From the history of verbilok. Porcelain factory in Verbilki

Verbilki - an urban-type settlement (since 1928) in the Taldom district of the Moscow region Russian Federation. Administrative center municipal formation " Urban settlement Verbilki ".

Located on the Dubna River, 90 km north of Moscow. Railroad station"Verbilki" of the Savyolovsky direction of the Moscow railroad.

The village is home to the world-famous factory "Porcelain Verbilok", founded in 1766 by the English merchant Gardner.

Population - 7019 people. (2015).


In one of the documents of the 16th century (presumably from the Dmitrov archive), a mention was found of the village of Verbiltsev, which belonged to the city dweller of Dmitrov, Rtishchev. But this document has not been found at this time.

The earliest documentary mention of Verbilki dates back to 1627, in the Dmitrov scribal book: "in that village and in the wastelands there are written arable lands of 50 thin lands in a field, and in two, because of hay, 435 kopecks, and a forest of plowed 63 dessiatines." In 1685, "The genuine scribal book of local and patrimonial lands in the Povelsky camp" testifies to the presence of a village on Dubna at the mouth of the Yakoti River, which was the Verbilovo heathland.

Attention is drawn to the fact that for 150-200 years until 1765 the population did not change and was in the range of 15-22 people. The estate included a manor house and three huts with peasants. The peasants had little arable land.

In 1678, under Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, his close boyar, Prince Pyotr Semyonovich Urusov, received among the four wastelands and the wasteland Verbilovo.

At one time the village was owned by the boyar Semyon Nikitich Urusov (died 1694). He was married to the daughter of Field Marshal Boris Petrovich Sheremetyev and owned the village for 10 years. Prince Urusov came from the new Moscow nobility. His genealogy did not come from the Russian princes, the descendants of Rurik, but almost from the ancient Egyptian pharaohs.

The Urusovs owned the village until February 16, 1766, when it was bought by Gardner from Prince N.V. Urusov. In this deed of sale Verbilki is named "Verbolovo". In another document, a message about the purchase to the Manufacturing Collegium dated March 15, 1766, Gardner calls the village Verbelovo.

In 1900, a line of the Moscow-Yaroslavl-Arkhangelsk railway passed 2 km from the village and the Verbilki station appeared. Now the station settlement is part of Verbilok.


For 2012, one daytime and one evening educational institutions, in which about 580 students are engaged.

In Verbilki, there is one stationary social service institution for elderly and disabled people for 40 places, the number of elderly citizens on the list for 2008 is 36 people, and one department of social services at home, with the number of elderly people served - 166 people.

On the territory of the village there is a children's library with a fund of 7,938 items, an adult library with a fund of 20,610 items, a children's art school. Libraries do not have their own premises, they are located in the building of an elementary school.

House of culture

The history of the Verbilkovo House of Culture begins with the unification of the Verbilkovo youth in an organization in the fall of 1918. Young people, and more than 400 of them signed up for the Komsomol, were very active in all areas of the life of the village, but they did not have a room where they could gather. The management of the plant met halfway, and in 1921 they were given half a barracks, which were then built for the arriving workers on Dmitrovsky passage. The Komsomol members called their house a club. The first circle was formed there - a brass band. However, the premises soon burned down.

The plant's management understood that the village needed a club. The factory assembly decided to build a modern cultural institution. The money was allocated in Moscow, but the money received was not enough. Then, at the factory meeting, they decided to deduct one day's earnings per month for the construction of the club and build it on their own within a year. They built a club on the site next to the park, where the Gardners (the first owners of the plant) had a ride for horses. It turned out to be a spacious, light, cozy building. It was exactly the same size as the modern one. The front end, where the movie booth and the balcony for 50 seats were located, were made of bricks. The back part was also brick, where the stage, dressing room, wardrobe, boiler room were located. The high auditorium located between them for 450 seats was made of wood. The annexes in the form of covered terraces on the east and west sides were also made of wood. There were rooms for work on interests. The club was opened on November 7, 1924. It was called at that time "Nard".

In 1951 the club was reconstructed and received modern name Verbilkovsky House of Culture. It has 432 seats and 26 employees.

Notable residents and natives

  • Zabyrin, Nikolai Vladimirovich - Soviet military pilot, participant of the Great Patriotic War, The hero of the USSR.
  • Baturin, Yuri Mikhailovich - Pilot-Cosmonaut of the Russian Federation, Hero of the Russian Federation, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
  • Voilokov, Ivan Gavrilovich - participant of the Great Patriotic War, guard sergeant. He closed the embrasure of the machine gun with his body.
  • Furyaev, Gennady Ivanovich - builder, Hero of Socialist Labor.
  • Sletov, Pyotr Vladimirovich - Russian, Soviet writer.
  • Urusov, Pyotr Semyonovich - prince, Russian statesman and military leader, steward, kravchy, boyar and voivode. The second cousin of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich.
  • Glebov-Vadbolsky, Vladimir Vladimirovich - Soviet and Russian sculptor-monumentalist, teacher, professor. People's Artist of the Russian Federation.
  • Gardner, Franz Yakovlevich - English merchant.
  • Gorlov, Dmitry Vladimirovich - Russian Soviet graphic artist, sculptor, master of arts and crafts, one of the founders of Russian animalism. Honored Artist of the RSFSR.

Church of Alexander Nevsky in Verbilki

Until 1911 there was no Orthodox church in Verbilki. There was a small Old Believer wooden prayer house, built at the beginning of the 20th century with the help of M.S.Kuznetsov. Broken in the middle of the twentieth century. Orthodox residents of Verbilki were parishioners of the Ascension Church in the village of Novy. In 1911, at the request of the workers, with donations from the people, they began to build an Orthodox church in Verbilki. The construction was allowed by Anna Matveevna Sokolova, because all the land in the village was her property. The church was wooden, blue and white, light. The five-sided chopped altar opened onto Pochtovaya Street, from which there was a gate for the entrance. Main entrance was on the opposite side, on the side of the porch, which overlooked the birch alley. The church yard was surrounded by a white fence. The construction was completed in 1916.

In 1931, the church was closed. The icons were piled on the banks of the Yakoty and burned. It was decided to organize a kindergarten in the church. They removed the crosses, dismantled the dome, made a solid extension from the side of the porch. In the winter of 1958, the kindergarten moved to a new building, and this was a sanatorium for weakened children. But before that, a small renovation was made. They dismantled the altar and built closed verandas-bedrooms on this side. Appearance the building has completely changed. The overhaul, which began in the late 1980s, further changed the exterior and interior of the building. The roof was closed, its sphericity disappeared, and a brick extension was made.

In November 1996, with the blessing of Metropolitan Juvenaly of Krutitsky and Kolomna, an Orthodox parish was reopened in Verbilki, to which the building of the former church was transferred on April 1, 1997. By the efforts of the parishioners and the administration of the village, repairs were made, and on the Easter holiday the first service was held in the open church... V this moment services are held regularly.

Taldom is located one hundred kilometers from the capital and is the most northern city Moscow region. The article will focus on the sights of Taldom and the surrounding area, on the architectural and historical monuments of this small town.

Taldom: getting to know the city

The ancient city is located in the northern part of the region, 110 kilometers from Moscow. It is crossed by the R 112 motorway, as well as the Moscow-Savyolovo railway line.

Taldom was founded in 1677. In the 19th century, the small town became major center for sewing shoes. His fame resounded throughout the empire. Then it was proudly called the "shoe capital" of Russia. In Soviet times, Taldom gradually turned into a depressed and subsidized city.

Today, a technological equipment plant, a roofing and shoe factories, as well as a radio center operate in the city.

What to see in Taldom? Read about the sights of the city and its immediate environs in the following sections of the article. There are many interesting places and ancient monuments.

List of main attractions of the city of Taldom

In addition to the production of footwear, the Taldom region is also famous for its literature. After all, many outstanding poets and writers were born and worked here. Among them are Sergey Klychkov, Mikhail Prishvin, Vasily Azhaev, ME Saltykov-Shchedrin and others. In the city, you can visit the literary museum and learn more about the Taldom period in the lives of all these individuals.

The most famous and its surroundings are presented below:

  • Taldom Historical and Literary Museum.
  • Orthodox Church of the Archangel Michael (Taldom).
  • House-Museum of S. A. Klychkov (Dubrovki).
  • Estate of M.E.Saltykov-Shchedrin (Spas-Ugol).
  • Porcelain Factory (Verbilki).
  • Fire station ensemble (Taldom).
  • Shopping arcade (Taldom).
  • The estate of D. I. Volkov (Taldom).
  • The dilapidated Church of the Resurrection of Christ (Old Hotcha).
  • Alexander Monastery (Maklakovo).

And this is far from complete list historical, cultural and architectural monuments of the region. In general, there are plenty of tourist attractions in Taldom. One day can be allocated for their inspection. And if you want to thoroughly explore the surroundings of the city, it will take three to four days.

Historical and Literary Museum

The Literary Museum is the main attraction of Taldom. The institution is located in the city center at the address: Saltykov-Shchedrina Street, 41. Which is very symbolic, because most of the exhibits in this museum are associated with the name of this particular figure of Russian literature.

In the Taldom Historical and Literary Museum, you can see personal items, books, diaries, photographs and autographs of those writers, critics and poets whose life and work were associated with this region. The Taldom Museum is visited by about five thousand people every year.

Architectural sights of Taldom

Numerous architectural monuments also attract tourists' attention in Taldom. For example, the literary museum, which we have already described above, is located in the most beautiful Volkov estate. It is the oldest stone building in the entire city. And here city ​​Library housed in the estate of a local merchant Kiselev. This house stands out among the rest for its tiny kokoshniks.

Main architectural symbol Taldoma is, of course, a fire station complex built at the beginning of the last century. In 2013, this building was rebuilt using old (authentic) bricks. After reconstruction, the city registry office of Taldom was located in it.

There is another one next to the fire tower. architectural monument- Church of the Archangel Michael. This temple was built at the beginning of the 19th century. In 1870 it was decorated with a unique faience iconostasis, fragments of which have survived to this day. The interiors of the temple were badly damaged during the Soviet era, when a shoe factory was located there. Today the shrine is being restored little by little.

Estate of the Saltykovs in the village of Spas-Ugol

Fifteen kilometers from Taldom is the tiny village of Spas-Ugol. It is the "family nest" of Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin. The famous Russian writer and journalist was born here on January 15, 1826. He lived on this estate until 1836. The writer's memoirs about life in this village can be found in his last book entitled "Poshekhonskaya antiquity".

In 1918, it burned down in the village of Spas-Ugol. Only the Transfiguration Church with an expressive three-tiered bell tower has survived. Today it houses the Saltykov-Shchedrin Museum.

Another curious fact about this small village: in 1887, on the outskirts of Spas-Ugla, landed balloon with Dmitry Mendeleev on board. The great scientist watched the solar eclipse from him.

Porcelain factory in Verbilki

The history of the porcelain and faience industry in Russia goes back almost three centuries. The European part of the country has everything for its development Natural resources: kaolin, feldspar, quartz and plastic clay. One of the oldest porcelain factories in Russia is the factory in Verbilki, a village located south of the city of Taldom.

The porcelain factory in Verbilki was founded in 1766. The products of this manufactory were of excellent quality. Already at the end of the 18th century, on the products of the plant, one could see the image of the Moscow coat of arms - a kind of quality mark of that period.

During the Soviet period of history, the plant launched the production of mass, but sufficiently high-quality products - tableware and figurines. This company managed to survive the economic crisis of the 90s. Today, it is one of the three operating porcelain factories in Russia.

Verbilki (Russia) - description, history, location. Exact address, phone number, website. Reviews of tourists, photos and videos.

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Verbilki is a small village in the Taldom district of the Moscow region. Despite its modest territory, the village is famous throughout Russia. And all because the famous Verbilkovsky porcelain has been produced here for more than 200 years.

On the territory of the village of Verbilki there is a large and modern rest house where you can stay for a couple of days at any time of the year.

An interesting fact: the porcelain factory in the 18th century was founded not by local landowners, but by the English merchant Franz Gardner. The modern enterprise still bears his name.

Porcelain Verbilok

Verbilkov craftsmen produce a variety of dishes, sculptures, gifts and interior items from porcelain. Tourists in Verbilki are always welcomed with cordiality and take fascinating excursions around the workshops of the factory.

There are several shops in the village selling tableware and porcelain souvenirs. So nobody left Verbilki empty-handed yet.

By the way, you can go beyond just a tour of the factory. On the territory of the village of Verbilki there is a large and modern rest house where you can stay for a couple of days at any time of the year.

How to get there

At the Savyolovsky railway station, take the train Moscow - Dubna, Moscow - Savyolovo or Moscow - Taldom and get to the Verbilki station. Then change to a bus or minibus number 3, which will take you to the village itself.

From the same Savelovsky railway station, you can also take a bus: bus number 310 Moscow - Taldom runs to Verbilki.

Address: Taldomsky district, Moscow region

Verbilki is an urban-type settlement (since 1928) in the Taldom district of the Moscow region of the Russian Federation. The administrative center of the municipal formation "Urban Settlement Verbilki". Located on the Dubna River, 90 km north of Moscow. Railway station "Verbilki" of the Savyolovsky direction of the Moscow railway. The village is home to the world-famous Porcelain Verbilok factory, founded in 1766 by the English merchant Gardner. Population - 7007 people. (2016).

In one of the documents of the 16th century (presumably from the Dmitrov archive), a mention was found of the village of Verbiltsev, which belonged to the city dweller of Dmitrov, Rtishchev. But this document has not been found at this time. The earliest documentary mention of Verbilki dates back to 1627, in the Dmitrov scribal book: "in that village and in the wastelands there are written arable land of 50 thin lands in a field, and in two, therefore, 435 kopecks of hay, 63 dessiatines in a plowed forest." In 1685, "The genuine scribal book of local and patrimonial lands in the Povelsky camp" testifies to the presence of a village on Dubna at the mouth of the Yakoti River, which was the Verbilovo heathland. Attention is drawn to the fact that for 150-200 years until 1765 the population did not change and was in the range of 15-22 people. The estate included a manor house and three huts with peasants. The peasants had little arable land. In 1678, under Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, his close boyar, Prince Pyotr Semyonovich Urusov, received among the four wastelands and the wasteland Verbilovo. At one time the village was owned by the boyar Semyon Nikitich Urusov (died 1694). He was married to the daughter of Field Marshal Boris Petrovich Sheremetyev and owned the village for 10 years. Prince Urusov came from the new Moscow nobility. His genealogy did not come from the Russian princes, the descendants of Rurik, but almost from the ancient Egyptian pharaohs. The Urusovs owned the village until February 16, 1766, when it was bought by Gardner from Prince N.V. Urusov. In this deed of sale Verbilki is named "Verbolovo". In another document, a message about the purchase to the Manufacturing Collegium dated March 15, 1766, Gardner calls the village Verbelovo. In 1900, a line of the Moscow-Yaroslavl-Arkhangelsk railway passed 2 km from the village and the Verbilki station appeared. Now the station settlement is part of Verbilok.


For 2012, there will be one daytime and one evening general education institution with about 580 students. In Verbilki, there is one stationary social service institution for elderly citizens and disabled people for 40 places, the number of elderly citizens on the list for 2008 is 36 people, and one department of social services at home, with the number of elderly people served - 166 people. On the territory of the village there is a children's library with a fund of 7,938 items, an adult library with a fund of 20,610 items, a children's art school. Libraries do not have their own premises, they are located in the building of an elementary school.

The urban-type settlement Verbilki is famous for its porcelain factory. Judging by the website and reviews on the Internet, Verbilki makes high-quality porcelain.

But no matter how it is. There is a run-down Gemma brand shop in the village. In which three bored aunts are sitting, there is no one in the store. Porcelain is so-so, there is nothing to stop the eye on. As a result, they bought 6 glass glasses there ... made in Belarus.

I ask the saleswoman if there is any museum at the factory? She answers in the affirmative. I ask again if it is possible to get there somehow. The saleswoman says that it is possible, but everyone has already left. I'm surprised, it's three o'clock in the afternoon, and everyone has already left. The saleswoman replies that even if they didn’t leave, it’s possible to get in only as part of a group.

In 2013, I contacted representatives of the porcelain factory in Verbilki and they replied that there is no museum in Verbilki, but excursions to the production and master classes are held, but only on weekdays.

And yet, he who seeks will always find. We managed to find a place where you can not only see, but also purchase products from Verbilki. A whole showcase is dedicated to the Verbilok craft in the souvenir shop in the estate.

Here you can buy a pair of tea.

Or even a tea set. This color is well suited for a summer residence, unless, of course, it is a pity to pay more than 3000 rubles for the service.

If we talk about Verbilki, then the village itself is nothing of itself, much more interesting and picturesque, located in the neighborhood, the village of Zaprudnya (Taldom district). There, many rural houses have small ponds. It's charming.