very expensive and rare - the result of experimental work in very small vineyards. "Magarach" has the second richest collection of grapevine varieties in Europe and the fourth largest in the world. This collection began with Christian Steven in the Nikitsky Garden. Now the Piedmont experimental farm “Magarach” is located in the Bakhchisarai region near the village of Vilino, where the river. Alma flows into the Black Sea.

Park "Aivazovskoe", in the village of Partenit- the basis for the figurative structure of the park, or more precisely, the landscape garden, are taken from myths, legends and historical facts associated with this corner of the southern coast of Crimea. Cozy Parthenite Valley, as shown archaeological excavations, has been inhabited by man since time immemorial. Ethnic groups and cultures, replacing each other, left behind both material monuments and myths and legends, giving this place of the South Coast mystery and uniqueness. Ancient Greek culture, Taurus dolmens, medieval Genoese fortifications at Cape Tepeler, Tatar settlements, Russia's active efforts to transform the region and, finally, visits by great people (Pushkin, Mitskevich, Aivazovsky) - all this is reflected in the artistic image of the park.

Alupka Palace


Jur-Jur waterfall

Mount Jemerdzhi

Mount Cat

Livadia Palace

Massandra Palace

Nikitsky Botanical Garden

Aivazovskoye Park

clearing of fairy tales

Foros Church

Yalta embankment

Having traveled only 15 km. from Alushta towards Yalta, you can get to the village of Partenit, where the popular sanatorium “Karasansky” is immersed in the greenery of the park. The administrative building of the sanatorium is located in the building former palace Prince Raevsky is an architectural monument of the 19th century, and is surrounded by a magnificent ancient park, in the shade of which there is a good relaxing rest in the midday heat. The sanatorium buildings are located in a park on the seashore. Thanks to the presence of coniferous trees, the content of oxygen and phytoncides in the air is increased. The predominance of warm, stable weather and moderate humidity create conditions for the treatment of respiratory diseases. Exotic plants planted in entire groves give the park the harmony of the natural landscape.

The sanatorium consists of five buildings, including rooms of various categories, ranging from 50 to 150 meters from the sea. Meals 3 times a day (ordered), as prescribed by a doctor - possibly dietary.

Sanatorium with a beach and a beautiful park

This is an ideal place for parents and children to relax. Spacious and very comfortable rooms, the presence of a bathhouse complex, a cinema, billiards and other entertainment places will not let you get bored. At the guests' service: a physiotherapy room, a therapeutic massage room, a "Salt Cave", an aromatherapy room, oxygen foam.

The infrastructure of the sanatorium includes: a bath complex, restaurants, bars on the embankment 200 meters from the buildings, a sauna, a library, sports grounds - volleyball, football, billiards, a cinema, a dance floor, souvenir shops. There is a market next to the sanatorium in the village of Utes. The sanatorium has its own small-pebble beach, shady canopies, changing rooms, sun loungers.

Sanatorium with treatment of respiratory and cardiac organs

The sanatorium offers treatment: diseases of the upper respiratory tract (rhinitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis, laryngitis), respiratory diseases COPD (chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma), diseases of the cardiovascular system in the compensation stage (hypertension, cardiosclerosis, angina pectoris, peripheral vascular disease).

Sanatorium Karasansky official prices 2019

To book

The price is per ROOM per night

room category25.05-31.05 01.06-15.06 16.06- 30.06 01.07-15.07 16.07-25.08 26.08-15.09 16.09-30.09

Double 1-room Standard Small, building 1

2980 3570 4250 5530 5530 4680 3910

Double 1-room Standard, building 1

3400 4000 5100 6380 6380 5530 4590

3-bed 1-room Standard, building 1

4770 5610 7650 9360 9360 7890 6900

3-bed 1-room Economy, building 2


Double 1-room Economy, building 2


3-bed 2-room Economy, building 2


Double 1-room Economy Small, building 3


Double 1-room Economy, building 3


3-bed 2-room Economy, building 3


3-bed 1-room Standard, building 4

4770 5610 7650 9360 9360 7890 6900

4-bed 3-room apartment "Borozdin", building 4

5960 7000 8940 11160 11160 9680 8040

Quadruple 4-room apartment "Pushkin", building 4

6380 7420 9360 11600 11600 10100 8460

The price includes: The price of the tariff WITHOUT TREATMENT includes: accommodation, 3 meals a day on the “All inclusive” system in the “Raevsky” cafe, including alcoholic drinks for lunch and dinner (red and white wine, champagne and draft beer), for children, milk porridges, broths, milk, yogurt, breakfast cereals (the hotel administration reserves the right to switch to full meals when the hotel occupancy is less than thirty people); additionally at the Croissant bar from 11:00 to 23:00 light snacks (listed in the All Inclusive menu, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks (for children in the bar, cotton candy, popcorn, ice cream); daily animation programs: morning exercises, water aerobics, sports games , competitions and evening show programs; children's playground, inflatable trampoline, children's club "Solntsegrad" with a children's room, Wi-Fi in public areas, billiards, table tennis, volleyball court, equipped sports town (parallel bars and horizontal bars), ironing board and iron, cooler, parking, use of a health path.

Utes-Karasansky complex, combining the Utes park and Karasansky park. As well as two palaces and sanatoriums of the same name.

Utes-Karasansky Park is one of the main attractions of Crimea: a natural monument and a magnificent example of landscape gardening art of the end of the century before last. Today “Utes” and “Karasan” are united with each other into one natural landscape complex. The total area of ​​the Utes-Karasan Park is twenty-three hectares.

The emergence of the Utes park

In the 19th century, the entire area around Cape Plaka on the Crimean Peninsula was called Kuchuk-Lambat. It was there, in 1814, that Governor-General Borozdin built an estate with the same name. And a magnificent landscape park with a total area of ​​about five hectares was laid out around the estate. During your holiday in Crimea, especially in the area of ​​the village of Utes, be sure to devote time to this attraction.

And at the beginning of the 20th century, Princess Gagarina erected a three-story palace and a house church on Cape Plaka. This palace complex is one of the most significant architectural beauties of Crimea. The princess's estate is surrounded by the ancient natural landscape park "Cliff", located on the top of the cape and on its northern side.

The beautiful alley of cypress trees, which originates from the western facade of the Gagarin Palace, is unique in that it consists of several types of these trees - classic horizontal, Lusitanian, large-fruited and even Arizona cypresses. Near the picturesque alley there is a massive stone staircase leading to the lower part of the park area.

Park "Utes" is one of the main floristic reserves of the Crimean peninsula. More than two hundred species of different plants grow there, including rare ones.

Among the evergreen exotics in the park you can find buxus, bay laurel, photinia, cherry laurel, etc. “Ordinary” Crimean shrubs and trees are evenly distributed throughout the entire area of ​​the natural landscape complex. Of the single-growing trees, the Aleppo pine is of particular interest - it grows above the steep western slope, picturesquely leaning towards the sea.

All paths in Utes Park are planned taking into account the local terrain.

Karasan Palace - one of the decorations of Karasan Park

Where is Karasan Park located?

Karasansky Park is located west of Utes. This landscape park is spread out around the estate of General Raevsky, where the Karasan Palace is located, built in 1887. The Karasan garden and park complex was laid out by N. Raevsky in the first half of the 19th century, inviting professional gardener E. Lieb for this purpose.

As we know from history, Raevsky was “obsessed” with gardening and growing flowers. To equip his park, he grew seedlings in his own nursery in Partenit, and also bought them from the Nikitin Botanical Garden and even specially ordered them from other countries of the world.

The modern Karasan Park covers an area of ​​eighteen hectares. The floristic “collection” of the natural complex consists of more than two hundred species of shrubs and trees.

In addition to “simple” plants, representatives of exotic flora grow in large numbers. These are swamp cedar, Lindley and Gavin cypresses, Himalayan pine, oleander, feijoa, Coulter pine, Japanese medlar, large-flowered abelia, winterflower, Japanese aucuba, etc. Crimean native plants grow on the periphery of the park, as if framing and protecting it. An external garden road borders the park area.

Karasan Park is decorated with several ancient elegant fountains. These are a fountain with an arch, a fountain with an inscription in Arabic, a marble antique fountain, an oriental fountain decorated with a cypress relief, and a fountain called “Three Heads”.

Crimean relict pines in Karasan Park

The comfortable sanatorium "Atelika Karasan" is located just 15 kilometers southwest of the city of Alushta (Utes village). The highlight this place is its exoticism. The sanatorium is surrounded by an amazing park - a real botanical garden with a grove of Italian pines. Thanks to its climate, the sanatorium will provide you with treatment for the cardiovascular and nervous systems, as well as treatment for chronically nonspecific lung diseases.

The infrastructure includes bars and restaurants (200 meters from the buildings), a sauna, a cinema, a library, sports grounds, etc. You can get to Atelika Karasan either from Simferopol from the railway station or from Alushta by minibus, or take a taxi.

Location of the sanatorium "Atelika Karasan"

Sanatorium "Atelika Karasan" is located 15 km from Alushta. Not far from one of the most hospitable cities on the southern coast of Crimea - Partenite, which you can visit at a time convenient for you. "Karasan" is located in a park area. The administrative building is located in the building of the former palace of Prince Raevsky.

The distance to the sea from the buildings is no more than 300 meters.

Accommodation in the sanatorium "Atelika Karasan"

The room capacity of the Atelika Karasan sanatorium includes five buildings, which have 116 rooms of various categories.

Building No. 1 (4 floors, 77 rooms, 150 m to the beach):

  • Double 1-room "Standard" small(total area 11 sq.m.), 32 rooms
    In the rooms: , French balcony.
  • Double, 1-room "Standard"(total area 14 sq.m.), 32 rooms
    In the rooms: double bed, bathroom (shower, washbasin, toilet), refrigerator, TV, air conditioning, French balcony.
  • 3-bed 1-room rooms "Standard""(total area 18-24 sq.m.), 13 rooms
    In the rooms:, balcony.

Extra bed - Euro folding bed

Building No. 2 (1st floor, 11 rooms (each has a separate entrance), 200 m to the beach):

  • Double 1-room Economy" (total area 13 sq.m.), 9 rooms
    In the rooms: two single beds, bathroom (shower, washbasin, toilet), refrigerator, TV, air conditioning

Maximum occupancy - 3 people per room
Extra bed - Euro folding bed

  • (total area 23 sq.m.), 1 room
    In the rooms:

Maximum occupancy - 4 people per room
Extra bed - Euro folding bed

  • Triple 2-room Economy rooms(total area 34 sq.m.), 1 room
    In the rooms: double and single bed, bathroom (shower, washbasin, toilet), refrigerator, TV, air conditioning

Maximum occupancy - 4 people per room
Extra bed - Euro folding bed

Building No. 3 (1st floor, 13 rooms, 250 m to the beach):

  • Double single room "Economy" small(total area 11 sq.m.), 3 rooms
    In the rooms: two single beds, bathroom (shower, washbasin, toilet), refrigerator, TV, air conditioning

Maximum occupancy - 2 people per room
No extra space available

  • Double, 1-room Economy rooms(total area 14 sq.m.), 3 rooms
    In the rooms: two single beds, bathroom (shower, washbasin, toilet), refrigerator, TV, air conditioning

Maximum occupancy - 3 people per room
Extra bed - Euro folding bed

  • 3-bed 1-room Economy rooms(total area 17-23 sq.m.), 6 rooms
    In the rooms: three single beds, bathroom (shower, washbasin, toilet), refrigerator, TV, air conditioning

Maximum occupancy - 4 people per room
Extra bed - Euro folding bed (NOT IN ALL ROOMS!)

  • (total area 41 sq.m.), 1 room
    In the rooms: double and single bed, bathroom (shower, washbasin, toilet), refrigerator, TV, air conditioning

Maximum occupancy - 4 people per room
Extra bed - Euro folding bed

Building No. 4 (1 floor, 3 rooms, 250 m to the beach):

  • 3-bed 1-room "Standard"
    In the rooms: double and single beds, bathroom (bath, washbasin, toilet), refrigerator, TV, air conditioning

Maximum occupancy - 4 people per room
Extra bed - chair-bed

  • 4-bed 3-room apartment "Borozdin"(total area 73 sq.m.), 1 room
    In the room: bedroom, guest room (walk-through), living room with kitchen, bathroom.
    In the bedroom: double bed, TV, air conditioning, in the guest room: sofa, rattan furniture (hallway, table, chairs), air conditioning; in the living room: upholstered furniture (sofa and armchair), TV, dining table for 4 persons, microwave oven, refrigerator, coffee machine, tea station, set of dishes. In bathroom: shower, bath, bidet, toilet.
  • 4-bed 4-room apartment "Pushkin"(total area 92 sq.m.), 1 room
    In the room: two separate bedrooms, living room, kitchen, two bathrooms.
    In the first bedroom (with bathroom): double bed, armchair, TV, air conditioning, shower, toilet; in the second bedroom: two separate beds, air conditioning; in the living room: upholstered furniture, TV, air conditioning; in the kitchen: dining table, hob, microwave oven, refrigerator, coffee machine, tea station, set of dishes; In bathroom: jacuzzi, bidet, toilet.

Maximum occupancy - 8 people per room

Building No. 5 (3 floors, 12 rooms, 850 m to the beach):

  • 2-bed 1-room "Standard" small(total area 10 sq.m.), 1 room
    In the rooms:

Maximum occupancy - 2 people per room
No extra space available

  • Double 1-room Standard(total area 18 sq.m.), 1 room
    In the rooms: two separate beds, bathroom (shower, washbasin, toilet), refrigerator, TV, air conditioning

Maximum occupancy - 3 people per room
Extra bed - Euro folding bed

  • Double, 1-room "Studio"(total area 26 sq.m.), 4 rooms
    In the rooms: two separate beds, bathroom (shower, washbasin, toilet), refrigerator, TV
  • 3-bed 2-room "Family"(total area 38 sq.m.), 6 rooms
    In the rooms: in one room there is a double bed, in the other room there is a single bed and a folding sofa; bathroom (shower, washbasin, toilet), refrigerator, TV.

Maximum occupancy - 5 people per room
Extra bed - folding sofa

Meals at the sanatorium "Atelika Karasan"

3 meals a day according to the “ Buffet» in the cafe "Raevsky". The cafe offers a wide selection of dishes for every taste - a variety of salads, hot and cold appetizers, first and second courses, delicious pastries and seasonal fruits, a wide range of drinks - juices, water, tea and coffee, as well as alcoholic drinks for lunch and dinner: red and white wine, champagne and draft beer.
For the youngest guests - milk porridges, broths, milk, yoghurts and favorite children's dishes.

The Croissant Bar offers light snacks and pies with a variety of fillings. Guests will enjoy a range of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. Complimentary items listed in the All Inclusive menu include red and white wine, beer and soft drinks.
For younger guests, the bar offers cotton candy, popcorn, and ice cream.
The resort's bar also offers a selection of drinks for an additional fee.

Treatment at the Atelika Karasan sanatorium.

Indications for treatment in resort hotel"Atelika Karasan" (former sanatorium Karasansky):

  • Diseases of the upper respiratory tract (renitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis, laryngitis).
  • Respiratory diseases COPD (chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma)
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system in the compensation stage (hypertension, cardiosclerosis, angina pectoris, peripheral vascular disease)
  • Functional diseases of the nervous system


  • All diseases in the acute stage, chronic diseases in the acute stage and complications with acute purulent processes;
  • Acute infectious diseases;
  • Mental illnesses. All forms of drug addiction, chronic alcoholism, epilepsy;
  • Malignant neoplasms;
  • All diseases and conditions requiring hospital treatment;
  • Bleeding that recurs frequently;
  • Pregnancy;
  • All forms of tuberculosis in the active stage

Treatment base:

  • physiotherapy room,
  • therapeutic massage room,
  • salt cave,
  • aromatherapy room.
  • massage room,
  • laser treatment,
  • phytotherapy,
  • 3 treatment routes - Vigor (500 m), Tempo (750 m), Endurance (1500 m)

Main methods of treatment:

  • climatotherapy,
  • aerotherapy,
  • heliotherapy,
  • balneo-physiotherapeutic treatment,
  • thalassotherapy,
  • electrophysiotherapy (amplipulse therapy, ultrasound, diadynamic therapy, microwave therapy, phototherapy, UHF therapy, ultrasound inhalation

Infrastructure of the sanatorium "Atelika Karasan".

The park of the Atelika Karasan sanatorium is one of the 10 best parks on the Crimean peninsula. Quiet alleys, majestic trees, beautiful fountain, historical architecture- this is what awaits you in this sanatorium.

  • Cafe "Raevsky"
  • bar "Croissant"
  • billiards
  • karaoke
  • area of ​​game consoles and animation programs
  • cinema hall
  • library.
  • sports ground (parallel bars, horizontal bars)
  • table tennis
  • volleyball court
  • rental of sports equipment.
  • free closed guarded parking on the resort premises
  • cinema hall for 220 seats with a podium and screen in the Restaurant and Entertainment Complex
  • banquet hall "Gagarinsky" for 40 people in the Raevsky estate
  • minimarket
  • safe deposit boxes at the reception
  • tour agency

Children's club "Solntsegrad" with a children's room, playground, trampoline, animation programs(morning exercises, water aerobics, sports games, competitions and evening show programs).

Rules for checking into the sanatorium "Atelika Karasan":

Check out time:

  • Check-in: at 12:00
  • Check-out: until 10:00

You must have with you: passport (birth certificate for children), travel voucher, insurance policy.

Check-in with animals: prohibited.


Alushta, Utes village, Vasilchenko street 10, sanatorium "Atelika Karasan".