10 largest islands in the world. The largest island in the world

Hello friends. Today I made a selection of the largest islands in the world. I won’t make a long introduction, but let’s get straight to the interesting stuff.

The world's largest island - Frozen Greenland

The world's largest island located among arctic ice North America. This is Greenland, covering an area of ​​2,130,800 km². The geographically described island belongs to Denmark and is its independent unit.

And, although the name “Greenland” translates as “ green Island", there is practically no vegetation here, in addition, it is very cold in Greenland. In winter, the air temperature can drop to -50°C, and in summer to -12°C, so only 56,295 people live in this area. 7% of the surface of the entire territory is occupied by ice, the thickness of which reaches 3 km.

The capital of the largest island in the world is the city of Nuuk, whose name translates as “city good hope" Greenland's main attraction in the world. And the most unusual national treasure is the toy - tupilak, created by local Eskimos from the skin and tusks of a walrus and symbolizing evil spirit- lord of the northern ice.

Mysterious New Guinea

New Guinea is a huge island located in the western Pacific Ocean. Its area is 786,000 km²; in terms of size, the island is the second largest on the planet and one of the five largest islands in the world. Geographically, this piece of land is part of two different states. The western part belongs to Indonesia, and the eastern part is a separate state of Papua New Guinea.

This island is the most mysterious and little-studied in the world. The local population consists of thousands of different tribes, which until recently did not even suspect each other’s existence. Flora and fauna of one of the most big islands on the planet are still poorly understood. The city of Tufi is rightfully considered the world capital of diving, its beauty underwater world will not leave indifferent even the most experienced diver.

Locals live by their own laws - the most unusual in the world. For example, the law on witchcraft states that a person who believes himself to be bewitched suffers no consequences for his actions. There are 18 active volcanoes on the territory of New Guinea, the ancient power of which is worshiped by the local population.

Borneo Island (Kalimantan)

The third largest island on the planet is borneo island(Kalimantan), covering an area of ​​734 km². This island is located in the heart of the Malay archipelago and is the only island that simultaneously belongs to three different countries: Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei. Historically this island was discovered by the navigator Magellan in 1521, but ancient writings indicate that life on this area sushi existed long before that.

At the beginning of the 13th century, the island aborigines were actively engaged in trade in spices and fish with neighboring states. The main part of the island is covered mountain ranges and jungles, and thousand-year-old forests are the oldest in the world. Plants and animals that are the most predatory on the planet have been recorded on the island.

The world's largest orangutan lives on Borneo, and some species of giant plants are capable of eating not only insects, but also large predators. The main attraction of Borneo is the suspended cable car, 480 m long and 20 m high. It is from this height that all the beauty of this wild region is revealed.

Majestic Madagascar

The fourth largest island on the planet belongs to the incredible Madagascar. Described Island state covers an area of ​​587,000 km². A unique feature of Madagascar is the presence of absolutely amazing plants and animals that live on the island.

For several decades, world scientists have been trying to comprehend the secrets of this amazing state and study its nature, however, the amazing Madagascar surprises each time with new wonderful discoveries.

The island is home to over 30 species of lemurs. The local population considers this animal sacred. According to legends, the soul of a deceased person moves into a lemur and continues its journey on Earth.

The harshest island

Closes TOP largest islands in the world- Baffin Island Island, located in and covering an area of ​​507,451 km². Due to the harsh climate, the population of the described island is only 11,000 people. The nature of the Arctic north fascinates with its beauty.

Local Inuit residents travel by sled dogs and snowmobiles. And amazing reindeer move around the city completely calmly, without fear of people. The island aborigines have their own language and sacredly honor the traditions of their ancestors, however, they are very literate and intellectually developed residents, fluent in several languages ​​and developing infrastructure in such harsh climatic conditions.

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Do you know how many times the most big Island Is Russia smaller than the largest island in the world? Read the post and find out.

No. 10. Ellesmere (Canada) - 196,236 km2

Ellesmere is the most northern island Canada is one of the ten largest islands by area in the world. Due to the harsh climate, the island's population is about 150 people.

The remains of prehistoric animals have been repeatedly found on the territory of Ellesmere. The first settlers were nomads from Siberia. In 1250, the Thule people, the ancestors of the Eskimos, settled in the territory. But by the middle of the 18th century the island became deserted.

The island was discovered in 1616 by the English navigator William Baffin.

No. 9. Victoria (Canada) - 217,291 km2

In ninth place by area is Victoria Island (Canada). The island was discovered in 1838 during the expedition of British explorer Thomas Simpson.

In the 50s of the 20th century, there were several settlements on the island where meteorologists lived. By the end of the 20th century, the population increased due to Eskimo settlers who took up fishing activities here.

No. 8. Honshu (Japan) - 227,970 km2

Honshu is the largest island of the Japanese archipelago and ranks 8th in the ranking of the largest islands in the world. The island of Honshu is home to the largest Japanese cities: Tokyo, Yokohama, Osaka, Nagoya, Kyoto, Hiroshima, etc.

The island is covered with many volcanoes, some of them active. The population of the island is more than 103 million people.

No. 7. Great Britain (UK) - 229,848 km2

Great Britain ranks 7th on the list of largest islands in the world and is the largest island among the British Isles and in Europe as a whole.

The beginning of the history of Great Britain is considered to be the period of the Roman conquest in 43 BC, but the island had more early history.

Great Britain was inhabited by the Noto people several hundred thousand years ago. Modern man has arrived British Isles before the start of the last ice age, but retreated to southern Europe due to the glaciers covering the island. According to archaeological finds, after 12,000 BC. e. The British Isles were repopulated. Around 4,000 BC e. the island was inhabited by people of the Neolithic culture.

Today the population of the island of Great Britain is more than 61 million people, making it the most densely populated area in Europe.

No. 6. Sumatra (Indonesia) - 443,066 km2

Sumatra is the sixth largest island in the world. It is located in two hemispheres at once, since the Equator passes almost through the middle of the island. The island belongs to Indonesia and is part of the Malay Archipelago. It is located in an area of ​​frequent earthquakes and tsunamis.

Today the population of the island of Sumatra is more than 50 million people. The main cities of Sumatra: Medan, Palembang, Padang. People of many nationalities live in Sumatra, about 90% profess Islam.

About 73 thousand years ago, the Toba volcano exploded on the island of Sumatra. This event resulted in 1,800 years of ice age and a reduction in the human population to 2,000 people.

The name of the island comes from the Sanskrit word samudra - “ocean” or “sea”.

No. 5. Baffin Island (Canada) - 507,451 km2

Baffin Island is the first largest island in Canada and the fifth largest in the world. Due to the harsh climatic conditions of the island, the population is about 11 thousand people. The largest population center on the island is Iqaluit.

The first description of the island was made by William Baffin in 1616, and the island was named after him.

No. 4. Madagascar (Madagascar) - 587,713 km2

The fourth place in the ranking is occupied by the island of Madagascar. Located in the Indian Ocean eastern shore Africa. The island is home to the state of Madagascar (the capital is Antananarivo). Today the population of the island of Madagascar is more than 24 million people.

Locals call Madagascar the red island because of the color of the soil. More than half of the animals found in Madagascar cannot be found on the mainland, and 90% of the plants are endemic.

No. 3. Kalimantan (Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei) - 748,168 km2

Kalimantan or Borneo is the third largest island in the world. It is divided between 3 countries: Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei. The island is located in the center of the Malay Archipelago.
Kalimantan means diamond river in the local language. It is named so due to its rich resources, in particular a large number of diamonds.

The first people settled Kalimantan about 40 thousand years ago. Today the population of the island is about 20 million people. More than 300 ethnic groups live on the island.

No. 2. New Guinea (Indonesia, Papua New Guinea) - 785,753 km2

There are still places in New Guinea where no man has ever been. This place attracts flora and fauna researchers, as they can find rare species of animals and plants here. More than 11 thousand species of plants, 600 unique species of birds, over 400 species of amphibians, 455 species of butterflies and about a hundred live here. known species mammals.

New Guinea has been inhabited by humans since at least 45 thousand years BC. e. from Asia. More than a thousand Papuan-Melanesian tribes descended from the first settlers. The absence of large animals suitable for domestication on the island hampered the development of agriculture and made cattle breeding impossible. This contributed to the preservation of the primitive communal system in large areas of New Guinea until the present day. The mountainous landscape contributed to the isolation of people from each other, as a result of which a huge variety of languages ​​appeared on the island.

The discoverer of New Guinea was the Portuguese Don Jorge de Menezes, who landed on the island in 1526. According to legend, he gave the island the name “Papua”, which translates as curly, due to the curly hair of the local aborigines.

Today the population of the island of New Guinea is more than 9.5 million people.
In the territory of New Guinea there is an ancient agricultural settlement of Kuka, showing an isolated development Agriculture for 7-10 thousand years and included in the List World Heritage UNESCO.

No. 1. Greenland (Denmark) - 2,130,800 km2

The largest island in the world is Greenland. The Green Country, as this island is also called, belongs to Denmark. Due to glacial cover (84% of the surface) and unfavorable climatic conditions Most of the island is uninhabited. Today the population of Greenland is more than 57 thousand people. The largest settlement on the island is Nuuk (Gothob).

Several thousand years before the arrival of Europeans, the island was inhabited by Greenlandic Eskimos, who call themselves Inuit. The Inuit have adapted to the extreme conditions of the Arctic climate and feel quite comfortable. From time immemorial they have been engaged in fishing and hunting.

The first European to enter the island was the Norman Gunbjorn in 875. In 982, Erik Raudi settled on the island with several comrades, expelled from Iceland for the crimes he had committed. Later they were joined by Norwegian Vikings. In 983, the first Norman colony was founded in Greenland.

After the settlement of Greenland by Europeans, the island was repeatedly passed from hand to hand. Until 1536, the island belonged to Norway, then it became part of Denmark, in accordance with the union between Denmark and Norway. In 1721, a Danish colony called Gotthob was officially established on the island. In 1814, after the dissolution of the union between Norway and Denmark, Greenland became the complete possession of Denmark.

The main activity of the Greenland population is fishing. But at the end of the 20th century, reindeer and sheep breeding and oil production appeared. Tourism and air transport play a big role. More than 20 thousand tourists visit Greenland every year.

The largest island in Russia (Sakhalin) is 27 times smaller than the largest island in the world (Greenland).

The largest islands of Russia:
Sakhalin - 76600 km2
Northern - 48904 km2
Yuzhny - 33275 km2
Boiler house - 23200 km2
October Revolution - 13708 km2

Islands are the most exciting and mysterious geographical features. Imagine: a piece of land surrounded on all sides by water. You can sail or fly to it and live completely alone, without depending on civilization. Perhaps this is what attracted and attracted people to itself at all times.

It’s enough to remember how many times they were mentioned in art: Mysterious Island, Doctor Moreau's Island, Treasure Island, Avalon, desert island Robinson Crusoe, Neverland... But few of them can contain as many secrets and mysteries as the real ones. And the larger the island, the more secrets and mysteries it contains. And just imagine how much the largest islands can accommodate... That’s what we’ll talk about today.

Greenland, 2,130,800 km²

This one large island larger in area than most modern states. It is only three times smaller than Australia, albeit the smallest, but still a continent.

This geographical miracle belongs to Denmark, which is several times smaller than its island, occupying an area of ​​just over 43 thousand square kilometers. Such an island could significantly increase the area of ​​the state, if not for its climate and topography: more than 80% of its area is covered by an ice sheet. Which is not surprising, given that it is located in close proximity to the North Pole and is washed by the waters of the Arctic and partially Atlantic oceans.

And this is not photoshop

This makes it one of the most beautiful, majestic, vibrant - and uninhabited places in the world, with only 15 thousand people living there. The landscapes of Greenland take your breath away, they are so beautiful. But few people will be able to live there, because even in summer the temperature rises slightly above zero. And there’s nothing to say about winter; -40-50 degrees is normal.

Nevertheless, tourists from all over the world come here to admire the landscapes and see with their own eyes majestic ice, observe the living worlds of this harsh, inhospitable, but such beautiful island. The summer months are especially good for this, when you can admire the white nights.

New Guinea, 786,000 km²

New Guinea is a completely different matter, because this large island is located entirely in the western Pacific Ocean. Tropical climate, bright, varied and rich nature, warm sea, exotic tribes - this island can offer entertainment to everyone’s taste.

Interestingly, New Guinea is one of the few islands divided between states. Some of this beauty went to Papua New Guinea, part - Indonesia. Each of these states would like to get everything, but even half is also not bad.

It even has its own volcano

New Guinea can be called one of the last unexplored corners of the world on Earth. Only recently, scientists discovered an area on the island that they called New Eden. Here dozens of unknown or previously considered extinct species of animals and plants were waiting for them. It is interesting that the inhabitants of this Garden of Eden were not at all afraid of people.

Kalimantan, 743,330 km²

Another champion island, taking an honorable third place thanks to its 743,330 square kilometers area. In terms of area, it is slightly behind New Guinea, but not in terms of the beauty of the landscapes and the richness of nature.

Its area is divided between three states: Indonesia got more than 70%, Malaysia took almost the entire rest, and Brunei received only a small area.

If there is heaven on Earth, then it is probably here

The equator passes through Kalimantan, and its climate is appropriate - humid and hot. Therefore, more than 80% of its area is occupied by wild tropical forests, inhabited by equally wild tribes of headhunters. True, now they have become more civilized, they don’t rush at tourists, but they are happy to show them war dances and sell souvenirs.

Madagascar, 587,041 km²

Which modern man haven't heard of Madagascar? After the release of the animated film of the same name, this largest island Indian Ocean has become the dream of many travelers.

The main attraction and wealth of Madagascar are its inhabitants. Flora and fauna are 80% endemic - species that are found only here and nowhere else. Numerous lemurs (and their majesty King Julian!), giant fossas, bats and ordinary mice, geckos, chameleons and turtles - botanists and zoologists are thrilled with delight, publishing study after study. But still, reports regularly appear about the discovery of another new species.

But even if the animal vegetable world If you are not too interested, beaches with crystal clear waters will give you a truly heavenly holiday.

Baffin Island, 476,000 km²

This cold and inhospitable island rounds out the top five largest islands by area. But in terms of climate, it rather resembles the first one - just as frosty and windy, but at the same time bewitching and attractive with its harsh beauty.

Cold, windy, frosty, uncomfortable. But how beautiful!

Like many other large islands, it is extremely sparsely populated. It is home to only about 15 thousand people who were able to call it home.

This island belongs to Canada, but besides Canadians, other “inhabitants” live here - Scandinavian gods. Mount Thor is one of the highest cliffs in the world. It is unlikely that the god of thunder actually lives on this peak, but who forbids thinking so? And there’s nothing to say about the Asgard table mountain.

Of course, these are not all the largest islands. They are scattered around the world, some belong to Indonesia, others belong to Japan. Smaller ones are scattered around the world. But each of them has its own special nature, its own character and its own soul.

It would be even more interesting to visit the most large peninsula, but this is the goal for the next trip. And it will definitely happen, but a little later.

There are approximately 500 thousand islands of various sizes in the world. Among them there are very miniature islands, on which two people can hardly fit. But there are also very large islands that can be compared in area to some countries. What is the largest island on earth? You will find out about this in this fascinating material.

The largest islands in the world

Ellesmere (Canada)

The third largest island in Canada, behind only Victoria Island and Baffin Island. But despite this, this does not prevent Ellesmere from remaining in the top ten largest islands on earth. total area The island is 196 thousand square meters. kilometers. It is difficult to imagine that only 170 people live on such a vast territory. The island is washed on all sides by the Arctic Ocean and is included in the honorary list of islands owned by Queen Elizabeth.

Victoria (Canada)

Another Canadian “giant”, which is also among the top ten. The total area of ​​Victoria Island is much larger than that of Ellesmere Island and is 217 thousand square meters. kilometers. This island is already much more populated, with 1,701 people living on it, but this is still very small for an area of ​​this size. There are only two on the island settlements: Cambridge Bay and Holman. Main feature The islands have a small number of hills. There are certainly mountains on the island, but they are rather small and not at all remarkable.

Honshu (Japan)

This island is considered the largest in the Japanese archipelago. The area of ​​this Japanese giant is 228 thousand square meters. kilometers. The most amazing thing is that Honshu is slightly larger than Victoria Island, but it is inhabited by 103 million people. By the way, the island of Honshu occupies most of the territory of all of Japan, and such densely populated lands are the norm for the country Rising Sun. There are a lot of volcanoes on the island, and this is not strange, because Honshu is dominated by mountainous terrain. The island also boasts the largest mountain in the world and Japan's most famous symbol, Mount Fuji.

UK Island

Great Britain needs no introduction, as it is the largest island that the British Isles can boast. The total area of ​​the island of Great Britain is 230 thousand square meters. kilometers. Moreover, the island is inhabited by 60 million people. The island of Great Britain managed to shelter in its vast territories the main part of the United Kingdom - England, Wales, Scotland.

Sumatra (Indonesia)

This island belongs entirely to Indonesia and is located in the western part of the Malay Archipelago. Sumatra is divided by the equator into two identical parts. The total area of ​​the island is 473 thousand square meters. kilometers. Only 50 million people live in such a vast territory. The coast of the island is famous for its beautiful coral reefs, which tourists from all over the world come to admire.

Madagascar (Africa)

This island, known to everyone, is located in eastern Africa. The total area of ​​Madagascar is very large - 587 thousand km. square. The nature of the island resembles a real paradise. This is due to the fact that such large territories are inhabited by only 20 million people. Therefore, a large area of ​​Madagascar is absolutely free and untouched by man. There are many different animals on the island. Its most popular settlers are wild boars. That’s why locals call Madagascar “the island of wild boars.”

Kalimantan (Asia)

The island of Kalimantan or as it is also called Malay Borneo. Finding Kalimantan on the map is quite easy, because it is located in the very center of the Malay Archipelago, in southeast Asia. On the simply incredible area of ​​Kalimantan, which is 743 thousand square meters. kilometers, only 16 million inhabitants live. This despite the fact that the entire landmass has long been divided into three small states– Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei.

New Guinea

This island takes honorable second place among the largest islands on earth. Its area is 786 thousand square meters. kilometers. New Guinea is home to only 7.5 million people. This island is located right in the middle of Asia and Australia, in the Pacific Ocean. Account: New Guinea is separated from Australia only by the Torres Strait. The island's territories went equally to Indonesia and Papua New Guinea.


We finally made it to Greenland. This is the largest island on earth. Its size reached a record high - 2 million 131 thousand square meters. kilometers. At the same time, the island is inhabited by a far from record number of people – only 57 thousand. You shouldn’t be surprised by such a small population, because most of the island consists of glaciers, which make living on the island almost impossible. Arctic and atlantic oceans wash the shores of the island of Greenland.

There are almost no uninhabited islands left. But the tourist’s soul still asks for extreme sports. I wish I could go to the largest island on Earth!

Or better yet, the three largest ones. And it doesn’t matter that they are located where it is either very cold or too hot. You can embrace everything with an inquisitive tourist soul.

Greenland (2,130,800 km²): land of glaciers and fjords

It is not known whether this island was the "Green Land" when discovered by the Vikings in the 10th century. But today it would be more correct to call this land “White Land”.

It is more than 80% covered eternal ice, and the 58 thousand population lives only on the coast of the Atlantic and Arctic oceans.

Proximity to the North Pole is an extreme experience for a modern tourist. There are no ancient cities or amazing architectural monuments. The iciest and largest island on Earth is a paradise for connoisseurs of unusually bright and majestic northern landscapes, the beauty of icebergs and white nights, unique flora and fauna.

This is interesting:

  1. Icebergs. You can look at the ice mountains drifting in the sea, reflecting all the colors of the rainbow on their sides, for hours.
  2. Thermal springs. It’s a great pleasure to swim in the Arctic Circle in crystal clear clean water, heated to 40° C, among icebergs.
  3. Colorful cities of Greenland. Probably only here people so passionately paint their houses, which look like the scenery of a northern fairy tale. And how great it is to watch the polar lights here!
  4. Festivals of Ilulissat. After visiting the main attractions of the city (the Knut Rasmussen Museum and the Cold Museum), it is worth going to the dance festival of the local aborigines. You will definitely enjoy sled dog racing and polar bear hunting!

New Guinea (786,000 km²): Eden in the tropics

It is the largest of the islands divided between different countries.

Known to us primarily from the travels of Miklouho-Maclay, the island still amazes the traveler with its fantastic nature, just as it amazed the famous Russian pioneer of the 19th century. New Guinea is still one of the poorly explored corners of the Earth.

In general, if you look for a real lost World, then it's here. Recently, a vast area was discovered on the island, where plants and animals unknown to science live blithely. Moreover, the inhabitants of New Eden (that’s what this one was called) paradise) are not at all afraid of people.

This is interesting:

  1. Surfing and diving. This is the only way to enjoy the views of the most picturesque coral reefs on the planet. It is useful to examine the numerous ships and aircraft that sank during the Second World War. Best places dives - Rabaul, Kimbie Bay, Madang.
  2. Warirata National Park. Numerous observation decks, suspension bridges- a great chance to fully appreciate the beauty of the surrounding hills and tropical forest. It is recommended to visit the “Tree House”, the center of cult worship of the Papuan Koiaris tribe.
  3. Bayer River Reserve. Located on the most beautiful mountain slopes, this nature reserve gives rise to several island rivers and wild trails along which exotic birds of paradise, cassowaries, kangaroos and opossums roam freely.
  4. Art gallery and National Museum Papua New Guinea. The island is rich not only in nature, but also cultural monuments. Tens of thousands of unique anthropological and archaeological exhibits, relics of the military past and masterpieces of modern local art are collected here.
  5. Turtle Beach. The whole kilometer is dazzling white sand and the gentle sea. There are all the amenities.

Kalimantan (743,330 km²): a paradise for ethnographers

Divided between three countries (Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei), the island attracts lovers of tropical sun and warm azure sea.

Travelers are offered exquisite service.

The local impenetrable jungle, covering 80% of Kalimantan's area, is home to wild aboriginal tribes. The terrible traditions of cannibalism and hunting for human skulls, which were rampant in these places several decades ago, have been replaced by original songs and war dances. In any case, Kalimantan has a lot of interesting things for both folklore lovers and “hunters” active volcanoes

This is interesting:

  1. , and for those who prefer to spend time peacefully on environmentally friendly sea beaches. Pontianak city . Focus most interesting museums
  2. and architectural monuments, including the ancient Abdurrahman Mosque, the Sultan Qadriah Palace, and the Pontianak Museum, which contains ancient porcelain and ceramic products made by indigenous tribes. Banjarmasin.
  3. A city of slender minarets, canals and floating markets. Diamond mines
  4. . Here and today in reality you can see how in the very recent past the islanders worked hard to mine precious stones. Cannibal - national park

. A leisurely stroll through its territory promises an unforgettable experience. Here you can see many rare plants and animals, the beautiful 10-meter Kippungit waterfall, and plunge into a pool with healing springs.