Map of Khakassia from satellite online. Map of the Republic of Khakassia

On the page interactive map Abakan from satellite. More details on +weather. Below are satellite images and real-time Google Maps search, photos of the city and republic of Khakassia in Russia, coordinates

Satellite map of Abakan - Russia

We observe on the satellite map of Abakan how exactly the buildings are located on Pushkin and Mira streets. Viewing a map of the area, routes and highways, squares and banks, stations and terminals, searching for an address.

The online map of the city of Abakan presented here from a satellite contains images of buildings and photos of houses from space. You can find out where the streets are. Askizskaya and Zhukova. Using the Google Maps search service, you will find the desired address in the city and its view from space. We recommend changing the scale of the diagram +/- and moving the center of the image in the desired direction.

Squares and shops, roads and borders, buildings and houses, views of Shchetinkin and Krylov streets. The page contains detailed information and photos of all local objects in order to show in real time the required house on the map of the city and the Republic of Khakassia in Russia.

A detailed satellite map of Abakan (hybrid) and the region is provided by the Google Maps service.

Coordinates - 53.71610,91.426

Below you will find map of the Republic of Khakassia with cities also in JPG format.

Below you can see what it looks like Republic of Khakassia on the map of Russia, the map is in JPG format so you can print it out and hang it on your wall.

The capital of the Republic of Khakassia is .

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Khakassia is famous for its unique archaeological monuments. Here you can swim in lakes, for example Shira, Belyo, which have balneological properties. In general, the region has more than 500 lakes, of which approximately 100 are salty. The Abakan River is intended for rafting. What is surprising is that the compact area combines dry steppe, wet forest-steppe, taiga mountains and mountains covered with snow. Extreme divers should definitely visit the Tuimsky failure - deep depression. Khakassia also hosts the Russian Cup among paragliders.

Khakassia is part of the Russian Federation, the capital is the city of Abakan. Opening map of the Republic of Khakassia, you will see its borders and interior territorial division. Khakassia's neighbors are the Kemerovo region, Tyva, Altai, and Krasnoyarsk region. Khakassia is divided into 100 municipalities.

Individual cities of the republic specialize in different areas of industry. The Abakan hub is represented by mechanical engineering, Chernogorsk is the center of the Minusinsk coal basin, Sayanogorsk is the location of one of the largest aluminum plants in Russia.

WITH map of the Republic of Khakassia you will see the location of the main industrial facilities in the region. The economy is heavily dependent on hydroelectric power, aluminum production, and coal mining. Mineral resources in Khakassia include iron, molybdenum, facing marbles, and granites. New deposits of copper, phosphorites, polymetals, and jade have been explored.

Agriculture of the republic is sufficiently high level development. The basis of the industry is livestock farming, for the successful development of which there are extensive pastures and hayfields in the region. Horse breeding plays an important role. Wheat, oats, barley, millet, and industrial crops such as sunflower and sugar beets are grown.

The population of the republic is almost 535 thousand people. The population density is not too high - less than 8.7%. Urban residents – almost 68%. National composition The inhabitants of Khakassia are represented by Russians, Khakassians, Germans, Tatars, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Azerbaijanis and other nationalities. There are various universities, other educational, scientific, cultural institutions, and sports infrastructure facilities in the republic. The most developed sports are: freestyle wrestling, athletics, volleyball, table tennis, basketball.

The republic has two official languages: Russian and Khakass. Part of the population speaks German and Ukrainian.

Geographical location of Khakassia on the map of Russia

Khakassia has common borders with Tuva, the Altai Republic, Krasnoyarsk Territory And Kemerovo region. On the online map of Khakassia with borders you can see a large number of lakes. More than 500 of them have a surface area exceeding 10 hectares. Almost 100 reservoirs have salt water. The main rivers of Khakassia:

  • Yenisei;
  • Tom;
  • Abakan;
  • Chulym.

The mountain rivers of the republic have a strong current. There are many rapids and waterfalls there. There are 2 nature reserves on the territory of the republic. You can find their location on the satellite map of Khakassia. The largest of them is “Khakassky”. It is home to more than 50 species of animals and 300 species of birds. The area of ​​the reserve is 276 thousand hectares.


The area occupied by the republic is only 0.3% of the country's territory. Despite this, it is divided into three natural areas: steppe, forest-steppe and taiga. The climate of Khakassia is sharply continental. Winter in the republic is long and cold, summer is hot, with big amount sunny days.


People of more than 100 nationalities live in the republic. Most of them are Russians. They account for almost 80.3%. There are about 12% of Khakass in the republic. Most of the population are city dwellers. The number of residents in urban settlements is about 65.8%.


The region is rich in metal ore deposits. On the border of the republic there is the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station. Khakassia is home to non-ferrous metal production, mines, and a well-developed food industry.


Net highways of the republic has a length of 2589.8 km. The main highway of Khakassia M54. There is a civil airport in Abakan. Railway Republic belongs to Yuzhsib.

Cities and regions of Khakassia on the map

The map of Khakassia with regions is divided into 8 territorial entities. They include 83 village councils, 1 village council and 4 urban-type settlements. There are 5 cities of republican significance in Khakassia with the population:

  • Abakan - 181.7 thousand people;
  • Abaza - 15.6 thousand people;
  • Sayanogorsk - 48 thousand people;
  • Sorsk - 11.5 thousand people;
  • Chernogorsk - 74.7 thousand people.

Population density in the republic: 8.73 people per 1 sq. km.

Map of Khakassia from satellite. Explore the satellite map of Khakassia online in real time. A detailed map of Khakassia was created based on satellite images high resolution. As close as possible, the satellite map of Khakassia allows you to study in detail the streets, individual houses and attractions of Khakassia. The map of Khakassia from a satellite can easily be switched to regular map mode (diagram).

The Republic of Khakassia– a region in Russia located in Eastern Siberia on the left bank of the Yenisei River. Administrative center republic - city.

The climate in Khakassia is sharply continental. average temperature cold, little snow winter - -15...-20 C. The summer months are hot, with July temperatures - +17...+19 C. In mountainous areas the climate is even harsher.

Luxurious nature and landscapes are the treasure and pearl of Khakassia. Once in this part of Russia, you should definitely see it famous lakes, caves and mountain ranges. Ivanovo lakes are one of the most scenic spots in Khakassia. They represent a whole complex of small lakes and waterfalls, which creates a unique natural ensemble. Ivanovo Lakes are located in the glacier zone, so there is almost always snow there, and the area itself has long been loved by skiers.

Caves, of which there are about 160 in Khakassia, are another reason for pride. The most famous caves of the republic are “Pandora’s Box”, 13 km long, and “Kashkulakskaya”, which is often popularly called the cave of the black devil.

Among the historical and archaeological attractions, noteworthy is the Paleolithic site in the Shirik region, where you can still see traces of ancient people who lived here many millennia ago; as well as the Chebaki fortress.

The mountainous regions of Khakassia are an excellent resource for the development of skiing and active tourism. Main ski resort Khakassia- Smooth. It is considered a top-class resort, where major competitions are held annually skiing with the assignment of international certificates.

Tourists also like to relax on lakes, of which there are a huge number in the republic, go to hiking to the mountains or caves. And lovers of boiling adrenaline in the blood prefer rafting on stormy mountain rivers.