From dar es salaam to zinzibar island: a personal experience. Direct flight to Zanzibar

Zanzibar is an island, autonomy within Tanzania, with its administrative center, the president and independence in resolving island issues.

Where is

Zanzibar is coral island, once part of Africa, is one of the seventy-five islands that make up the archipelago. It is located forty kilometers from the mainland of Tanzania, in the Indian Ocean.

Zanzibar Map

A bit of history

According to historians, merchants (Arabs, Persians, Indians) visited the islands as early as the first millennium. The first stone buildings discovered during excavations date back to the tenth century.

More modern history begins with Portuguese colonization in 1505. Almost two centuries later, the territory came under the control of the Sultan of Oman. At this time, the slave trade flourished here, which ended under pressure from Great Britain only in 1876.

In April 1964, the unification of Zanzibar and Tanganyika created the state of Tanzania, in which Zanzibar became autonomous region... In 2005, the autonomy was assigned its own flag, parliament and president.

Did you know? The world's shortest war between the Sultanate of Zanzibar and the British Empirelasted 38 minutes... It began on August 27, 1896, ended with the complete defeat of the Sultan's troops, the loss of the only ship "Glasgow", proudly called the fleet, and more than half a thousand soldiers. One British officer was slightly wounded.

How to get there

Route options:

  • the fastest flight from Moscow to Zanzibar is offered by Qatar Airways, connecting flight through Doha. Round-trip tickets cost about $ 850, and the journey will take 14.5 hours;
  • from St. Petersburg - a flight with two transfers: in Moscow, and then in Doha. Cost - from $ 790. The road will take 18.5 hours;
  • you can fly from Minsk by carrier's flights Turkish Airlines with a change in Istanbul. This is the fastest flight and will take about 12 hours. Tickets - $ 1240;
  • from Kiev the cheapest flight (and not too long, about 16 hours) is Flydubai... Transfer - in Dubai, and the ticket price - from $ 640;
  • from Almaty to Zanzibar you can get all the same Flydubai with a Dubai transfer. Travel time is just over 15 hours. For tickets, you need to pay about $ 740.

From Tanzania airport, the island can be reached by air taxi. If you have doubts about your own safety at the sight of flying minibuses, you can use the ferry services.

Important! Before you travel, keep in mind one fact: medical care is expensive on the island. Take a few dollars to buy insurance.

Weather and climate

In the winter months on the island from +35 to +40 degrees, the water near the coast is warmed up to + 26 ... + 28 degrees. Winter - the best time for diving and snorkeling, the water is clean, clear and calm. It can still rain for about nine days in December, so the best months count January and February. The maximum number of rainy days in January is only six, but many tourists, tired of the heat, are happy with short precipitation. In February, there can be no more than two rainy days.

The storm season begins in March, with the greatest amount of precipitation in April. These are the most unfortunate months for the trip. Despite the warmth + 24 ... + 28, the water is cool and cloudy due to the rains, in addition, blood-sucking insects, carriers of malaria, are ferocious. There is less precipitation in May, but it still rains.

The summer season through September is a favorite time for experienced tourists. There is no strong heat, the temperature is up to a maximum of 28 degrees, the water is heated to 26 ... 28 degrees, a light breeze is blowing from the ocean - ideal conditions for a beach holiday, for hiking sightseeing. Precipitation is observed in the form of short-term and rare drizzling rains.

In the autumn months, the air temperature is from +22 to +28 degrees Celsius, water - about 26 degrees. September and October are popular with divers, the waters are calm and clear. In November, intense rainfall begins up to ten days a month.

The best beaches

Most vacationers come to the island with families and youth companies for the opportunity to warm up, lie in the sun, and swim in the warm southern waters. Description of the best beaches for passive recreation, but not devoid of entertainment, further in the review.

Paje beach located on the east coast, the ocean is calm, pure water, snow-white sand, fine as flour. The sandy strip of the beach is long and wide enough to accommodate not only vacationers, but also coastal cafes where you can hide from the sun and drink something refreshing.

The bottom near the coast is clean, no sea ​​urchins and the need to look under your feet or put on your shoes for bathing. In addition, the coast is shallow, you can relax with children. There is something to entertain the little ones, after low tide many beautiful shells remain on the sand. In the evenings you can watch a colorful fire show, during the day the whole family can take a bike ride (there are rental points).
The staff of nearby hotels (of different price categories) monitors the cleanliness of the beach every day. Discos are organized for young people in the evenings, there is a rental of scooters, mopeds, kiting equipment. There are cafes, restaurants, shops and souvenir shops along the coast.

Nungwi beach- this is the northern coast of the island, is called the village in the coastal zone of which it is located. There are small ebbs and flows, the bottom is clear of stones, hedgehogs, corals, white sand and calm water. In the northernmost part of the beach you can see a lighthouse and a fishing dockyard, there are a lot of boats here. Two kilometers of walking - and you will find yourself on the neighboring Kendwa beach (about it below).

In Nungwi there are hotels with affordable prices, a market, souvenir shops, shops. There are many restaurants with fresh sea creeps in surprisingly low prices, which will be grilled right in front of you. There are establishments with national cuisine, famous for amazingly tasty fast food.
Entertainment in Nungwi is fishing, paddle boarding, scooter riding.

Jambiani stretches from the east to the south coast, according to reviews there is the cleanest water. Smooth clean and shallow bottom, no high waves, no sea urchins, the bottom is covered with sand, the water warms up to thirty degrees Celsius. The hotel staff clean the beach of garbage every morning. In the evenings, discos and parties do not break the silence, which is ideal for a cozy, quiet rest with small children. For family entertainment, there is an excursion to the Jozani Forest Monkey Park and a water tour with dolphins at the nearby Kizimkazi Beach. There are souvenir shops with ethnic clothing and household items, a kiting school and longboard rental.

Kendwa Beach called the beach of millionaires, it is really a little more expensive here than elsewhere. Location - northwest coast of the island. Ideally clean beach, calm emerald-turquoise water, fine soft sand, no algae, no hedgehogs. The ebb and flow is almost imperceptible.
Available entertainment: paddle boarding, banana, cheesecake, scooter, water skiing. There are souvenir shops and shops. The hotels are expensive, with an all-inclusive function, and the service is of the highest level.

Important!Going on vacation, be sure to purchase sunscreen with SPF 50, no less.

What to see for tourists: attractions

You should start sightseeing from the capital - Stone Town, the city is one of the UNESCO heritage sites. Here you need to look:

  • old fort. Impressive architecture, various festivals and shows, performances are held for tourists;
  • the house where the lead singer of the legendary rock band Queen Freddie Mercury once lived;
  • Forodani Gardens - food festivals are held here in the evenings, where you can try any dish of local cuisine;
  • Prison Island, once a haven for Arab slave traders, now attracts tourists with an abundance of huge turtles.

In the village of Kizimkazi, Blue Safari tours are conducted with a visit to the colorful cave associated with local legends, mangrove forest and a deserted island, swimming with dolphins or just watching them.

An excursion to Jozani Forest will not leave indifferent animal lovers, a colony of colobus monkeys lives here in the natural conditions of a tropical forest.

Other types of entertainment

Active recreation in Zanzibar is associated with water and underwater entertainment, which, in principle, is logical.


In the waters Indian Ocean near the island of Unguji you can go fishing, catch: dorada, barracuda, tuna, sailfish and others. The best beaches offering the service are Nungwi and Kendwa. It is in this area that a large fishing village is located. Better to book a fishing excursion on the beach, the price (from $ 100 to $ 350) will include soft drinks and an English-speaking guide. Although, according to the reviews of experienced tourists, it is unlikely that you will have to drink and beer: the boats go far into the ocean - here both pitching and high waves, and salt spray.

Standing up, unlike usual, does not require special training and skills - they ride in complete calm, on a board with a paddle. You can order such a pleasure on the Kendwa and Nungwi beaches.

Snorkelling can be enjoyed on Mnemba Island or on the reef a kilometer from Jambiani and Paje beaches. There are no such beauties as on the Australian reefs, but you can enjoy scuba diving and get a starfish.

The best place for kitesurfing is called the east coast of the island, namely Paje Beach. There is a large selection of schools that teach the basics for beginners, ideal conditions for professionals who carry their equipment. By the way, Turkish airlines do not take additional duties for the transportation of sports equipment.

Diving excursions on the island are distinguished by a large selection of directions:

  • diving safari;
  • daily diving;
  • night dives;
  • wreck diving;
  • technical diving.

Dive centers that organize tours are scattered all over the coast, and experienced instructors are available for training and helping beginners. Among the excursions to the underwater kingdom, the following stand out:

  • Shamzi-reef - a tour for any level of training, clear water, depth up to 25 meters;
  • Mnemba island with several directions - Kichwani Wall, Aquarium, Watt Bommi, Big Wall, the latter only for experienced scuba divers, depth more than forty meters;
  • Coral Reef and Kendwa Reef are most suitable for beginners;
  • diving near the sunken British ship The Great Northen is also suitable for beginners;
  • for professionals - the sunken ship The Royal Navy Lighter.

Night life

Fans of parties and cool parties will be disappointed night life the islands are more calm. There are hotels and restaurants on the beaches that offer visitors small parties, discos, but not all and not all along the coast. The review of establishments, compiled according to the reviews of vacationers, included:

  • Obama Beach Pub - great service, reasonably priced food and drink, dance program. Located on the east coast in Kiwengwe;
  • night club "Coco Blue" - disco, noisy, fun with an open air bar (Jambiani);
  • Dharma Lounge - great atmosphere, inexpensive drinks, interesting dance program.

Did you know?Zanzibar was the first region in Africa to introduce color televisions (1974). In the mainland part of Tanzania, television services began to be provided only in 1994, it was a private company.

Where to stay

When choosing a hotel, you need to know the following nuances:

  • the best beaches and, accordingly, expensive hotels in the north in the villages of Kendwa and Nungwi;
  • cost depends on proximity to coastline... The most expensive accommodation is in first line hotels;
  • living conditions: "all inclusive" or "breakfast included" - additionally overpriced;
  • Infrastructure: The presence of spas, gyms and other services leads to high cost of living.

Based on the reviews of experienced tourists, we present an overview of several comfortable and quite budget options housing:

  • Uhuru Beach Hotel - budget vacation in the village of Jambiani, a double bungalow costs about $ 40 per day;
  • Miramont retreat zanzibar- an inexpensive hotel between the villages of Matemwe and Pwani-Mchangani on the east coast, a double bungalow will cost an average of $ 40;
  • Kajibange Bar and Guest House- inexpensive hotel in Nungwi, in the north of the island, conditions double room$ 50 per day.

Public transport, taxi, car rental

The choice of transport on the island is not rich:

  • Taxi;
  • bus;
  • minibus (gave-gave).

The local population travels mainly with the help of bicycles.

The most expensive and the most comfortable transport is a taxi. Immediately warning: you should not negotiate through an intermediary, you can find a taxi at any beach. When making arrangements in advance, take the driver's phone number, as these people are surprisingly irresponsible.

Important!You can bargain with taxi drivers, and the price can be reduced by almost half.

List of the cost of some routes:

  • from the airport to Jambiani -35 dollars;
  • from Jambiani to Nungwi - $ 40;
  • from Nungwi to Matemwe - 15 dollars;
  • from Matemwe to Stone Town - $ 25;
  • from Stone Town to the Airport - $ 5.

The bus transport network connects all the main directions of the island, the fare in local currency is 3000 shillings (approximately $ 1.30). You should not yawn in this transport: the driver is in a hurry, there are many stops, you miss it - it is your own fault. Routes are laid mainly to the center, from north to south, for example, you will have to get there with a change in Stone Town.

The cheapest form of transport, a seemingly dead car, with sides and a canopy, with benches along the perimeter of the body - dala-dala. The cost is half as much as by bus.

Car rental requires some documents:

  • international driver's license;
  • a special permit issued at the local police station (issued by the rental company);
  • insurance.

Car rental, subject to expected frequent movements, is the best way... Cons in the corruption of the traffic police, the pros in the absence of paid parking.

Where to eat and what you can taste exotic

Restaurants and cafes offer a menu that is 80% seafood, meat dishes mainly from chicken. The agrarian industry is undeveloped here, which affects the food mix. However, the choice of seafood dishes available is huge: all sorts of shellfish, shrimp, crabs, lobsters, squid, octopus, fish. All this is prepared in different ways: boiled, fried, baked, including on the grill.

The cost of lunch or dinner will depend on the location of the cafe or restaurant: an elite establishment on the territory of a five-star hotel can cost over $ 100, and in a small cafe in a less pretentious place - $ 20.

Fast food, which is offered to tourists for them, and is designed, therefore, is expensive, and does not shine with a variety: seafood, grilled, corn, local flatbreads.

Dishes to try:

  • sawaw rice;
  • beef sorpot;
  • Mchicha salad;
  • Nyama na Ndizi - a meat dish with bananas;
  • Ugali porridge with Naan bread;
  • fruits - rambutan and jackfruit;
  • Halua dessert with almonds.

What to bring

Souvenirs should be looked for in village shops - here you can bargain, besides, there is less risk of buying a fake from China. There are large shops and markets in the capital, but there are no supermarkets as such. You should also bargain in the market, as the initial price is always overpriced. So, what products are worth your attention and the approximate prices for them:

  • statuettes made of stone and wood. Most valued are things made of ebony, masks, drums and knives (depending on size and material from $ 10);
  • jewelry - pendants, bracelets, beads and necklaces, the material can be shells, baobab seeds and much more (from $ 2);
  • tanzanite jewelry - a natural stone, very rare, you need to buy in jewelry stores to protect yourself from counterfeiting, there is also exclusive jewelry (from $ 100 and above);
  • handmade leather goods - phone cases, bags, belts, other accessories;
  • national clothes - shirts and robes (about $ 10);
  • bright household items - pillowcases, bedspreads (from $ 10);
  • paintings by local artists - maybe not the greatest works of art, but the richness of colors, the originality of the paintings, the unique flavor, can dilute any urban interior ($ 15-20);
  • spices - natural, fragrant, beautifully packaged (from 50 cents).

Did you know?Tanzanites were first discovered in 1967 at the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania by Maasai shepherds after a heavy downpour. In the role of the blue diamond "Heart of the Ocean" in the famous film "Titanic" by James Cameron, tanzanite was filmed.

The market and large shops are located in Stone Town, but as mentioned, it is better to look for souvenirs in the villages. Often, for example, pictures are drawn by the owner of a small village shop - this is one price, the same picture in a Moscow store can cost several times more.

Zanzibar has the largest shopping center souvenirs is Memories of Zanzibar, located next to the Dhow Palace and Serena in Stone Town, here, in comparison with other shops, the prices are the most reasonable. In addition to all of the above, here you can find authentic painting on dishes, wicker bags and other products and a lot of all sorts of things, even magnets coveted by many travelers.

A trip to Zanzibar will bring a lot of impressions with its mixture of cultures and customs, colors and colors. Relaxation for all tastes - calm and quiet away from civilization or active and breathtaking - everyone will find something of their own here.

You can get to the island both by air and by water - by fast ferries. I saw them from the air - some kind of wooden pies with a bunch of vomiting people.
Therefore, I propose not to save, but to please yourself.
Many fly to the island, but the funnest thing is to fly on a private flight, having bought a charter.
All small aircraft local airlines Tanzania is in Terminal 2

The terminal is small, but cheerful and soulful. At the entrance, matches and a lighter are taken away from you, but you can smoke right on the runway, next to the planes. At the same time, you are in the company of flight mechanics, pilots and, in general, persons involved in flights.
Do you have a few bottles of booze with you? That's right - here you are not inspected and alcohol is not taken away, like other liquids. Here is solid Hakuna Matata.

Check-in for the flight is also interesting: they do not ask for a passport, only a printout of tickets is needed. I didn't have it because I forgot the printer at home. He showed an email message from the iPhone screen - they agreed that it was cooler than a printout.
After check-in, throw your things into a common pile, but the main thing is to throw them into the right one, otherwise your luggage runs the risk of flying off on a safari to the Serengeti Park.
After that, you go to smoke or just sit and stick in, but the main thing is not to sleep and watch when some group of passengers cheerfully get up from their seats and go towards the plane. In this case, quickness helps - you run out and shout: where are you going? to Zanzibar?…. If you nodded - the option is that - what do you want with them.

Airline Coastal aviation( has ticket offices here and we bought the tickets we needed to Kilimanjaro for October 9 at half the price they cost when buying via the Internet.
Now I will say: go to a black woman - her name is Lucia, say that you are "from Vinsky" and she will write you tickets as a resident of Tanzania. The price is half as much as stated on the Internet. Use

The co-pilot of our charter got sick, so I sat down in his place: after all, I had 4 hours of flight training behind me.
On the way, we were bending around the thunderstorm front - I was here for the first time observing the operation of the radar (the antenna is located on the wing). In general, flying an airplane is not difficult, the main thing is to change the radio frequency and adjust the propeller pitch. I got the responsibility to apply the brakes when landing, as well as the release of the flaps. 20 minutes and now we are in Zanzibar

Zanzibar: reviews of tourists 2018. Beaches, rest »We advise where to go to rest

Travel Preparation | Our itinerary in Tanzania| Dar es Salaam | Safari | Kilimanjaro | Zanzibar | Trip budget and coordinates

Several of our friends traveled to Africa, and then showed very beautiful photographs, told amazing stories about Tanzania, safari, the romance of Zanzibar and the majestic volcano Kilimanjaro. We wanted to go to Africa, to Tanzania! Safari, wild animals, Kilimanjaro, and indeed the real exotic were so much to our taste that we immediately began to collect information and reviews. Having studied the experience of our predecessor, as well as numerous reviews of tourists on the Internet, we set about preparing a trip to Tanzania.

Preparing your trip to Tanzania

Mount Kilimanjaro located in Tanzania, Africa. Africa is one of the few continents where I have not yet been, except for Egypt, of course. We decided to look at Africa, go on a safari, conquer Kilimanjaro, and, in the end, after a difficult climb, rest on white beaches Zanzibar. In general, the task was not easy - to combine so many activities in one vacation.

We planned a trip to Tanzania for the January holidays, but I started preparations already in April. First of all, I had to buy air tickets.

How to get from Moscow to Tanzania

There are no direct flights from Moscow to Kilimanjaro (the city of the same name in Tanzania). There were options for connecting flights via Qatar (Qatar Airways) or via Istanbul (Turkish Airlines). We have purchased Turkish Airlines tickets from Moscow to the city of Dar es Salaam (the second largest city in Tanzania) with a transfer in Istanbul. Further, from Dar es Salaam, they were supposed to fly domestic airlines by 540 aviation to the city of Kilimanjaro, where the airport is located (tickets were bought separately for the domestic flight).

On the Internet at the local agency we purchased: a tour "Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro" and a safari in three local parks in Tanzania. For a beach holiday, we have booked the Blu Marlin Village, ( in Zanzibar for a few days. In general, it turned out that our vacation consisted of three parts: safari in the parks of Tanzania, climbing to the top of Kilimajaro and idle doing nothing in Zanzibar.

Many tourists, preparing for a trip to Tanzania, purchase only air tickets, and they agree on a safari and an ascent to Kilimanjaro on the spot, but we chose not to risk it.

A trip to Kilimanjaro requires special preparation, because we are not going anywhere, but to Africa.

So, before traveling to Tanzania, you must:

1. Get vaccinated against yellow fever. In Moscow, this vaccination is done only in several places (GKUZ Infectious Clinical Hospital No. 1, GBUZ City Polyclinic No. 5, Vaccination Center No. 6 of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Polyclinic No. 1" of the Presidential Administration Russian Federation, the coordinates of these hospitals can be easily found on the Internet). Enough for her for 10 years. After being vaccinated, the traveler is issued a certificate, which is sometimes required at customs. But we were not asked to present it anywhere. It is very important to get vaccinated no later than 10 days before travel, as you may be slightly ill. We didn't need extra problems on the trip, so we got vaccinated in advance.

2. It is necessary to insure against malaria. We bought pills (mefloquine or lariam) just in case. With malaria, the situation is as follows: you can drink a weekly course of pills for prevention. But in case of illness, it is necessary to be treated with pills of a different type. That is, those pills that were drunk for prevention will not help. In the hospital, where we were vaccinated, they advised them not to drink, as the immunity could be greatly reduced and the liver could be damaged. At the slightest hint of malaria, you just need to take a loading dose. Thank God we didn't need the pills. In general, it is better to consult a doctor on how best to proceed.

3. Purchase insect repellents, which are abundant in Tanzania. We've stocked up on plenty of repellents. It is imperative to take a mobile Raptor with you (with such a fan, battery-powered). In the tent, he was simply irreplaceable. Perhaps, it protects weakly from insects, but it gives an inner feeling of confidence that no one will bite you in the tent at night. Take insect spirals and sprays with you too, it won't get any worse.

4. You should also take a hand sanitizer with you., since when climbing, and even on a safari, there is often nowhere to wash your hands. Moreover, there should be a lot of bottles with an antiseptic in order for it to be in the pockets of all clothes.

5. On safari you also binoculars required... There will be one binoculars in the safari car. But keep in mind that it will be for 6 people.

6. You must also buy pills for altitude sickness. For better acclimatization in the mountains, we, for example, drank Diamox while climbing Kilimanjaro.

7. If you have booked excursions and safaris online in advance, be sure to rewrite everything Contact phone numbers , addresses of the organizers, this is important!

8. Before the trip enable international roaming d and plug for 1-2 days unlimited internet, you may really need it. I don’t even know what we would do if we didn’t have it.

10. Complete your travel first aid kit. There should be pills for malaria, pills for altitude sickness, elastic bandages in case of injuries, pain cream (something like nise or diclofenac), sedatives (in order to get a good sleep in the mountains), something from colds, iodine or brilliant green; cotton swabs.

11. And, of course, do not forget camera... By the way, the camera is not that simple either. Be sure to take a couple of spare batteries with you, having previously charged them. On long safari or climbing trips, there is nowhere to charge. In order for the camera not to junk after the summit of Kilimanjaro, I recommend taking a special case against cold and rain.

To climb Kilimajaro, you need to take with you on your trip:

1. Sleeping bag(it is better to buy up to minus 15);

2. For protection from heavy rains - storm pants, wind jacket, water-repellent socks and waterproof leggings, gaiters, so that water does not flow into the boots from above (unfortunately, we did not have them - we paid for this by getting soaked every day from head to toe).

3. Sunscreen and glasses(if you take ordinary sunglasses - then they should be as dark as possible and fit your face tightly).

4. Thermal underwear and ski pants;

5. Long warm jacket with a hood (it's cold at the top), warm gloves;

6. Flashlight(with a set of spare batteries, which we also did not have, and the flashlight sat down at the most inopportune moment - just before the night ascent to the summit),

7. The most important thing is good trekking boots, it is better not to be stingy (the boots must first be taken apart, since in 3-4 days of climbing in new boots you can earn yourself painful blisters).

8. Waterproof backpacks(we took 2 large easel backpacks of 25-30 liters for porters, and 2 ordinary small ones for ourselves, with a volume of 10 liters). There is an option to rent them on the spot, but as practice has shown, this is not the best way.

9. On the spot you will need to buy wide umbrella(so as not to carry bulky things with you), as well as rent trekking poles, balaclava and water bottles.

Of course, at the time of preparing the trip, we did not know all the nuances, and we did not have everything that was listed. But, I hope, my review will help other travelers not to make our mistakes, because the list has already been written based on experience.

And now, finally, the long-awaited vacation has begun. Read the continuation here.

Continued >>

The main advantages of this resort are man-made and miraculous sights: rich and varied cultural heritage, a carefully preserved coastline, pristine coastal waters and many species of marine animals. The best beaches are located in the southeast of the island, while entertainment and nightlife are in the north.

Zanzibar cuisine and restaurants

There are few vegetables and traditional meat in the national cuisine of Zanzibar. But rice and coconut milk, dishes from the meat of antelope, crocodiles, elephants, and duck are in use. In terms of seafood, the island is a true paradise. Octopus, squid, shrimp, lobster, as well as all kinds of fish - from sea bass to barracuda - are served fried, stewed, baked with an intricate accompaniment of spices. They put them in food and drinks neatly, without turning the meal into a test. A set of fruits - as in all southern countries: papaya, pineapple, coconuts, mango, bananas. The latter are boiled, baked and fried.

The most popular food on the island is spicy rice “pilau”, onion salad with lime juice, pepper and sugar, “ugali” porridge made from corn flour, “mchicha” salad made from several types of spinach.

Fast food is absent as a class, but fries are respected here and offered as a side dish to almost everything. They also cook something like pies with eggs and meat right on the street, and wash them down with a drink made from sugar cane.

Zanzibar is the territory of Muslims, so alcohol is sold in rare stores, and not all cafes have it, you need to clarify.

Establishments "for local" are better for local and leave: in restaurants there is a wider choice of dishes, compliance with sanitary standards is at the level. Iconic place- the picturesque restaurant The Rock in the east of the island. The average bill in a good establishment for a dinner with alcohol is 100,000 TZS, a daytime snack in a village eatery is 15,000 TZS for two.

Entertainment and attractions

The capital of Zanzibar - founded by Arab traders back in the 9th century, Stone Town is one of the most impressive places on the coast. This is a chaotic cluster of winding labyrinthine streets with many shops, bazaars, mosques, courtyards and fortresses. The city is decorated with two former palace sultans, two huge cathedrals, colonial mansions, abandoned ancient Persian-style baths and a whole collection of quaint foreign consulate buildings. Not far from the city are the ruins of several palaces, the "slave cave" of Mangapwani and the unique Khosani forest.

One of business cards Zanzibar - Turtle Island or Prison Island (abandoned prison attached). Here tourists can look at luxurious specimens of giant turtles, which cannot be found even in the best zoos in the world, walk in a forest rich in exotic plants, and look into the building of a former colony. Trips to the island are organized by agencies and numerous barkers, but some tourists go on their own: at the Small boat ferry to prison station of Stone Town, motor boats are rented along with a captain who takes them to the place, waits and delivers them back.

It is not for nothing that Zanzibar was nicknamed the island of spices - once it supplied half the world with spices, and to this day plantations of cloves, nutmeg, cinnamon and other herbs and plants are its property. Special Spice Tours depart daily from Stone Town to explore the Zanzibar Spice Map. Agencies and hotels offer them on average at 112 00 TZS, but it is almost 10 times cheaper to go to the spice farms on a regular minibus "dala-dala" without intermediaries - the entry price is from 12 000 TZS.

The most famous farms are Kidichi Spice Farms (official site in English) and Tangawizi Spice Farm (official site in English). During the trip, you can climb a lot in trees in an attempt to pick a coconut, learn how to plan cinnamon and distinguish breadfruit from jackfruit, and at the same time taste it all.



Since Zanzibar is located in the Southern Hemisphere, it is winter here in summer and summer in winter. They differ in temperature from each other by an average of 10-15 degrees, so you can travel to the archipelago all year round, but best of all - at the end of February and from June to October: at this time there is almost no rain, not very hot, a cool breeze blows from the ocean.

From October to November and from the end of March to May, Zanzibar is not happy with guests - the islands are flooded so that some hotels are closed. In addition, it is during the rainy months that malaria mosquitoes become active.


The 14 hours of waiting went by surprisingly quickly. And at 8:50 we have a flight to Kenya (Nairobi).

Nairobi Jomo Kentiatta airport

Travel time 5:15, transfer 6 hours. Time in Kenya, like in Moscow.

Mostly Kenyans flew to Nairobi, so upon arrival you don't have to get up in the same queue with them, but you have to go up to the third floor and find the Transfer Services counter. There were few people for the transfer, so we did not immediately realize that we were standing at the exit to the city. By the way, you won't be able to get out, you need a visa. Having figured out what's what, we went up to the second floor, where, in the luggage space, an airport employee calmly ate rice and chicken (where else can you see that ..?). But nevertheless she was sweet, friendly and guided us where to move on. The transfer desk is located near Gate 6. There we got boarding passes, clarified our gate and departure time. So, the six-hour wait and study of local duty free began. Mostly African souvenirs are sold there: masks, animal figures, various attributes of African tribes, T-shirts, mugs with similar prints and much more. You can also buy good Kenyan coffee and tea at the airport. They are really worthy of attention. Products in all Duty Free are the same, but prices vary. Increasing the numbering of gates is more expensive. In general, the airport is divided into two parts: from 1 to 13 Gate - old airport Embakashi. The renovation is old, the walls are painted with ordinary paint and resembles some institution from the USSR.

The second part of the airport is incredibly steep. Modern renovation, comfortable waiting areas, all sorts of cafes, clean and beautiful. We unknowingly spent 6 hours in the old part of the airport, as there is a checkpoint near the 13th gate and we thought that we could go there only an hour before departure. In general, we did not realize, but we do not regret it. The old part is cheaper, more sincere and more interesting.

While waiting for the flight, you can watch passers-by

The pride of Kenyan women!

Or stare at the planes.

On the territory of the old airport there is a small cafe where you can dine for 350-500 KSh (Kenyan shilling). Course at the airport: $ 1 = 97KSh. Thus, vegetarian rice will cost $ 3.6. It is very budgetary for the airport. By the way, there are no such prices in the new part of the airport. I took a Mexican salad there for $ 8. Yes, delicious, but not worth it to be honest. Another pleasant gastronomic trend: in Duty Free you can buy a 0.3 Heineken can for $ 1, and if you take three cans at once, the fourth is a bonus. Good marketing ploy But their water is expensive, a bottle of non-carbonated 0.5 costs $ 3.

In conclusion, I would like to note that there are racks for charging gadgets at the airport. I haven't charged, but I think most of the chargers are broken. Wi-fi is free only for the first 15 minutes. There is a smoking room.

The waiting time flew by quickly and we went to land:

Our plane to Zanzibar. Kenyan Airlines.

The flight is short, only 1:40 in the sky and we are there. At the exit, you will need to fill out a form with standard information: name, when you arrived / departed, where will you live, etc. On the passport control you need to pay for a visa $ 50, they will also take your fingerprints, take a picture and welcome to Zanzibar. More precisely, in Stone Town, from where we will get to Nungwi Beach.

Of course, this is not the only flight option. Many fly via Dar es Salaam, and from there by ferry or plane to the airport in Stone Town ( international Airport Zanzibar, where we flew from Nairobi).

2. Everything about Nungwi beach and our accommodation.

Nungwi Beach is located in the north of the island and is considered the best in Zanzibar. From the airport we had to take another hour by taxi (65 km), which we took care of in advance, when booking a hotel. For independent tourists, there is no free transfer. Therefore, by e-mail, we agreed on a taxi for $ 45. We were met without delay by two guys with a sign. They helped to load the suitcases and set off. The road, to be honest, is terrible. Huge bumps, holes in the asphalt and all this at high speed. But even that did not stop me and I just passed out from fatigue.


Country currency - Tanzanian Shilling (TZS)

The course is almost the same everywhere. We changed $ 200 at the airport and received 420,000 TZS.

For a general understanding:

RUB 100 = 3 350 TZS

100 TZS = 3 rubles.

$ 100 = 220,000 TZS

At the hotel, the rate is less favorable. Better to go to the village behind the hotel and change there.

A little about the hotel

We stayed at the Amaan Bungalows. Perfect place, the best and did not want: 3 * (but pulls 4), first line, separate bungalows, well-groomed area, lots of greenery, a swimming pool, varied breakfasts and polite staff. Of course, all of them are far from European service, but tourism is also a relatively new direction for them. And since we are not whimsical tourists, everything suited us.

In the room itself, waiting for us: a bed with a baldokhin, air conditioning, a large fan on the ceiling, a refrigerator, shower accessories and a safe, which we did not use. There was no TV in our room. The hotel territory is normal, free wi-fi. The hotel also provides laundry services, small shops with soft drinks and a diving center. At the reception they give out an adapter for our chargers. Refundable deposit 10,000 TZS.

Swimming pool at the hotel

Territory of the hotel

Shore in front of the hotel, looking to the right

The photo shows that the ocean has filled the entire coast. The way it is. At the peak of the tide, the ocean covers even the rocks in the photo. The tide does not interfere with swimming. The hotel has a staircase that leads directly to the ocean. At the time of our rest, the tide started at about 2 pm, and the low tide at 5-6 pm. Before and after low tide, you can walk along the ocean. The tide is not very strong, you will not see a dry coast. At least in June for sure

It's already low tide

In general, almost all hotels are located on the first line, on the second are guest houses, and behind them are the houses of local residents. It is better to book in advance, as the destination is becoming more popular every day. Peak July, August and December. The season of "long rains" from March to May, "short" from October to December. True, they go at night, but nevertheless, this is worth remembering.

About Nungwi

Nungwi is a fishing village (outlined in pink). As you can see our hotel is at the edge of the village. But not everything is so sad. To the left of the hotel is a supermarket-type shop. There is soap and ice cream and champagne. There are no price tags. Bargaining is not appropriate. This is the only shop on the shore. If you treat the seller with something or make a large purchase, he will remember you and the price tag will be lower on the next purchase. There is another shop in the back of the village. The prices for tourists are also too high and in the evening it is better not to meddle there. Also on the left side of the Amaan Bungalows you will find a couple of cafes. And even further away, there is just a beach and hotels that are no longer related to our village.

Shore map

If you walk to the right from the hotel, you will see how locals they slowly build boats, look after cows and weave nets. In a word, it is a village and a village in Africa. This is where the tourist line ends.

So, on the right side: several cafes along the coast, fish market and two aquariums with turtles. In one, they will tell you everything about turtles, offer to feed them with seaweed and small fish, you can even take the turtle in your arms. They are big, cool, flap hard and smell like swamp. Excursion for 20-30 minutes for 5000 TZS. By the way, the guys from this nursery often pick up wounded turtles. They are treated and released into the ocean. In addition to turtles, they have a pair of crocodiles in a cage, a whale skeleton and something else. On the same side there is an aquarium where you can swim with giant turtles. We didn't go there, maybe in vain, but it was enough for us to just look at them in the first

On our way back from the turtle farm, we came across a fish market. It itself is not remarkable from afar: a small covered building, where the locals bargain very recklessly. As I understand it, this is purely for the locals. But nearby, about 5 meters away, there is a small stone tent, reminiscent of a stop somewhere in the outback of the Russian Federation. There are two refrigerators and a rich selection of seafood. Of course, we wanted to try the freshly caught crabs. As a result, we made an advance payment, agreed on the time and that the owner would prepare them for us. At the appointed time, 4 hungry people appeared

This is exactly what we wanted)

The dinner that evening was great!

To guide prices:

1 crab costs 15,000 and 7,000 TZS for cooking

An octopus (weight 2.5 kg) cost us 32,000 including cooking.

For this dinner we paid 120,000 TZS (4 people)

Along with the seafood, we were served free salad (tomato, cucumber), rice, lime and a warm sauce of little octopuses. You couldn't ask for more

And we returned to it, but a little later ..

When it comes to coastal cafes, there is taste and color. In fact, the dishes are the same, only different chefs and slightly different prices. The cheapest Baraca, but I didn't like everything there. Average bill for two is 20,000-30,000 TZS (one meal and one drink).

The second time we returned for lobsters, we decided to cook near our hotel, since the owner of the fish tent cooked after sunset, and we wanted to do it earlier.


They wanted to cook at the hotel, but we were intercepted by local guys who walk along the shore and sell various tourist services or souvenirs. In general, we agreed, shook hands, that for cooking from us 25,000 TZS, while leaving twenty as a pledge. In general, they prepared it for us in a couple of hours and, as a result, they began to ask for $ 25! We decided to dissolve. So be vigilant. We defended our righteousness.

Lobsters are good

5 lobsters cost us 74,000 TZS + 25,000 TZS for cooking. Don't take too much. It's not realistic to eat. One lobster per eye is enough for one person, despite the fact that only the tail is eaten in it.

On the left side of the hotel there are also cafes and a small shop where you can buy alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. By the way, you can go to any cafe with your own alcohol. If it makes no sense to go with your beer, since the price is either the same or more expensive by 500-1000TZS, then it is better to buy wine or something else in the store. They may not be in the cafe. The prices in the store are adequate: a large bottle of water - 1,500, beer - 3,500, wine - from 15,000, champagne from 50,000.

Enough about food and water

What to see, where to go, go

By and large, apart from swimming and walking along the coast, there is nothing else to do on Nungwi. Sometimes this is so necessary. So that without fuss and unnecessary body movements.

Local fishermen

Be careful when entering the water. There are many sea urchins.

And also these crabs:

Walking along the coast, you can come across the Masai. Perhaps this is the most known to the world tribe of East Africa, and not only. I am sure that you, dear reader, also know these tall and handsome warriors with spears, dressed in bright red fabrics. In general, the Masai are considered a tribe of warriors and once they really drove other tribes out of their homes. Now almost all Maasai are shepherds and their whole life is connected with breeding livestock. But it should be noted that many young people from this tribe have modernized, graduated from universities and changed their way of life in general. And those Maasai who wander along the coast on Nungwi, of course, only to attract and entertain tourists.

For active tourists, a sufficiently large selection of excursions is offered:

  • Jozani rainforest
  • Restaurant "Rock"
  • Stone Town
  • Prison Island
  • Excursions to other islands
  • Spice island
  • Excursion to the fishing village
  • Seaweed farm
  • Safari
  • Slave cave
  • Fishing in the ocean
  • Meeting the dawn in the ocean

Of course, each excursion is interesting in its own way and deserves attention.

3. Stone Town

We did not arrive at Stone Town on the occasion of an excursion. Even from Moscow, I booked a hotel room for two days. Our goal was to visit the spice market and get a little immersed in urban African life.

Spend one part of the holiday among the wild animals of the African savannah and the other while enjoying underwater world Indian Ocean - Easier Than It Looks

Find Flights to Tanzania

The wonderful country Tanzania has not yet turned into a massive tourist destination. And despite the fact that every year the number of people who want to travel around East Africa is gradually increasing, but all the same, these are either travelers ready for adventures, or those who have traveled to many countries and, in pursuit of exotic things, have chosen the only right decision for themselves, once a year to observe the migration of elephants. Others think that Tanzania is too far, too expensive and too dangerous. Although they are fundamentally wrong.

Maybe it's the bad PR in Africa, all kinds of malaria and yellow fever? No, this is a long time ago. And if there are concerns, you can always get vaccinated. Seems expensive? Also no. If the budget is tight, there are cheap hotels and a simple safari, if not, there are great lodges in the savannah and exclusive hotels on the coast. It is really expensive through a travel agency, but what prevents you from choosing tickets on SmartTrip yourself, booking hotels on best price, buy an on-site safari tour? Perhaps many will find it difficult to organize all this, but this is not so, read on. A word of warning: if you dare, your travel bar will rise very high. In just a standard two weeks vacation in Tanzania, you can take a safari, observing lions, elephants, giraffes and rhinos from a few meters away. And spend the other part of your vacation on the coast of the Indian Ocean, snorkeling every day to enjoy the beauty of the underwater world.

Weather in Tanzania... Tanzania is located on the east coast of Africa, in the equator region. Accordingly, the temperature of water and air is even here all year round. The "long rains" season from March to early May is not suitable for safari - it erodes roads, and the "short rains" season in November is also uncomfortable.


The starting point for our journey is Dar es Salaam. There are no direct flights, all with transfers. The most convenient connection and the shortest flight time is through Cairo. The cost of tickets is comparable to the southeast destinations, but often even cheaper.

So, tickets are purchased, you can start planning your trip. By the way, take some time get a visa at the Tanzanian embassy, documents will be required at least:

- passport, the validity of the document must be at least 3 months from the date of departure from Tanzania;

- 2 photographs 3.5 × 4.5 on a blue background, matte;

- 2 completed questionnaires;

- 2500 rubles - visa fee.

There are no queues at the Tanzanian Embassy at all, the visa is taken for two days. Theoretically, a visa can also be obtained upon arrival in Dar-es-Salaam, but they may require a certificate of vaccination, and if it is not there or it is somehow not like that ... In general, make a visa without any certificates in Moscow, it’s calmer.
Divide a standard two-week trip exactly in half: a week at sea, a week on a safari, in any order.


Despite the fact that Dar es Salaam is located on the shores of the Indian Ocean, there are no chic beaches here. But the island of Zanzibar is very close, 20 minutes by propeller plane or a couple of hours by ferry. Choosing the beginning of the journey beach vacation, you can buy a ticket to Zanzibar in advance by choosing the next flight after landing in Dar es Salaam. On the spot, the ticket will cost a little more. The ferry service is excellent, so there will be no problems getting to Zanzibar. Take a taxi from the airport to the pier, it costs a penny here.

In the homeland of Freddie Mercury, you can go to the cafe of the same name, go on an excursion to the spice farm, be sure to Prison island where giant turtles live; watching the sunset is good at the terrace bar. Rest in Zanzibar in hotels of this type is comparable in level with rest in luxe-class hotels in the Maldives, Mauritius or Seychelles.



After relaxing on the ocean, return to Dar es Salaam, c. On a safari, 2 to 4 days are usually enough, but add a backlash of 3 days, the safari never starts immediately, it takes time to get to the park and then back. Days in Dar es Salaam before or after a safari can be spent exploring the city, a colorful market, or staying at the coast at a hotel.
For those who are on a limited budget, but still want to see how a giraffe kicks a lioness with its hooves, or to feel the hum of the ground when a herd of zebras flees away from a leopard, there is an option of a one-day safari in Mikumi park... Get in the trust of the administrator at the hotel reception, and he will find you a taxi driver who is ready to take you early in the morning from Dar es Salaam to Mikumi Park and back for a reasonable price. The distance is about 270 km, but the road, oddly enough, is bearable, the ride is relatively short. At the entrance to the park, a guide will sit in the car and show you the trails where you can meet wild animals.

For a complete safari experience, you can go on an extended journey through national parks Tanzania. For example, along the route Lake ManyaraSerengetiNgorongoro... This safari will take at least 7 days. If the arrival point in Tanzania is Dar es Salaam, then you will need to buy a ticket in advance before Dodoma and from there go to the picturesque lake (about 300 km) and further along the route. Ngorongoro deserves a visit, if only because, unlike other Tanzanian parks, there is no animal migration here and at any time you can observe herds of zebras, prides of lions, rhinos and hippos. The park is located on the territory of an extinct crater of one of the oldest volcanoes on Earth. For millions of years, its own unique bio-system has formed here, and now Ngorongoro is a real Noah's ark by nature. There are soda lakes with flamingos, fresh lakes with hippos, forests, savannah, and an abundance of fauna, with the exception of only giraffes.
Anyone who has been on a full-fledged safari will tell you that the main thrill is spending the night in the savannah, far from civilization, among wild animals that can come up very near distance... There are two options for spending the night. Comfortable, in the so-called "lodges", in fact mini-hotels with all the amenities that are of a very high level.

V Selous Game Reserve this, of course, about which one can say without hesitation “never before wildlife was not that comfortable. " Where, after a day or night spent in the savannah, you can relax in the jacuzzi and at the same time watch a hippopotamus splashing in a nearby river, and a herd of antelopes grazing on the other side. No less beautiful .

In Ngorongoro, a distinctive feature of the lodges is that they are located on the walls of the crater, at an altitude of about 600 meters, so that you can take baths in the clouds and have breakfast at a bird's-eye view in the same .

And authentic - if for a night or two you are ready to live without conveniences at all. A tent will be set up, the accompanying natives will cook food on a fire. Many travelers who are not on a budget choose the second option. After all, this is an absolute unity with nature! There were cases when big cats came to sniff the tent, but rarely. But nimble monkeys constantly take SLR cameras right out of their hands, and the rest of the safari has to be filmed on the iphone.
There are several good parks in Tanzania, take your pick.