The largest road roller in the world. The largest skating rink in the world! Artificial skating rink at Rockefeller Center, New York

A list of all the wonderful things we associate with winter wouldn't be complete if we forgot to mention sports entertainment, among which one of the most favorite is ice skating. And if you skate not on an ordinary skating rink, but on a very picturesque one, the pleasure from skating can be simply fantastic. Today we bring to your attention a story about the most impressive skating rinks in the world.

Canal Rideau

The longest skating rink in the world is located in the capital of Canada, Ottawa, its area is 1,620,000 sq.m. It could accommodate 90 hockey fields, because its length is almost 8 kilometers. But the main advantage of the skating rink is not even this, but the fact that while gliding along it, you can simultaneously admire the most picturesque views of the city. The Rideau Canal is also famous for the annual winter festival “Winterlude”, during which an ice sculpture competition, figure skating performances and various entertainment events take place right on the canal.

From here you have a beautiful view of Laurier Castle and the Canadian Parliament building. In addition, in winter you can observe a very interesting phenomenon: many Ottawa residents use the Rideau Canal to skate to work. In Ottawa, city authorities even came up with an idea for ice skating fans road signs: green - forward, red - too warm, the ice has lost its strength!

Lake Joux

Those who love big things will surely enjoy the skating rink at Lake Zhu in Swiss Alps, its area is almost 5,000,000 sq.m. . This highest mountain lake in the country is located near Lausanne. For just two weeks a year, it is covered with ice and turns into the largest skating rink in the world. At this time, tourists from all over Europe tend to come here to skate for themselves, as well as to admire the performances of professional figure skaters.

High mountain skating rink "Medeo"

The world's largest high-mountain skating rink is located near the former capital of Kazakhstan, Almaty. It was opened in 1972 and since then has repeatedly become the venue for European and World Championships in winter sports. The Medeu ice skating rink, located at an altitude of 1691.2 meters above sea level, is known throughout the world. The ice surface occupies 10.5 thousand square meters, which allows for competitions in speed skating, hockey and figure skating This skating rink is also called the “record factory”, so thanks to the high-mountain climate and crystal clear mountain water, which is used to fill the ice, more than 200 speed skating records were set here.

Kinderdijk canals

If you are in the Netherlands in winter, be sure to visit the ancient Dutch village of Kinderkeid. In winter, the sleepy Kinderdijk village becomes real tourist center. After all, it is along the banks of this canal that the famous Dutch mills stand, and the ice, polished with special equipment, is perfect for skaters of any level. Officially, the skating rink is open 24 hours a day from November to February, but in reality it all depends on the weather and the timing of the freezing/thawing of the canal. Free admission. There you can not only skate on the frozen river, but also admire the most famous windmills in the world.

Bondi Beach

What could be more unusual than ice rink by the ocean? Especially during the warm season, which lasts in Sydney (Australia) all year round. The air temperature here on Bondi Beach is above zero even in winter, however, the skating rink operates successfully thanks to special cooling systems, as well as the huge amount of water that is used to fill the ice. This is one of the most popular places churches opening as part of the winter festival... Visitors can not only cut circles to their heart's content, but also order delicious dishes and drinks!

Lake Paterswoldsemeer

The Netherlands has many lakes and other bodies of water, and Paterswoldse Meer (Paterswoldsemeer) in the south of Groningen is nothing special. But this is in the summer... In winter, when the frosts get stronger and the ice on the lake becomes quite thick, the Groningians clear it of snow and level it. As a result, a grandiose skating rink opens every winter on Lake Patersvoldsemer. open air about 10 kilometers long!

Admission to the skating rink is, of course, free. However, you are unlikely to be lucky enough to find skate rentals nearby, so you should rent skates in the city or bring your own. At any time you can turn off the skating rink and approach the shore. Along the entire path you can find dozens of cafes where you can drink hot tea, coffee or something stronger, as well as have a quick snack or a solid meal.

Eiffel Tower

For several years now, at the beginning of December, an ice skating rink has been opening on one of the Eiffel Tower platforms at an altitude of 57 meters. Here you can not only go ice skating, but also feel the atmosphere of the city, admiring the panoramic views of the city and listening to romantic French music. Although this is not the largest skating rink (only 200 sq.m.), it is certainly one of the most spectacular and romantic!

Ice skating is great fun, and the atmosphere in this place is also supported by French music, as well as original lighting effects. To warm up in this kingdom of metal and ice, there is a bar where you can buy hot coffee, hot wine and other drinks. The ice premiere took place back in 1969, but the ice is not poured every year, and the skating rink is open only until January 31. Ice skating rink Eiffel Tower It is also one of the five most visited Christmas skating rinks in the world.

FlevOnice skating rink

The Netherlands is the birthplace of speed skating, so it’s not surprising that three skating rinks on our list are located here. Moreover, skating rinks here can be found literally in an open field. This unusual skating rink, more reminiscent of a racing track, is located near the village with the hard-to-pronounce name Biddinghuysen. Its territory is huge.

In the diagram, the FlevOnice ice skating rink looks more like a race track. As if it was specially designed for racing cars. Therefore, it is not surprising that this place is mainly appreciated by those who like to skate at high speeds. For such athletes, there is a unique recreation area - a building with a cafe and showers, which is located on the edge of the ice track. FlevOnice is considered the largest in Holland. It is open to visitors more than three months a year.

Central Park

Wollman Rink is one of the most famous skating rinks in the world. It is spacious (2600 sq.m.), beautiful, but most importantly, it has become a legend thanks to its participation in numerous romantic scenes in Hollywood films. In reality, the skating rink is just as beautiful as in the movies, and what’s nice is that you can skate here around the clock - perfect place leisure for all types of romantics. By the way, the skating rink is already 64 years old - figure skaters first appeared on its ice back in 1950! A nice bonus winter holiday At the skating rink there is the opportunity to run into a movie star - they say that Wollman Rink is very popular with Jim Carrey, Kate Hudson and Hugh Jackman.

Somerset House

The majestic building of London's Somerset House is one of the best examples of classical architecture. It is worth admiring it at any time of the year, but it is still best to do it in winter. During the pre-holiday season, a skating rink is opened on the square in front of the building, where everyone can demonstrate their sporting talents. If you find yourself in London in winter, be sure to visit the ice skating rink next to Somerset House. This imposing public building, built in the late 18th century in classical style, occupies an entire block between the Strand and the Thames.

During its existence, it served a variety of purposes (in various periods, in various parts of the building there was a chapel, the Royal Academy, a chemical laboratory, the University of London, the Geological Society, during the time of Admiral Nelson - the Admiralty, and other institutions). Nowadays all kinds of events are held here cultural events— exhibitions, festivals, film screenings. And in winter season An indispensable attribute of Somerset House is the skating rink, where you can have fun skating to trendy music from specially invited DJs, drink hot tea with cupcakes and even go to the Tiffany store. Don't forget to book your ski tickets in advance!

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Don't know what to do this weekend?
How do you like the idea of ​​ice skating?
There are many skating rinks in Moscow, and the largest and highest quality are, of course, in Sokolniki and Gorky Park.

Yesterday the ranks of the largest skating rinks were replenished! On November 28, another one opened at VDNKh - the largest in the world!

Its area is 20.5 thousand square meters. And this is only the area of ​​the ice surface; in total, the skating rink with infrastructure occupies about 57 thousand square meters. Such achievements in the field of winter leisure became possible thanks to Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin, who heads the headquarters for the revival of VDNKh.

We decided to gather our blogging crowd and go for a ride. In addition, on the evening of the opening day they promised to show an incredible show.

In the middle part of the skating rink we noticed a huge crane and immediately realized that something big was going to happen. Indeed, at a height of 17 meters in the air, a huge structure was floating, reminiscent of a chandelier, from which the drummers and acrobats of the flying French theater La Compagnie Transe Express were suspended.

“Heavenly Carillon” was the name of the show. Actually, this is the name of the flying structure in the shape of a lotus flower, which was spinning and changing its shape throughout the entire show.

There are several entrances to the skating rink along the entire perimeter of the skating rink; there are skate rentals, all of which are brand new, and some of them don’t even have the tags removed yet. The skates are comfortable, very high quality.

The only thing that was a little confusing was that either the skates were poorly sharpened or the ice was simply a little worn out by that time. Well, it’s true, yesterday it was simply sold out, there were a lot of people who wanted to ride. I hope the coating will be cleaned and updated regularly.

The skating rink is divided into several parts: a lovers' alley, a children's area, an extreme zone, there is even a hockey rink for those who like to play, and a huge ice area for those who like to just skate in circles.

The entire area of ​​the skating rink is decorated with various light figures, as well as a bridge shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow. Throughout the entire route there are spotlights that change the light.

And of course, there are many food outlets and toilets on the territory of the skating rink and next to it. It is very comfortable.

Happy bloggers)))

The guys and I were very pleased. I am sure that I will come here many more times this winter!

This year the skating rink at VDNKh is recognized The World Record Academy is the largest artificial ice skating rink in the world. Its area is 20,549 square meters and can accommodate 4.5 thousand people. The Village learned how ice appears on the asphalt, what people do at the skating rink at night, how skates are sharpened, and what complaints people go to the first-aid post with.

What does the skating rink consist of and how much does it cost?

The skating rink at VDNKh has been operating for three years now. All this time, the Russian Ice company has been installing and maintaining the skating rink. “At first we made a skating rink in Gorky Park, and then we were invited here. We assessed our strength and decided that we could work on two skating rinks at the same time,” says company representative Alexander Morozov. According to him, Russian Ice is the only company in Russia that can make skating rinks of this scale. In the first year of operation, the cost of the skating rink and all related structures was 762 million rubles. This year, according to The Village, its value is close to 400 million rubles.

The skating rink at VDNKh occupies the entire Main Alley: it starts immediately behind pavilion No. 1 and goes around the fountains " Stone Flower" and "Friendship of Peoples". Nearby there is a children's skating rink and a hockey rink where amateur teams can come. You can walk around the ice area, or you can walk over it along pedestrian bridge"Northern lights".

The main skating rink has five pavilions that house skate rentals and locker rooms. You can have a snack at mobile food outlets or in a restaurant, where you can wear skates and offer slippers. An adult ticket costs from 300 to 600 rubles, and skate rental will cost 150 rubles.

How the cooling system works

The artificial surface of the skating rink consists of a cold transfer surface designed to transport cold liquid (coolant), a refrigeration unit and a collector.

The entire skating rink is divided into seven sections, which serve 11 refrigeration units. Foreman monitor their uninterrupted operation and maintain the required temperature. In the operating mode of the skating rink, the installation cools the coating to minus 5 degrees, and during the period of ice filling - to minus 8 degrees.

Ethylene glycol, a colorless and odorless liquid, acts as a transporter of cold. The refrigeration unit cools the coolant, which enters the manifold under pressure (about 20 tons per section), and from there to the surface of the skating rink. This is how the system is activated: ethylene glycol spreads through the tubes over the entire coverage area and begins to freeze.

Half of the surface of the skating rink at VDNKh is covered with ice mats - a special sheet of tubes through which coolant is distributed. Such mats can be used anywhere: they are used to make indoor and outdoor skating rinks, hockey rinks and ice arenas. The other half of the skating rink is based on a proprietary tube system. The operating principle is the same, but here each pipe is unwound and welded to the collector separately. The work is labor-intensive, but the quality of the ice is better, Morozov notes.

The liquid constantly circulates in the tubes under the ice; the pumps do not stop. “We constantly monitor ethylene glycol levels. If it falls, it means there is a leak somewhere, and we need to look for it,” the workers say. If the ice layer is too thin, skaters can break through the tube with a skate, and then a small fountain will spill onto the surface - a mini-accident must be quickly eliminated. This can also happen during sudden temperature changes from minus 5 to minus 15 degrees: cracks appear on the ice into which a skate can get caught.

How to maintain a skating rink

The skating rink is closed on Mondays. All this day, as well as at night, work on building up the ice takes place: during the day, workers water the surface with water from hoses, and at night they are replaced by five Olympia ice-filling machines. The skating rink is serviced around the clock by three teams, each with 12–15 people, and a fleet of special equipment.

The same machines operate on the skating rink during the daily technical break from 15 to 17 hours. After it starts, water, preheated to 60–70 degrees, is poured into the 800-liter Olympia bunker and the car is sent onto the ice. She cuts off a one and a half millimeter layer of ice, removing cracks and cuts from the skates, and at the same time floods the surface with hot water - the new ice becomes much stronger and turns out perfectly smooth.

When it snows, the skating rink operates three tractors and four snow blowers, which workers call “snow spitters.” To drive special equipment, you need to have a category C driving license. Alexey, who is working on an ice-filling machine during our visit, says that he likes it.

How does rental work?

3,700 pairs of skates are used for rental. The smallest size is 25, and the largest is 48. The main batch of skates was purchased three years ago, and since then some have been periodically updated. Before this season, 15% of rental pairs were renewed, and after the end, every third pair of skates can be written off. To make skates last longer, they are periodically dried, treated with antiseptics, insoles and laces are changed if necessary, and, of course, sharpened.

Sharpening points are located in separate rooms of the rental pavilions. There are five automatic machines installed here. The sharpening works like this: the blade is fixed to the moving part of the machine, which moves along the edge of the rapidly rotating sharpening stone. Depending on the degree of wear of the blade, several such passes are required to sharpen it.

How do the instructors and the first aid station work?

At the skating rink you can see many people in red and gray uniforms - these are instructors. They monitor order, speed of skaters and traffic safety. On this skating rink, like most others, it is customary to skate counterclockwise. “Why exactly? Maybe the tradition of driving on the right played a role, or maybe the direction of traffic in the stadiums. When everyone is going in the same direction, it is much easier to avoid collisions,” they say at the skating rink.

Among the instructors there are experts in teaching visitors the basics of ice skating. An hour of individual lessons costs a thousand rubles. If a skating rink visitor needs health care, he can also contact the instructors. They will escort him to the first aid station, and in extreme cases, take him on a special sleigh.

Ice skating has long been a favorite winter pastime. But this fun was available only at sub-zero temperatures, when water in reservoirs - on a river or in a lake - froze.

The oldest skating rink in the world was organized on Petrovka in Moscow in 1862. And today it remains a favorite vacation spot for Moscow residents and guests.

In Europe, the world's first artificial skating rink was opened in January 1876. It, too, could only function in winter, but was not tied to a specific body of water, but was poured in an open artificial arena, which had already become a sensation at that time.

An indoor ice arena was first built in Canada in the city of Victoria. It welcomed its first skaters on Christmas Eve 1912. Its capacity was only 400 people (for comparison, some modern skating rinks have a capacity of more than 10 thousand people).

Since the world's first skating rinks were opened, they have changed greatly, becoming larger and more powerful, the quality of the ice surface has changed, and new opportunities for holding various sporting events have emerged. Next we will tell you about the largest ice rinks on our planet.

Lake Joux, Switzerland

This body of water lies in the Jura Mountains in the valley of the same name at an altitude of more than 1000 meters above the sea. The area of ​​the lake is 9.5 sq. km. In spring, summer and autumn it is an ordinary alpine lake, distinguished by the beauty of its landscapes and the purity of its water. But in winter, for about 3-4 weeks, the lake completely freezes, turning into the largest natural skating rink in the world. There are no competitions on Lake Zhu, only fun carnival evenings and figure skating demonstrations. But every day more than 3,000 amateurs ski here completely free of charge. By the way, there is practically no infrastructure in the lake area, so both adults and children enjoy spending time in nature.

This water channel, the oldest in North America, connects the capital of Canada, Ottawa, and the town of Kingston. Its length is 202 km. In spring, summer and autumn, the canal is used for its intended purpose: ships, barges, and boats sail along it. But in the harsh Canadian winter, the water in the canal freezes, and the authorities equip it with a giant 8-kilometer skating rink that stretches across the entire capital.

There could easily be 900 hockey fields here. An annual winter festival called Winterlude is held here. It includes many fun winter competitions, ice shows, ice sculpture exhibitions, music concerts and other events. But the most popular is public ice skating on the Rideau Canal.

Interestingly, this largest skating rink is also used as a kind of “ecological transport”. Local residents commute to the city center all winter by skating along the canal. The authorities even equipped the ice track with special signs for the safety of skaters. A green light means the ice is good, you can safely drive forward, and a red light means that warming has softened the ice, you need to be careful!

Ice skating rink in Mexico City, Mexico

This is the largest skating rink in the world made by human hands. There is no longer one in any country in the world. The skating rink is listed in the Guinness Book of Records. It has an area of ​​32,000 square meters, and 14,000 people can ride here at the same time.

Mexico is a country with a hot climate, which makes it all the more amazing that it was here that engineers were able to create this amazing skating rink. Its construction required special equipment; pipes were stretched almost a hundred meters underground for cooling.

It is also interesting that this is a non-profit project. It was built in 2008 at the expense of large businessmen, admission to it is free for everyone. The only pity is that it does not work all year round; it is filled in a couple of weeks before the New Year and removed a few weeks after the holiday.

Skating rinks at VDNKh and Gorky Park, Moscow

In 2014, a huge artificial skating rink was inaugurated at VDNKh in Moscow. Its area is 20 thousand square meters.

After Mexico, this is the largest artificial skating rink on the planet. But it is paid, there are many skate rental points, cafes and other places where visitors spend their money.

The skating rink itself is very beautiful. The whole place sparkles with lights, it is illuminated by 100 thousand LED bulbs, and the ice is renewed twice a day. It is divided into 4 zones: a children's zone, equipped with safety barriers, a hockey zone, an extreme zone with towers and springboards, and an amateur zone for skating the common people.

No more than 5,000 skaters are allowed on the skating rink at a time. Although it can accommodate more skaters, the administration believes that crowding is unsafe and controls the flow of vacationers.

A year earlier, in 2013, an ice skating rink with an area of ​​15,000 square meters was opened in Gorky Park (Moscow). Impressive size too! It quickly became popular among Muscovites and city guests. Entrance to it is also paid, it is surrounded by extensive services: skate rental points, instructor help for beginners, cafes and bars for those who want to refresh themselves. Again, there are 4 zones: hockey, dance (for figure skating fans), children's and main. For ease of movement along the ice paths, long wooden platforms have been built. The skating rink is very beautiful. It is decorated with lighting, 3D animations depicting snowfall, fireworks, fiery explosions and other three-dimensional illusions. From time to time, colorful ice shows and amateur competitions are held here.

Medeo, Kazakhstan

Another artificial skating rink that deserves attention. Located in the same name sports complex near Almaty, Kazakhstan. The complex was built in 1972 on the slope of the Zailiysky Alatau mountain at an altitude of almost 1700 meters above sea level. Its area is truly impressive: 10.5 thousand square meters. The ice surface here is of very high quality; more than 200 world records have already been set on this skating rink, for which Medeo was called the “Record Factory”.

At the same time, 8,100 spectators can watch the competitions here (according to the number seats).

Ice skating rink in St. Petersburg

In the Northern capital, in Udelny Park, the 4th largest artificial skating rink in the world is built. Its area is “only” 4 thousand square meters. Despite a powerful advertising campaign, many visitors give the skating rink low marks. They don’t like its shape in the form of a “donut” with a width of 7-8 meters, which is good for straight running, but does not allow fans of pirouettes to turn around; they also noted long lines at the ticket office (people stand for 2 hours for a ticket), cramped locker rooms. The administration replies that the skating rink is currently operating in test mode, and all shortcomings will be gradually eliminated.

Red Square, Moscow

By the standards of world giants, this skating rink has a very modest area - 2700 square meters. The remarkable thing about it is that it is poured right on Red Square near the Kremlin. This tradition began in 2010 and is now repeated annually. The ice rink has good quality coating that can withstand temperatures up to +7°C. Both professionals and amateurs can ride here for a reasonable fee. The skating rink can accommodate up to 500 visitors. On the ice field are held hockey matches and figure skating competitions. A stage based on a Russian fairy tale has been built along its perimeter, from which it is convenient to observe everything that happens at the skating rink. Despite the fact that it is clearly inferior in size to the sites at VDNKh and Gorky Park, it is called the “Main Skating Rink of Russia”.

Wollman Rink, New York

In New York there is a 2,600 square meter Wollman Rink. meters. Although it was opened back in 1950, it is still very beautiful, well equipped, and has high-quality ice coverage. The skating rink is open to everyone from late October to early April.

It became especially famous and recognizable after a couple of sentimental Hollywood scenes were filmed here. Such famous personalities as Hugh Jackman, Kate Hudson and Jim Carrey come here to ride.

Incredible facts

During the cold season, it is always nice to have an active time skiing or skating.

Skating rinks are usually installed in cities so that you and your family and/or friends can have a good time during the cold season.

There are a huge number of places in the world where you can relax in winter, and here you can get acquainted with twenty of the most interesting outdoor skating rinks in the world.

These skating rinks welcome everyone, from young to old, and their prices are acceptable for any segment of the population.

The skating rinks that made it into the top ten were named by CNN as the most beautiful in the world.

20. Ice skating rink in Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan has the highest mountain skating rink in the world, which allows it to delight residents and guests of the country for six months. This skating rink is located in the Medeo sports complex, near Almaty. The height at its location (Medeo Mountains) is 1,691 meters above sea level, and the area of ​​the ice field is 10.5 square meters. km.

19. FlevOnice skating rink, Holland

This skating rink can be found in an open field, namely in a little-known Dutch village called Biddinghuizen. Its outlines are similar to racing tracks, so speed skating competitions are held here. It is worth noting that the route stretches for 3 km. There is also a hotel next to the skating rink for everyone. The skating rink is open until February.

18. Skating rink on Lake Joux, Switzerland

This skating rink usually opens at the end of January. It is formed after the freezing of the highest mountain lake in Switzerland - 1,004 meters. This skating rink is also one of the largest in Europe - its area is about 9.5 sq. km. His frequent guests are residents of the neighboring cities of Geneva and Lausanne. Here you can not only go ice skating, but also admire the snow-covered slopes of the Vaudois Alps.

17. Skating rink at Nathan Phillips Square, Toronto, Canada

Like many of the skating rinks on this list, the skating rink at Nathan Phillips Square is one of the most popular places for residents and visitors to spend their leisure time. It is located in front of the city hall and is painted with many bright lights. It is open until March.

16. Ice skating rink in the city center of Helsinki, Finland

It was filled in November in the center of Helsinki. The skating rink itself is located opposite Railway station Helsinki is called Icepark. It has long been a favorite vacation spot local residents and city guests. Both adults and children skate here. There are even experienced instructors who will teach you how to skate properly.

15. Skating rink on Lake Weißensee, Austria

Initially, it is worth noting that Weissensee is one of the cleanest and deepest lakes on Earth, and in winter it is the largest skating rink in the old world. The water is so pure that it was awarded the international "Tourism for Tomorrow Award". The skating rink has an area of ​​6.5 square meters. kilometers, where you can speed up decently on skates.

14. Ice skating rink on the roof of a hotel in Vienna, Austria

This small ice skating rink is located on the roof of the Schloss Wilhelminenberg Hotel. And his total area is 200 sq. meters. Despite the fact that it was opened relatively recently, the skating rink has already become famous due to the fact that it is located on high altitude and from here the capital of Austria is clearly visible.

13. Ice skating rink in Berlin at Potsdamer Platz, Germany

If you happen to be in Berlin in winter, you can have a great time at the outdoor skating rink at Potsdamer Platz. The skating rink itself is not very large - 40 x 15 meters, but is one of the attractions of the German capital during the cold season. Around the skating rink you can find many stalls with treats. But that's not all - the organizers decided to add the Winterwelt winter amusement park to the ice skating rink with a 70-meter snow slide, from which you can ride both sleds and skis.

12. Ice skating rink in Yosemite National Park, USA

This outdoor ice skating rink in Yosemite Park is not only one of the largest, but also one of the most beautiful in the world, with the towering silhouette of the granite Half Dome Mountain in the background. It is worth noting that the tradition of organizing ice skating in this park dates back to 1928. It was then that the employees natural park For the first time, they decided to flood an abandoned car park with water. Now you can not only skate here, but also rent skates, drink coffee, and have a snack.

11. Hampton Court Ice Rink, London

The site where the skating rink is located is a beautiful tourist attraction, and in winter it turns into an ice skating rink for romantic couples. There is beautiful lighting, a bright carousel, the smell of hot chocolate, as well as appropriate music.

10. Ice skating rink at Bondi Beach, Sydney, Australia

To create this skating rink, 25,000 liters of water were frozen. The result was a slab measuring 45 x 20 meters. It is worth noting that the air temperature here always exceeds 0 degrees, however, despite this, the winter festival has not been canceled, and the organizers have created an ice skating rink that can withstand temperatures up to +30 degrees Celsius.

9. Skating rink on Lake Evergreen, Denver, Colorado, USA (Evergreen Lake)

The skating rink is located 30 minutes from Denver. The entire territory covers an area of ​​almost 35 square meters. km and includes 11 hockey rinks and a huge ice skating arena. Nearby is Evergreen Mountain, decorated with snowy spruce trees. Here you can drink hot chocolate and have a snack.

8. Somerset House Ice Rink, London

If you somehow north wind brings you to London, try visiting the skating rink next to Somerset House - a huge building built at the end of the 18th century in a neoclassical style. In winter, the main attraction of Somerset House is the ice skating rink, where you can not only skate, but also listen to modern music from specially invited DJs. Here you can also snack on cupcakes and drink hot tea.

7. New Year's skating rink with artificial ice at the Eiffel Tower, Paris

The Eiffel Tower is not only the main attraction of the French capital, but also a place where you can have a good time, especially in winter, when the skating rink with an area of ​​200 square meters is filled. meters. From this skating rink located on the first floor observation deck, you can see Paris in full view from a height of 57 m. 80 people can fit here at the same time. It opened on December 15 and will remain open until the end of February.

6. Big skating rink on Lake Shichahai, Beijing, China

This favorite place local residents and visitors. In the Shichahai area, anyone can rent skates and skate on real ice. With frost, these icy expanses open up to everyone. Here you can find two skating rinks - for professionals and for amateurs. It is worth noting that this lake is actually a connection of three lakes: Qianhai, Houhai and Xihai and surround it historical architecture China.

5. Artificial Ice Rink at Rockefeller Center, New York

This skating rink is one of the most famous in the world. It could be seen in many Hollywood films, surrounded by New York skyscrapers, hundreds of lights, and, of course, a Christmas tree. The skating rink is open from October to April. It was once one of the largest skating rinks, and yet today it can accommodate up to 150 people at a time. It is always popular among residents and guests of the metropolis.

4. The largest ice skating rink in the world: Rideau Canal Ice Rink, Ottawa, Canada

This skating rink near Parliament Hill was listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest in the world. It is also a UNESCO protected area and extends along the canal between Lake Ontario and the Ottawa River. It's worth noting that the Rideau Canal was built in the 19th century as an emergency waterway between the Great Lakes and Montreal in case of war. Its length is 202 kilometers. The skating rink itself has an area of ​​approximately 150 square meters. km, and its length is 7.8 kilometers. In some places its width reaches 70 meters.

3. Moscow skating rinks: skating rink on Red Square

The skating rink on Red Square in Moscow is one of the most beautiful in the world. Its artificial surface allows residents and guests of the capital to enjoy beautiful view and lighting, and of course the skating process itself. The skating rink will be open until March 16 - opening hours from 10-00 to 00-00.

2. Ice Dream outdoor ice skating rink in Vienna, Austria

Two large skating rink in the center of the capital of Austria were connected by small ice isthmuses to create one large skating rink with an area of ​​6,000 square meters. meters. The isthmus can be used as a acceleration strip. There are many shops around the skating rink where you can buy drinks and food.

1. Outdoor skating rink at Banff & Lake Louise, Canada

This skating rink is formed when Lake Louise, surrounded by mountains, freezes. No wonder the beautiful landscape adorns many Canadian postcards. The resort itself is a 2-hour drive from Calgary. It is worth noting that you can not only skate at the skating rink, but also, if you are cold, warm up.