National parks of Cuba. Natural reserves of Cuba

In the province of Granma, in the southwest of Cuba, there is an interesting national park called Desembarco del Granma, which is translated into Russian as Landing from Granma. This name is due to the fact that it was in 1956 that Che Guevara and the Castro brothers arrived in Cuba illegally, who subsequently carried out the revolution. The boat they arrived on was called Granma, hence the name of the national park. In principle, in Cuba everything is connected to one degree or another with the revolution and its leaders, so there is nothing surprising in such a name.

The park was founded in 1986 and is considered Cuba's most underrated national park. The fact is that over the years of its existence it has not gained much tourist popularity; about 1000 tourists visit it every year and most of them are Cubans.

The nature of the park is not only beautiful, but also very diverse; here you can see rare species of flora and fauna. About 900 people live in the park, who are mainly engaged in fishing. The lands of this park have been preserved in their original form to this day, and therefore have enormous archaeological value. At one time, this territory was inhabited by the Tainu Indians, whose remains are occasionally found during archaeological research. The ancient lighthouse, which was erected in the 19th century, has been well preserved to this day. Since 1999, this park has been included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

The park has a beautiful topography, with a large number of karst rocks, picturesque cliffs and sea terraces. In the coastal zone there is a terrace system - Escalera de los Hihantes, the name of which translates as the Giant's Staircase and this system is considered the largest in the world. There is also a huge sinkhole, the width of which is 52 meters and the length is 77 meters. Also a must-see is the Cueva Fustete cave. This cave is interesting because the underground routes stretch for five kilometers and about 200 species of plant varieties grow underground. In total, more than 500 species of plants can be seen in the park, 200 of which are found nowhere else. Animal world not so diverse, but in any case there is something to see. For example, it is in this park that the smallest frog in the world lives, with a length of only 12 millimeters, as well as the smallest bird, the sunsunito hummingbird, with a length of 63 millimeters.

The park is great not only for exploring various natural attractions, but also for diving. Visibility underwater exceeds 40 meters, which allows you to see all the beauty of underwater life. In this case, it is not necessary to dive with cylinders; a mask with fins will be quite sufficient (and much cheaper).

Nearest Big city, located relatively close to the park is the city of Santiago de Cuba, about 150 kilometers away. But from Havana the distance is much more substantial and you can get there by plane (in just 50 minutes) or by train, but in this case you will have to spend about 9 hours on the road. Apparently, such a remote distance affects the fact that the park is not very popular among tourists, but if you have free time, be sure to go there, the place is very beautiful and interesting.

Cuba is one of the most popular tourist destinations Caribbean Sea. Her rich story and national traditions, magnificent colonial architecture and other cultural, historical and natural attractions, wonderful climate, warm sea and great beaches will make your trip to Cuba unforgettable.

Havana - administrative, political, cultural, scientific, and also the main tourist centre countries, cosmopolitan province. Havana is visited annually by more than half of all foreign tourists coming to the country. Its main charm is the city itself with its variety of architecture, wide avenues and famous boulevards, and especially its historical Center, declared by UNESCO as a Heritage of Humanity in 1982.

The second largest city in the country, Santiago de Cuba, is famous for its magnificent fortress San Pedro de la Roca (Castillo del Morro), which is included in the list World Heritage UNESCO. On the territory of the fortress there is most interesting Museum history of piracy. Santiago de Cuba is located in a cozy bay surrounded by high picturesque mountains. And in its vicinity there is the beautiful Gran Piedra National Park, on the territory of which there is a tourist center of the same name, and the original National natural Park Baconao (declared a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve). Bacanao is famous all over the world prehistoric valley, Sculpture Meadow and Lagoon.

The province of Pinar del Rio is located in the west of the island and is famous, firstly, beautiful nature, and, secondly, tobacco plantations. Attractions in the region: the city of Pinar del Rio, the Viñales Valley National Park and Soroa. The provincial capital of the same name is interesting for its Provincial Museum of Natural Sciences, the Guasch Palace, the Milanes Theater and the Francisco Donatien cigar factory. The Viñales Valley, located in the Sierra de los Organos, is notable for its mogotes, steep, flat-topped hills, the Indian Cave, the Cave of Santo Tomas, the healing springs of San Vicente and a prehistoric fresco on the wall of one of the mogotes. "

Trinidad de Cuba is a city-museum of colonial architecture, declared by UNESCO a heritage of humanity and a cultural monument of world significance. The city was founded in 1514 by Diego Velazquez. Times have changed, but Trinidad itself is still the same as it was 2 centuries ago with its Baroque churches, red tile roofs, pavements and wrought iron grilles. It is especially recommended to pay attention to Romantic Museum, Museum of Architecture, Archaeological Museum, Anti-Bandit Museum, Alexander Humboldt Museum of Natural Sciences and Guamuaya Archaeological Museum.

The section "attractions of Cuba" of our portal contains information about all the main, main and most interesting attractions of Cuba, excursions and places that you definitely need to visit and see.

The turquoise blue of the Caribbean Sea and snow-white beaches, old colonial charm and salsa lessons in town squares on a Sunday afternoon. And then there are travelers who dream of visiting national parks, where the natural attractions and cultural and historical heritage of the republic are preserved with special attention.

Briefly about each

The three parks on the island differ from each other both in their natural views and in the tasks assigned to their workers:

  • In Desembarco del Granma on the southwestern tip of Liberty Island in 1956, Fidel landed on the yacht Granma to organize the Cuban revolution. The main attractions of the park are sea terraces and karst caves.
  • In the park named after Alexander Humboldt in the eastern part of Cuba combines several ecosystems typical for these latitudes - from mangrove forests to coral reefs.
  • The valley is most popular among foreign tourists due to its proximity to Havana and the beaches. It is here that the best varieties of Cuban tobacco are grown to produce the most expensive and aromatic cigars in the world.

In the tobacconist's hut

It’s like a patchwork quilt has been thrown over the Viñales Valley – this is what the tobacco plantations look like from above observation deck at one of the local hotels. Cuba National Park in the west of the island was included in the World Heritage List in 1999. natural heritage UNESCO, and this is where you can get acquainted with the traditional methods of farming in the Caribbean region.
The natural landscapes of the Viñales Valley include mogote hills reaching half a kilometer in height and peasant huts on the red, fertile soil of tobacco plantations. Caves in the surrounding area – optional tourist attraction. Underground rivers have carved out many kilometers of galleries ending in clear lakes.
You can get to Cuba National Park by regular buses Viazul company from Havana or Trinidad, with excursions booked at the Transtur agency, by rented car (price from $40 per day depending on the season and make of the car) or by taxi (you can negotiate with taxi drivers for a one-day tour from Havana for a price from $50 plus gas).

On the UNESCO lists

The Cuban National Park is located in the provinces and is named after the German scientist Alexander Humboldt, who was involved in botany, physics and other natural sciences. The park is home to several hundred species of Caribbean flora, some of which are found only on Liberty Island, and the landscape diversity and variety of ecosystems have made this natural object worthy of the UNESCO World Heritage List.
Excursions to the park are only possible with organized groups. They offer to sign up for the trip travel companies, located in the cities of Holguin and.

And it is the center of tobacco plantations - this is where the most aromatic tobacco grows. But above all, the Viñales Valley is simply very a nice place. It is famous for its mogotes - domed limestone “columns”, some of which reach a width of 800 meters and a height of 300. In reality, these are not hills that “grew” from the ground, but, on the contrary, the remains of an ancient plateau, most of which collapsed, forming fields, often surrounded by mogotes, like walls. Inside the limestone hills there are often entire labyrinths of caves. For a small fee, you can hire a guide who will show you the path to the top of Mogotes and escort you to the caves. The valley is fantastically beautiful at sunset, when red herons walk through the tobacco fields. Western part of the valley declared national monument, and in the south there are several hotels.


The length of this peninsula is almost one hundred kilometers. It is also included in the list of UNESCO biosphere reserves. Magnificent landscapes, beaches, rivers, lakes, unique plants, animals, birds, including four species of sea turtles and the smallest birds on the planet. Underwater there are coral reefs, sunken ships, dolphins, so the peninsula is also one of the most popular places for diving.


The island is 25 kilometers long and 3 kilometers wide and is famous for the fact that its entire coastline makes up a beach with the purest white sand and turquoise water. It once served as a base for pirates, and now there are many hotels here. Flamingos, iguanas, horse riding and sailing.

On the eastern tip of the island there is a chance to watch the giant sea turtles that lay their eggs here, and in the center of the island there is a turtle farm. West Bank overgrown with mangroves. From the island you can go on an excursion to neighboring, uninhabited islands. You can also book spearfishing or fishing trips.


The largest cave system in Cuba, with a total length of 45 kilometers, is decorated with stalactites and stalagmites.


This large swampy peninsula is one of the most interesting ecosystems not only in Cuba, but in the entire New World. wild nature This region is teeming with hundreds of interesting species of animals, birds, plants, insects - many of which are endemic. Mangroves, of which there are many, are an extremely important part of the ecosystem. These bushes, growing right in the mud, become home to a huge number of species of very different living creatures - both under and above the water. The Zapata Peninsula is home to, among others, unique pygmy owls and the smallest bird in the world, the sunsuncito hummingbird, which is only 2.5 centimeters long. You can sometimes spot a crocodile in the mangroves; however, there is a crocodile farm on Zapata (the largest in Cuba), next to which there is a restaurant where you can try reptile meat. The peninsula has ideal conditions for diving: coral systems in some places go down 300 meters. Inside the peninsula there are caves filled with fresh water.


A hundred kilometers east of Havana, over the valley of the Bacunayagua River, there is a majestic bridge. Its length is more than three hundred meters, and its height is more than a hundred. Actually

It is forbidden to stop on the bridge, but from the side, from a special observation deck, you can take stunning pictures. RESORT SAN MIGUEL DE LOS BAÑOS Once it was very popular mineral resort. Since then it has fallen into disrepair and resembles more of a ruin, but it is a majestic and fascinating ruin. The Moorish building of the baths deserves special attention.


UNESCO Biosphere Reserve. Cedars, redwood and pine. Orchid park, mineral baths, mountains, waterfalls. 800 plant species, of which 35% are endemic. Unique animals and birds, including deer, half-meter rodents - hutia.


The Hacienda Cortina estate, which once belonged to a Cuban millionaire. Ancient ruins, a botanical garden and a unique cave with a 30-meter vault, which once served as the headquarters of Che Guevara.


The Sierra del Cristal is located east of Holguin, this mountain system- ecotourism center. Lovers of horseback riding and forest hikes are welcome here. In addition, in these mountains there are caves with pre-Columbian paintings. The area is also famous for its unique Caribbean pine trees, some of which reach 30 meters in height.


Along south coast The country has the highest mountain range. These wild, forested rocks have been the scene of military operations more than once; Fidel Castro’s headquarters was located here, from which he directed the rebels’ activities. Now these places are a paradise for 5 climbers. In the village of Santo Domingo you can obtain permission to visit Pico Turquino Park, where the highest mountain on the island is located - the almost two-kilometer Turquino Peak. The climb up the mountain must be planned very carefully, choosing warm, waterproof clothing. You can spend the night in the camp at an altitude of 1600 meters.


The second highest mountain range in Cuba is located east of Cienfuegos. Che Guevara's partisans hid here, and after the victory of the revolution - those who were against it. From the slopes of the mountains there are views of the valleys where coffee and tobacco are grown, and the mountains themselves are cut with caves, of which the most famous is Martina Inferno - the stalagmites in it are more than 60 meters high.


This mountain range stretches across the entire western tip of the island, bordering the famous Viñales Valley on the north. Here it is biosphere reserve Sierra del Rosario and La Guira National Park. Botanical gardens, sulfur springs, unique species of birds, animals and insects, rivers and waterfalls, ruins of plantations and amazingly beautiful caves, inside one of which you can ride a motor boat along an underground river.


A unique five-hundred-meter mountain, which has a flat shape and is nicknamed “The Anvil” for this reason. A non-professional climber can climb to the top, but only with a guide. The efforts spent on climbing will be more than rewarded with breathtaking views and observations of rare animals and birds. Columbus wrote about the unusual shape of this mountain in his diary.