Where to go in Georgia in autumn. Tours to Georgia in autumn

What you need to know when going on a trip to Georgia. When and where to go to Georgia, do I need visas, what to see and visit in Georgia. Food and prices etc.

Georgia has been beckoning me for a long time with its khachapuri and mountain expanses, but so far I still couldn’t get to this dream country because of my Asia, Europe and Siberia .. Finally, it is getting closer and closer, and so far I decided to start with this Guest Post. My Georgia Specialist Victor is also a global traveler and photographer who we met in Phuket. He lived his childhood in Batumi and comes to Georgia every summer until now. Victor's website Georgiabest.ru turned out to be the most useful for me to prepare for the first trip, and in this article Victor briefly but succinctly tells all the most important things: this is information on how to get to Georgia, about visas, prices, interesting places in Georgia, which are worth visit and so on.

Victor, traveler, guide in Georgia: Georgiabest.ru

Yes, Georgia is now on everyone's lips. And not in vain, oh not in vain. Come and see for yourself. So that later, too, closing your eyes, with a dreamy look, broadcast to your friends how good it is, fun and sincere. Of course, there are exceptions among the happy crowds of tourists, but they only prove the rule. And the rule is that this country will not leave anyone indifferent. And you have no reason to deny yourself the pleasure of getting to know Georgia and discovering its amazing people and the breathtaking beauty of nature. What can we say about cultural, architectural and historical monuments, which are literally at every step here, and often right in the courtyards of people, such as, for example, towers in Svaneti or ancient qvevris in Kakheti ...

in winter people go to Georgia to have a fun and unforgettable meeting New Year: V new year's eve the whole country explodes with hundreds of thousands of fireworks. Also in winter people come here to go skiing and snowboarding in Bakuriani and Gudauri. Well, given that the winter in Georgia is not so cold compared to Ukrainian or Russian, then it will be all the same to see the sights in different parts of the country, with the possible exception of the remote regions of Tusheti and Racha, and even more so, it will be all the same to walk around Tbilisi and Mtskheta comfortable and not cold.

Important about winter in Georgia:

  • In winter, and especially in March, there is a possibility of strong gusty winds, which usually last 2-3 days.
  • In apartments and hotels in Georgia, the heating is not at all as good as in Russia - it is cool.
  • Due to snowfalls, they can block the Georgian Military Road - the only highway connecting the country with Russia, and it will not always be possible to get to Stepantsminda to see the legendary Kazbek and the Gergeti Church.
  • Georgia has a couple of great ski resorts with good slopes and open spaces for freeriding: Gudauri, 80 km from Vladikavkaz (for beginners and advanced) and Bakuriani, 180 km from Tbilisi (more difficult routes).

May June- a good period for those who do not like the heat. There are no such high temperatures yet, due to which Tbilisi is practically empty in summer: everyone is trying to leave, and even more so, to take the children somewhere in the forest or in the mountains. In general, in Georgia it is an almost unbreakable tradition to take children to 3 or at least 2 resorts in the summer to change the air and boost immunity. So in the period from May to early July, usually locals go to the mountains or to the coniferous forests. Pine trees bloom in May, and this pine air is very useful for both adults and children.

But even in Tbilisi at this time it is quite comfortable. As a rule, it rains from time to time, the sun shines, but does not yet burn everything around, plus local vegetables and fruits appear on the shelves. You can overeat heartily, because the prices are quite reasonable in comparison with the megacities of neighboring countries.

End of summer. Well, if you are a fan of the burning sun, the sea, the beach and watermelons, come to Georgia in July-September. You can fly straight to Batumi, go to Kobuleti, Kvariati, Shekvetili, Ureki, Sarpi or Zeleny Mys (Mtsvane Konkhi). During this period, you will also come across an incredible abundance of local fruits, berries, vegetables and herbs.

Late fall. It may seem that from October to December in Georgia it is gray, uninteresting, cold, and there is nothing to do. Actually, not really. It is still quite warm in October, and it is a pleasure to go on excursions, and the stalls are bursting with the gifts of the Georgian land: grapes, persimmons, figs are just a few examples. The famous Georgian tangerines will start in November. Also, in the fall they go to Georgia to get to such a colorful and unforgettable event as “rtveli” - grape harvest. A visit to rtveli is reason enough in itself to come here in the middle of autumn.

An important factor in favor of planning a trip at this time (and also from February to March) is more low prices on accommodation and excursions than in the high season. So weigh all the pros and cons, and choose the perfect time for you.

Visa to Georgia (not required)

Good news, if you are traveling from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Moldova and 88 other countries, you do not need a visa, at the border they will simply put an entry stamp in your passport. Moreover, citizens of Russia, if you suddenly want to stay (and this is very possible variant development of events, as practice shows) you can stay for a whole year, you do not need a visa.

Is it safe for Russian-speaking tourists in Georgia?

Very often you can hear the question: “How safe is it for Russians to go to Georgia?”. Given the strained relations between the two states, the question is quite understandable.

But among Georgians, it causes either laughter or bewilderment. “How could you even think that it’s dangerous for Russians here?” - here, something like this will sound the answer to your question from the lips of local residents.

Georgians, and everyone who lives in this southern country, for the most part, they are peaceful and hospitable, that you have absolutely nothing to worry about. The older generation in Georgia speaks excellent Russian, and some of the younger generation too. Although young people usually know English better than Russian, but as such, you will not have a barrier in communicating with the local population. There will definitely be someone nearby who knows Russian.

And in the sphere tourism services all the more so: sellers, guides, drivers, hotel staff speak Russian.

How to get to Georgia on your own

On this moment you can get to Georgia either by air, or by land, or, if you are coming from Ukraine, by sea - by ferry. Trains, unfortunately, do not go here yet.

  • Planes fly to Tbilisi, Batumi and Kutaisi. They fly to Kutaisi, so this is a good option, especially since there are also many interesting places in this part of Georgia, you can even stay there for a couple of days. Air ticket Moscow-Tbilisi costs around $80, find the most advantageous tickets Can .
  • You can come by your own car - this is even more freedom of movement and is unrealistic beautiful roads.
  • Getting there by bus Moscow-Tbilisi is long, but budget-friendly (about $60). There is a bus from Kyiv.
  • By ferry you can get to Georgia from Odessa. Although it is long and at a price close to air travel.

Prices in Georgia: for recreation and for life

Another topical issue is how much a vacation or life in Georgia will cost. This is understandable - I want to have an idea in advance, at least an approximate one, how much money to take with me and what to be prepared for.

As for housing prices- then here, how lucky, well, what conditions do you prefer. - from $ 4 per night per person, clean and in the city center - from $ 10. Apartments for daily rent in the season cost $30 and more. Usually a good renovated apartment with a good location costs $50-60.

→Rent a house for a long time the easiest way is already on the spot, or write an ad in advance in Facebook groups (a group for the city where you want to live). IN winter season many not cheap hotels rent rooms for a long time very cheaply, you can find around $200/month.

Taxi around the city— from 5-15 lari ($2-7). Guide services - from 100 GEL ($ 40) per day, car rental - from $ 50 per day. Gasoline costs 2.35 lari ($1).

Entrance to many historical places free, or within 3-7 lari ($1.25-3).

Look at examples of food prices if you have the strength and desire to cook on your own in a country where delicious street food and fairly reasonable prices in restaurants:

  • Sugar 1 kg - 2 lari ($ 0.75)
  • Bread - 70 tetri ($0.25)
  • Local apples - 1.5 GEL ($ 0.6)
  • Potatoes - 80 tetri ($ 0.3)
  • Georgian cheese - from 6 lari ($ 2.5)
  • Grain coffee 100 g - from 1.5 GEL ($ 0.6)
  • Milk - 2.50 lari (1$)
  • Churchkhela - 3 lari ($ 1.15)

→Some restaurants in Tbilisi worth visiting:

  • Art Cafe Gabriadze (Shovteli St., 13) is one of the most original institutions in Tbilisi, an author's cafe created by the artist and director Rezo Gabriadze, author of Kin-dza-za, sculptor famous monument"Chizhik-pyzhik" in St. Petersburg.
  • Restaurant "Dom Khinkali" (Rustaveli, 37, metro station Rustaveli). It works around the clock, the name speaks for itself :).
  • Dukhan "Racha" (Lermontov st. 6). An institution for locals, most of the visitors are men. The place is very atmospheric, you can order Georgian national dishes here, but it is best to try dishes typical of the Racha region: apkhazuri, lobiani, etc.
  • Shevardnadze Garden Art Cafe combines a shabby chic cafe, a garden and a flower shop. Location: Latkini microdistrict. at the end of st. Khudadova, (near the police station).
  • “Machakhela” (Meydan, 26) is a chain restaurant, one of the best can be called a restaurant on Meydan Square, in the very center of the old city. It is easy to recognize by the three-dimensional inscription located in front of the entrance: I love Tbilisi. Sitting in the restaurant, you can admire the panorama of the city from the window, balcony or outdoor terrace.
  • Restaurant Samikitno (25 Merab Kostava St).
  • Mirzaani (delicious beer, address: 140 Akaki Tsereteli Ave).
  • Salobio.
  • Hinckles sahli.

Although, these are more eateries, but they are clean, some of them have an interesting Georgian-style interior, and the food there is almost like homemade.

In general, it is necessary to try to find an institution in Georgia where Georgian cuisine is poorly cooked. Barbecue prices - from 12 lari ($ 5), Khinkali - 70 tetri stuff. Five pieces - and out of habit, nothing more will fit into you. But we have to. Khachapuri - 7 lari ($ 3), kebab - from 6 lari ($ 2.5). Tea, coffee, lemonade - about 2 lari ($ 0.8) per cup / bottle.

Street food is also tasty and inexpensive: lobiani, kubdari, pichini, khachapuri cost an average of 2 lari.

Georgian cuisine. What is a must try

You can write endlessly about Georgian cuisine. But it's even better to come and taste everything yourself. We can only guide you so that you are not completely lost in novelty, diversity and unusual names for the ear.


Khinkali- the most famous dish of Georgian cuisine. They look like bags of dense dough, stuffed with minced meat and herbs, including cilantro. The correct khinkali should have at least 16 folds, according to knowledgeable people. It is important to eat them correctly: with your hands or a fork (a compromise for non-locals), take the leg, carefully bite, drink delicious juice, and then eat everything except the leg. You can pour satsebeli tomato sauce into the khinkali hole. For vegetarians, khinkali with mushrooms is prepared.


Khachapuri. There are many different types of them: imeruli, adjaruli, megruli, and, of course, adjaruli. Adjarian khachapuri in the form of a boat and with an egg broken into a cheese filling and butter is a real feast of taste. This is a must try. Some establishments serve a huge adjaruli, nicknamed the titanic - it is enough for a whole company or family. You need to pinch off pieces of dough on the sides of khachapuri, and dip them into the hot filling.

Lobio and mchadi. A simple, hearty and very tasty dish. Spiced red beans in a ketsi (clay pot) and unleavened corn flour flatbread. There are even establishments that are called “lobio” - for example, the “Salobio” cafe, which has already become a separate attraction of the city of Mtskheta, where Alexander Sergeevich himself once treated himself to the famous Mtskheta pies and lobio.

If you are not afraid of new tastes and unusual combinations, try the following very colorful dishes:

Chakapuli- young meat stewed with herbs and spices, as well as with sour green tkemals.

Khashi- very amateur. If you are that amateur, you will be delighted. Khashi is so respected in Georgia that separate institutions have been created for them: khashi. And they open very early in the morning - at 4:00 approximately. Because this fat, hearty, scalding hot soup of offal and big amount garlic is very beneficial for a hangover. It is usually eaten with chacha.

For vegetarians in Georgia is also complete expanse. There are all kinds of cheese, and kindzmari (fish in cilantro sauce) and pkhali - pasta from spinach, cabbage, beet tops or beets with spices, and nadugi with mint, and various soups, and champignons fried in ketsi, and ajapsandal - stew from tomatoes, sweet peppers, eggplant and potatoes, and a variety of pickles.

All kinds of spices, herbs, herbs, nuts are generously used in Georgian cuisine. Even an ordinary salad of tomatoes and cucumbers here turns into a work of art, because they put fragrant regani (red basil) in it and add walnut sauce. Nuts are put in fried eggplant rolls, and in satsivi, and in bazhi, and in kharcho soup.

Wine in Georgia. Special wine and gastronomic tours, Georgian cuisine is so tasty and original, but you don’t need to say anything about wines - come and taste.

What to see in Georgia, where to visit? Top 7 interesting places

Although Georgia is small in territory, it can compete with the largest and most ancient countries in terms of the number of sights and beautiful corners. It will probably take several months or years to see everything that Georgia has to offer! So you have to make a plan, choosing the most interesting thing for you. But there are places that every self-respecting traveler in Georgia visits without fail. We list them for your reference.

Metekhi Church of the Mother of God and the monument of King Vakhtang in Tbilisi

Why go far, there are many such places in Tbilisi itself:

  • Narikala fortress,
  • Sameba Temple,
  • Meydan (one of central squares Tbilisi),
  • sulfur baths...

Ancient city of Mtskheta(20 km from Tbilisi, coordinates: 41.840922, 44.707233) . Near Tbilisi is Mtskheta - ancient capital Georgia. In this renovated city and its environs, you will see many beautiful, important and holy places: the Jvari Monastery on a hill overlooking the confluence of the Kura and Aragvi, the Svetitskhoveli Cathedral, the Shiomgvime Monastery, and many others. Also, the city itself has been restored, there is a large selection of souvenirs, spices, churchkhelas, and it's just nice to stroll along its cozy streets.

Vardzia(240 km from Tbilisi, coordinates: 41.381223, 43.284173) is not the only ancient cave city, but perhaps the most spectacular. 8 "floors", about 600 caves. Incredible place where people lived for many centuries, hiding from numerous enemies.

Svaneti. Also a very original and unlike anything region in Georgia - Svaneti - a historical mountainous region in the North-West of Georgia (coordinates 42.904220, 42.503335). It attracts tourists from all over the world. Svaneti has never been conquered and conquered throughout its history. And special people live here - Svans, real harsh highlanders. Many of them still have ancient defensive towers in their yards, which once belonged to their ancestors and were built about 1000 years ago.

Prometheus cave near Kutaisi (42.376771, 42.600971), discovered in 1983, is located next to the Sataplia nature reserve, which also has a smaller cave and dinosaur footprints. A very spectacular place. Inside the cave with beautiful illumination, huge stalactites, and it will impress neither adults nor children. You can even go boating on the underground lake.

Martvili Canyon is one of the most beautiful in the Megrelian Region

Definitely worth a look and incredibly beautiful Martvili Canyon (Northwest Georgia, coordinates: 42.457356, 42.377148). If you are in Georgia during the hot season, be sure to visit this beautiful place, sail from the upper to the lower canyon on a boat and swim at the waterfall.

Rabat fortress in Meskheti (coordinates: 41.642829, 42.977166)– a restored medieval Turkish fortress with a territory of 7 hectares and modern infrastructure. Beautiful, majestic, convenient for visiting and family pastime.

Black sand of Ureki (41.987783, 41.760103). If you are visiting Georgia in summer or early autumn, be sure to take the opportunity to visit the Black Sea coast, unique beach with magnetic sand price Ureki | This black sand is famous for its healing properties for the joints and the vascular-cardiac system.

Georgian cities worth visiting

Tbilisi– the unique capital, the heart of Sakartvelo, where in the old town you will find narrow streets, antique carpets, openwork lattices on windows and balconies, the aroma of coffee and a special relaxed atmosphere, so unusual big cities. You can walk in Tbilisi for more than a day or two, discovering new interesting places and establishments every day. Historical and cultural monuments are presented here in abundance. It is unforgivable to come to Georgia and not get to know Tbilisi.

Colonnade on the seaside boulevard - Batumi

Batumi is a lively and charming city on the Black Sea. Beaches, musical fountains, old and new houses, a moving monument to lovers, an alphabet tower, bicycles for rent, fish market where the fish of your choice will be cooked before your eyes, and much more is waiting for you to surprise and delight.

Sighnaghi - the city of love

Sighnaghi- restored, romantic, cozy city with red roofs and a view of the Alazani valley. There is a 24-hour wedding palace here, where couples from different countries can marry, having previously submitted the necessary documents.

Autotourism in Georgia

Gasoline cost in Georgia - a little less than a dollar per liter.

About movement. Be prepared for the fact that the traffic on the roads of Georgia is chaotic, everyone honks, cuts, breaks, so keep your eyes peeled. There are problems with parking in the center of Tbilisi - there are not enough places, there are paid parking at Rike Park and Meydan, as well as underground parking lots at large supermarkets, be guided by them, because in central regions cities in most places you can park only if you buy such a service from the mayor's office.

There are several autobahns in Georgia - this is part of the Tbilisi-Batumi road, as well as the Rustavi and Gori autobahns. The government plans to build new roads and restore existing ones.

Now Georgia is actively discussing the introduction of a new system of fines. Under this bill, the driver will have 100 points per year, and a certain amount will be deducted for violations. If the limit of points is exhausted, you will have to retake the exam for obtaining rights. Special “smart” video cameras are installed around the city.

The road patrol is more loyal to tourists than to locals, moreover, it helps if you contact them.

The most beautiful roads- this is the road to Racha, Svaneti and Tusheti, although the latter can only be reached from June to September.

Georgian military road The road we drive to Georgia from Russia is incredibly beautiful, but the quality of the road is much less pleasing than the landscapes. However, this is not so important, let's see what sights you will pass immediately after entering Georgia along the Georgian Military Highway:

  • Along the entire route there are Georgian monuments of antiquity: cathedrals, fortresses, watchtowers. Mtskheta, the temple-monastery of Jvari (late 6th - early 7th centuries), Zemo-Avchal hydroelectric station are located on the Georgian Military Highway.
  • The village of Chmi, where there is a complex of archaeological monuments from the Bronze Age to the late Middle Ages and a large Alanian burial ground of the 6th-9th centuries, where a large number of weapons, implements, household items of the Alans were found.
  • Mount Kazbek (5033 m).
  • Darial fortification, built in 1804 in the Darial Gorge to protect the road.
  • "Tamar's Castle" - the ruins of an old tower on the opposite bank of the Terek.
  • Zion Grove - a green oasis among snow peaks Caucasus.
  • The Cross Pass is the highest point of the Georgian Military Highway.
  • Gudauri abyss and the highest mountain village of Gudauri on the Georgian Military Highway.

What tourists should know about Georgia

  • Georgia is a patriarchal country with living traditions, respect for elders, and strong nepotism.
  • The country has big influence Orthodox Church. When visiting churches and monasteries, be prepared for the fact that women may need to cover their heads, wrap themselves in a scarf if they are not wearing a skirt. Not all places inside the temples can be photographed.
  • Children here are treated with reverence, they are allowed a lot, they are bathed in love and attention. Strangers may try to kiss your baby by the arms and squeeze the cheeks, and in a restaurant they may well pick up and take them, for example, to the kitchen, or walk around the hall with them. To some parents, such increased attention seems tactless, while others rejoice and admire. Be that as it may, these are the nuances that you need to be prepared for in order to adequately respond.
  • Georgia is a mixture of east and west, and this is its zest and charm. This is not a “sleek” tourist country.
  • On the central streets and in the subway, you can meet harmless but annoying gypsies and beggars.
  • In many public places people smoke, although the law on the ban has already been practically passed.
  • The streets are not always perfectly clean and restored, although many visitors consider the latter to be just a plus.
  • For the most part, people are friendly and hospitable not because they expect monetary rewards from you, but because they are such by nature, and have not yet forgotten those qualities that are considered the main ones for every worthy inhabitant of this amazing country.

Georgiabest.ru - Victor's website and the most complete guide to Georgia, I highly recommend bookmarking it to everyone who is going on a trip to this country.

Address: Kakheti, Racha, cities of Tbilisi and Batumi

Autumn is one of the most beautiful periods to visit Georgia: at this time it is no longer hot here, but it is still sunny and warm, the flow of tourists is decreasing, there are many seasonal fruits, grape harvesting, wine making and many other interesting things.


The first thing worth visiting in autumn in Georgia is the region of ancient traditions and the most delicious wines. From the beginning of September to the beginning of October, a grape harvest festival takes place here. During the celebration, long feasts are held with delicious kebabs, khachapuri, and last year's wine, which flows like water. It is understandable, because it is urgent to empty the vessels for new wine.

Grape harvest in Kakheti

Wineries organize special tours, where you can participate in the grape harvest and wine making. You can also take part in the process of forcing chacha, in Georgia this process is called “zavodoba”. The most interesting wineries in Kakheti are, and.

Winery Kindzmarauli

Be sure to visit the cozy and romantic city of love, which is located above the Alazani Valley. Winding streets paved with paving stones, colorful houses with red tiles and opening views of the autumn Alazani Valley make Sighnaghi an unusually romantic place.

The city of Sighnaghi and a view of the Alazani valley

Stop by the capital of Kakheti - the city. In its vicinity, visit one of the largest temples in Georgia - - and the museum of grapes in it.


After visiting Kakheti, go to the cozy and hospitable capital of Georgia - the city. In autumn it is very comfortable to relax here. There is no suffocating heat and a huge number of tourists, like in summer.

Autumn Tbilisi

In Tbilisi, everyone will find entertainment to their taste. But first of all, be sure to visit the Narikala fortress, and these are the top attractions of the capital. Take a walk along, look into - this is the very center of the city.

Take a look at, and the temple is the main temples of Tbilisi.

Tsminda Sameba

Autumn in Tbilisi is waiting for your very interesting holiday- . In 2016, it is celebrated on October 15-16.


Tbilisoba is not just a city day, but also a harvest festival. These days, fairs, festivals and concerts are held here. Delicious kebabs are fried on the streets, and wine flows like water.


Batumi and the Black Sea

In autumn in, and on everything else Black Sea coast Georgia, warm and sunny. at this time, less crowded than in summer, the sun is no longer so scorching. At the same time, the water is very warm, and the air temperature is ideal for both swimming and sightseeing. In addition, it rarely rains in Batumi in September. In a word, the perfect velvet season.

Be sure to visit Batumi and - these are the most top places in Batumi. You will find the incredible beauty of nature and the delight of meeting dolphins.

Take a walk to - that's another one business card Batumi. Two gigantic figures rotate, now moving away from each other, then merging into a kiss.

Go on a journey through the mountainous Adjara - visit the village of Sarpi, the fortress of Gonio, the temple of Zvare, the Adjarian wine house.

Adjarian wine house


The mountainous region is one of the calmest and most picturesque corners of Georgia, it is also called “Georgian Switzerland”. If you love nature and seclusion away from the hustle and bustle of the city, don't miss this place.

The low mountains are very beautiful in autumn. You can walk through the forests, pick mushrooms and berries. This region has many beautiful lakes, waterfalls and mineral springs. And all this is surrounded by alpine meadows - amazing beauty.

Racha in autumn

Definitely worthy of attention is the village of Nikortsminda with the temple of the same name, which the local population calls the “decorated bride” because of the exquisite carvings made on the walls and dome. Take a look at the village of Tsesi, where the temple of Our Lady of Barakoni is located. The ruins of the fortress Minda (Mindatsikhe) are interesting.

Temple of Our Lady of Barakoni

Do not be too lazy to look into the city of Ambrolauri - the birthplace of the legendary Georgian. In the 17th century, the residence of the kings of Imereti was located here. On main square Ambrolauri is the original monument to the wine "Khvanchkara" in the form of a huge bottle of wine.

Georgian military road

- the most picturesque route in Georgia, runs from Tbilisi to the foot of Mount Kazbek. Stunning autumn landscapes await you along the way.

Zhinvali reservoir at the foot of the Ananuri castle

From the village (at the foot of Mount Kazbek) climb high into the mountains to the legendary one - this is one of the most beautiful sights of Georgia. The views that open from the territory of the temple are simply breathtaking.

Gergeti Church

In addition, autumn is a favorable time for hiking and trekking. Climbing Mount Kazbek is especially popular this season - one of the the highest peaks Caucasus.

Do you want to come here? The Viva-Georgia team will organize an excursion or tour for you, draw up the best travel route and provide any other assistance during the trip.

Georgia is very hospitable country, which will please the friendly local population and diverse landscapes. Holidays in Georgia can offer almost everything - incredible mountains, pleasant sea, delicious food and wine, friendly people and a rich and interesting culture. Every tourist will find something interesting here.

Holidays on the beaches of Georgia

The high mountains located in Georgia protect the country from cold winds, so the climate near the sea is very warm and pleasant.

The most frequently visited months in Georgia are July and August. Although there are quite a lot of tourists already in May, in September everyone just starts to disperse.

The first month of summer and the beginning of autumn will delight you with pleasant temperatures. The air warms up to +25C. The sea water is a little cooler. In the middle and end of summer, the thermometer rises to + 30C.

But not everything is as beautiful as it might seem at first glance. There are often strong winds and high waves, precipitation falls. But in general rest 2019 in summer time characterized by rather hot weather.

Where to go on vacation in Georgia

– The most favorite resort in the country is Batumi. Here, a beach holiday is perfectly combined with all the benefits of civilization, old buildings stand next to ultra-modern skyscrapers.

In addition to relaxing on the beach, you can go on an excursion to the most interesting and famous places. Singing fountains and a dolphinarium, a chic Botanical Garden and a summer theater - all of them are located in the central part of the city.

Close to botanical garden the most picturesque beach in the city is located, which is definitely worth a visit - “ Cape Green».

- The small village of Gonio is also quite popular. There is almost no entertainment for tourists here, but picturesque nature the edge cannot but admire. There are several old houses and amazing fortresses here. The beaches in Gonio are always uncrowded and peaceful.

– Another popular resort is Kobuleti. First of all, this place is known for its healing properties. The cleanest air and picturesque forests have a positive effect on travelers. The beaches here are mostly pebbly. Tourists may be advised to go yachting, rent a scooter or a catamaran.

A considerable number of travelers prefer to rest here in their tents, in secluded quiet places. Have a good rest can also be expected from the villages of Tsikhisdziri and Shekvetili, as well as Grigoleti.

– Quite a calm resort with low prices is Ureki. Magnetic black sands, of which there are many in the resort, have excellent healing properties. This resort is one of the few sandy beaches which is very popular with vacationers.

- Kvariati is a small village where vacationers can enjoy the mountain air and clear water in the sea. Unique properties The local air has healing properties. Moreover, Kvariati is the only place where diving is possible.

Cost of living in hotels

Georgia is considered quite inexpensive country to spend holidays here. What are the prices for the main resorts of the country?

The cost of a holiday in July here will be at least 60,000 rubles for two people. This concerns Kobuleti. In Batumi, the rest will be a little more expensive - about 65,000. The price includes accommodation in a 3* hotel.

In August, tours will cost 53 and 56 thousand rubles, respectively. By the way, the system All inclusive practically absent in Georgia. And the rooms are so incredibly expensive.

Prices in the country

Spending a vacation in Georgia is not so expensive. Prices here are democratic for everything. For example, the cost of a bottle of water is only 25 rubles, while a bottle of good wine costs 280 rubles. Drinking coffee in a small cafe will cost 90 rubles. So much for a can of beer.

On average, dinner in a nice restaurant will cost no more than 390 rubles. On the embankments in places where there are most tourists, food will cost more.

Entertainment on the beach will also be inexpensive. For example, renting a sunbed and an umbrella will cost only 80-130 rubles.

Holidays with children in Georgia

If the vacation period is less than a week, then it is best to go to Batumi with a child. Here you will find entertainment for both children and adults. Children like to spend time in the dolphinarium and water park.

There is no special menu in the cafe, but for older children, you can ask the chef to add not so many spices to the dishes as usual.

If the vacation lasts more than a week, then it is better to go to a more secluded resort. For example, you can go to Kvariati or Ureki.

Georgia according to vacationers reviews

Among the main advantages of a holiday in the country can be called affordability. Of course, there are also disadvantages - the almost complete lack of service in hotels. Although the locals are incredibly good-natured and hospitable, everyone speaks Russian. The kitchen can be enjoyed endlessly.

In addition to a great holiday on the beaches, there are a large number of interesting places with a unique history. Tourists can study not only the history, but also the traditions and culture of the country.

If we talk about money, it is better to have cash with you, as bank cards not used in all establishments.

If tourists go on vacation on the beach, while choosing beaches with pebbles, it is better to take shoes with you. The pebbles can cause discomfort to the feet, so you can even swim with shoes on. It is better to let children into the water very carefully, since in some places the entrance to the sea is very sharp.

Some tourists speak badly about the traffic on the roads, which can seem very chaotic and violent. Local residents may violate traffic rules.

No traveler leaves Georgia without souvenirs and purchases. As a rule, different food is brought from the country: spices and wine, cheeses and sauces. Tea is considered a good souvenir. Sweet lovers can buy local desserts - churchkhela or marshmallow.

Read also↓:

This is my third trip to Georgia. Of course, both in terms of sensations and impressions, these are three completely different stories.

The first time was euphoria. Cheap tickets, together with a friend, for the first time in the Caucasus, mountains, sea, wine, talkative people and increased attention from the male. It was a dream vacation, after which I wrote a series of essays about.

The second time I came to Tbilisi this winter was to treat my soul. Tickets were bought at the club at night in my absence, when after the words: “Let's go to Georgia,” I hurriedly threw: “Let's go, of course,” after which I retired to the ladies' room. Therefore, the second trip can hardly be called conscious either.

During that period of my life, I did little at all consciously. Rather, she tried to scrape out the remnants of energy from somewhere in the depths of her consciousness. The result of the second trip was not only a return of peace of mind, but also about 40 articles and 2 videos about Georgia, which rose in search by the summer and monetized well.

Favorite Georgia
The first sunset in Batumi in the company of Koreans

Why did you come to Georgia for the 3rd time?

This visit is a deliberate rational decision, below I will explain why.

1. They chose between Georgia, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Crete and the Philippines.

2. At the end of November and for the new year, you need to be in Minsk, so the wintering format is possible only after NG. Accordingly, it makes no sense to fly far for 2 months, overpaying for tickets.

3. We did not go on a trip, but to work, and to work extremely hard. When you arrive in a new country, at least a week or even two is spent on arranging your life, exploring the area, getting used to it. In the case of Georgia, everything is extremely simple and clear.

4. Money. Here I can't say that Georgia wins much in terms of budget.

Tickets - 310$ per person
Apartment - 470$ per month

For the same money you can fly with transfers to any European country and rent an apartment in the same Spain. But we specifically chose good spacious housing in Batumi - hence the price. In Batumi, now it would be quite possible to rent an apartment for less than 300 dollars.

Tickets were bought at the last moment for a direct flight. If you get confused, it can be much cheaper.

In addition to accommodation and air tickets, there is also transport within the country, food, entry tickets to the sights. for all this low. There are doubts about other countries. After a summer trip to Italy, I do not believe that somewhere in Europe you can get the same level of comfort for the same money as in Georgia.

View from the balcony of our apartment
Road to the beach
Beach near the house in Batumi

5. Why Georgia and not the south of Europe?

  • Greece dropped due to the fact that most of the apartments on the islands that seemed livable to me did not have internet. Perhaps, if you search on the spot, you can find decent housing options with the Internet.
  • Spain counted from all sides. It turned out the same amount of money, but more hassle (flight with transfers, moving to Andalusia, etc.). If we both had a Schengen visa, it is quite possible that we would have flown to Spain. But only I had a visa, and the Spanish Schengen in Minsk is now being processed for almost two weeks. Plus, you need some certificates from the tax and other papers, the collection of which takes several days.
  • Portugal did not suit the climate. I read on the forums that there is no heating in Portugal and in November it can be very cold in the apartment. Plus, you don’t buy much in the ocean at this time. Rather, you can swim, but every year the situation is different.
  • Crete also disappeared because of housing - there were no normal options for apartments for sane money, and getting to Crete from Minsk is not so easy.
  • Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam and other Asian countries are not suitable because of the long expensive flight, visas and the fact that purely psychologically it is easier for me to fly to Asia in winter when it is cold at home. Now the situation is not the same as to go to live in Asia in the fall, sit in one place and eat up money. It is better to invest this money in something more important.

Thus, we have chosen Georgia and so far we are satisfied with our choice. We already lived in Tbilisi, so we came to Batumi on the Black Sea coast.

Drawing on a house near the Hillton Hotel in Batumi
Bright colors are dizzying

Batumi before the rain

Pluses of autumn in Batumi

1. Climate. It's the end of September, it's raining in Minsk and the leaves are falling. In Batumi, the summer they call velvet season. There is no heat anymore (air +26+28), the sea has warmed up to +25. We bathe every day.

The sea in the village of Sarpi (20 km from Batumi) on the border with Turkey
Beach men and animal

2. Health. Most of the time in Batumi I spend on the street or on the balcony. In Minsk, I could not leave my house for several days, but here I walk at least 10 km a day. You can get up and go to the sea at any time of the day or night. Fortunately, the beach is a 3-minute walk from our apartment.

The question of where to go is also not worth it. It is enough to go outside and go somewhere. Since the city as a whole is unfamiliar to me, everywhere is interesting. At night, thanks to the illumination, the city looks even more beautiful than during the day.

Boulevard in Batumi

3. Food. For me, Georgia is a food paradise. There are cheap vegetables and fruits, which are sold near the house until late in the evening. Every day we buy fresh salad, greens, eggplant, grapes. Lots of convenience stores

Kiwi on tree branches
Homemade eggplant, carefully prepared for me best man on the planet
Shawarma from Shawarmaland and iced coffee and ice cream

4. Money. It takes plus or minus the same amount to live here as in Minsk, while we do not deny ourselves anything. We go to places, go on excursions, and in the vicinity of Batumi you can see a lot of things almost for free

Fortress in Gonio
You can reach the persimmon with your hand. Too bad she's not mature yet.
Deserted beach in Gonio
Beach in Sarpi. The mountains in the photo are already Turkey

5. The season is over so all services come with discounts. You can take free sun loungers, they make discounts on vegetables in the market, salad and greens are reported for free - it will still go bad

6. Work. All these years, my blog has been about a little bit of everything and nothing in particular. Somewhere about Mexico, somewhere about Thailand. Unsystematic records that did not really monetize in any way. Money was earned only on 3 articles.

This year I wrote a set of articles about holidays in Georgia, which cover a large number of requests. The results made me happy. There is interest in Georgia, the popularity of the country is growing, many people go here on vacation, especially with the advent of the crisis, when Europe has become unaffordable.

Accordingly, you can combine business with pleasure. Explore the Black Sea coast and the center of Georgia, where I was only a foray before, and then supplement my own, fill the blog with informational articles that are written extremely quickly here on the spot, engage in promotion and reap the fruits of your labor from next spring.

In addition to the blog, there are two other initiatives (I do not like the word “project”). And here you need to step over a certain internal barrier. On the one hand, the Russian-language blog is currently bringing in enough money and it seems, well, why rock the boat, since everything is fine anyway? But you need to think about the future.

These undertakings, if done correctly, in the future will lead to incomes many times higher than the amounts that are now. However, those projects require full dedication, a lot of time to study and experiment, plus you need to improve your English. If I had started doing this three years ago, when I spoke English around the clock and even thought in it, it would be easier, but now I spent too much time in a Russian-speaking environment and the skill is lost.

At home, I only had enough to support and develop the blog, despite the fact that money has already been invested in other areas and is idle. In Batumi, there is a timid confidence that I will pull two more additional directions.

Or maybe life will turn around in such a way that I will go offline and communicate with people. Let's see.

Another dog that accompanied us 5 km. I don’t remember the last time I walked in nature not in the company of stray dogs. They love me for something :)
Sometimes you generally want to forget about the existence of the Internet and merge with nature and eternity. Especially when you get to places like the Gonio fortress, which have stood in their place for thousands of years.

7. Happiness. I'm happy here. Sea air, wind, delicious food, constant movement on the streets energizes. New thoughts come to mind, which, as soon as you return home and enter the usual rhythm, disappear somewhere.

Coaches and gurus from the Internet who teach self-development sing with one voice that the state of the soul and inspiration should not depend on the place, but I have not yet reached that inner freedom, in which it is not the place that colors the person, but the person is the place. In Minsk, I also had happiness and peace at a basic level, but in Georgia there is a special charge.

We see off the sun on the beach. At first they sat alone, but were suddenly surrounded by a company of Koreans

Cons of living in Batumi

Of course, there are also disadvantages, but I do not go in cycles in them.

  • mosquitoes at night. Yes, there are many of them, but they will die out in 10 days, plus after buying spirals and a rapter there are practically no mosquitoes in the apartment
  • Noisy. The main road bends near our house. Three lanes in each direction. Georgians drive fast, they love the sound of squeaking brakes, so the movement is around the clock. The issue is solved with closed doors and air conditioning. But from the balcony you can see the sea and walk close to it on foot
  • Batumi Big city . Lots of people, cars, dusty. Now this is rather a plus, since there is something to do, life around is in full swing. If you want privacy, you can go to the sea or spend the day in smaller towns 10-15 km from Batumi

People in Batumi
This is how laundry should be dried!
  • Meat. For me, it doesn't matter, but if you eat meat and prefer to cook it yourself, then in Georgia you may encounter a problem when looking for good meat. Chickens are sold whole, they need to be pitched. Frozen chickens are not tasty.
    Meat (pork and beef) costs a little more than in Russia and Belarus, and is also sold in large pieces far from everywhere. On Instagram, they advised me to buy meat in Batumi at the Nikora and Populi chain stores. We're going to explore this week. Perhaps everything is ok with meat, if you know where to look for it.
  • Sea and pebble beaches. Exclusively for beach holiday I would not go to Georgia. Georgia needs to be viewed as a whole. Mountains, sea, fortresses, cities, villages - then there will be a complete picture and you will want to return. If you go only to the sea, you can misunderstand Georgia. But this is my personal opinion, I write more about this in an article about

We have prepared a guide to autumn Georgia: weather in Georgia in autumn and options for autumn travel in Georgia.

Autumn in Georgia not at all like what the inhabitants are more accustomed to northern countries especially in the plains and coastal areas. Autumn is the time of holidays and food abundance, warm sea and gentle sunshine. Yes, and lovers active rest there is plenty to do – plenty of hiking and off-road trails are available until at least mid-autumn. And, of course, autumn is the best time for artists and photographers: a riot of colors combined with a mountainous area gives magical landscapes.

Weather in Georgia in autumn

A short answer to the question: “What is the weather like in Georgia in autumn?” is possible only in this way: “Different”. Georgia is a small country, but extremely diverse in terms of relief and climate. In any season, and especially in the off-season, the weather in the regions differs dramatically. It all depends on the relief, elevation difference, the presence of reservoirs, wind roses, climate zone, anomalies in the region and thousands of other factors. The same factors respectively affect the types of recreation available in autumn.

Consider each region, and even more so each climate zone, we will not. If you try to describe everything, you will get not an article, but an encyclopedia. We can't pull 🙂

For convenience, we are very conditional(may professional geographers forgive us) divided the area into four categories:


The climate here is temperate continental, the city is located at an altitude of ~380-750 meters above sea level. Highest point- the top of Mount Mtatsminda, where the amusement park of the same name is located, the difference in weather is felt, but not dramatically - at the top it can be a degree or two colder or, say, the wind blows.

September in Tbilisi: Mostly sunny with very little rainfall. The July-August heat subsides and walks around the city become more pleasant 🙂 It is not uncommon to spend the whole of September in shorts and a T-shirt.

October in Tbilisi: there are occasional heavy rains, but not necessarily, the abundance of precipitation varies from year to year. The temperature drops significantly relative to summer, but it may well reach 20-22°C.

November in Tbilisi: year on year is not necessary, but there is a possibility of the onset of "Indian Summer" at the beginning of the month. The average temperature is around 13-16°C. It gets cold towards the end. Precipitation is possible, but according to observations, it is even less than in October, apparently, the proximity of winter, which is surprisingly dry in Tbilisi, affects.

In autumn, prices for seasonal vegetables and fruits decrease; there is a real abundance in Tbilisi markets. Compared to summer, hotels also become cheaper.


Here we mean regions located low above sea level, without complex relief.

On average, in the flat parts of Georgia, the weather is warm, dry and comfortable almost all autumn.

September: average temperature 22-26°С, almost no or very little rain.

October: the average temperature is 16-20°C, rains are likely, but rather not prolonged, but torrential.

November: the average temperature is 12-15°C, there is a chance of rain.

Available types of recreation(September, October - free, November - according to the forecast): the same as in summer: contemplative rest in hotels car travel , excursions, fishing, leisure etc.

Interesting places on the plains of Georgia to visit in autumn


September and October in Kakheti- one of best months And not only because of the decline in heat. A harvest festival is held throughout Kakheti - Rtveli. Moreover, there is no specific date - different varieties of grapes ripen in a cascade and the holiday does not stop for a couple of weeks. Some winemakers invite guests to participate in the harvesting of grapes and the creation of wine - to crush grapes, to lay the future wine in qvevri (Georgian earthenware jug). You can also head a churchkhela with your own hands. And after all the work, straight to the feast with Kakhetian barbecue, pita bread, wine, herbs ...

Kakheti is an agricultural region. In September and October, a lot of vegetables and fruits ripen here: nuts, watermelons, grapes, greens, pumpkin and much more.

Autumn is also suitable for outdoor sightseeing (not only in Kakheti, throughout the country): Uplistsikhe, Vardzia, David Gareji, ancient temples and monasteries - you no longer need to come in the morning or in the evening, so as not to float while walking through ancient places.

September and October is the right time to visit the National Park Vashlovani(in summer it is very hot there, above 45 ° C), located in the southeast of Kakheti. The place is surreal, as if it came here by chance from the other side of the planet. Vashlovani is a real semi-desert, which is completely uncharacteristic for Georgia. Low sandstone mountains, dwarf trees, roads running along dry riverbeds. You can describe for a long time, but it's better to see once 🙂

Small mountains

This refers to the area in the foothills, passes at low altitudes, not counting the peaks.

Characterized by a large gap between day and night temperatures, the weather is sharper than on the plains.

September: average temperature 20-23°C during the day, 15°C at night, there is a chance of short rains.

October: the average temperature is 14-17°C during the day, and 10-13°C is likely to rain, but rather not protracted, but torrential.

November: the average temperature is 11-14°C during the day and up to 3-5°C at night. The first half of the month is rather sunny, however, there is a chance of rain, in the second half of the month it may rain with snow. Some dirt roads may become inaccessible due to weather conditions.

Available types of recreation:

Car travel: September-October - including off-road, November - rather, on the main roads.

Leisure (trekking, rafting, horseback riding, etc.): September - no problem, October - subject to the forecast. In November, with a climb, it gets noticeably colder, walking becomes quite an amateur.

contemplative rest in hotels, sanatoriums: all months, with readiness for a cold snap in the second half of November.

Interesting places in the small mountains of Georgia to visit in autumn


September-October Borjomi is still good as a balneological and mountain resort. September is warm during the day and pleasantly cool in the evening. The autumn air becomes more transparent, somewhere in October, the mountains begin to turn yellow, and the sky turns blue - autumn here is felt especially brightly. And bathing in a hot sulfur spring makes sense.

In September and at least until mid-October, trekking along Borjomi-Kharagauli is also possible. national park- the heights here are relatively small, snow will fall towards the end of autumn. However, it is worth stocking up on warm clothes.


Bakhmaro- a village in Guria, where there was once a popular mountain climatic resort, which has now fallen into decay. Now it is popular mainly among local lovers of mountain air without any special claims to comfort. In our opinion, it is an exclusively autumn place where you can catch the very golden autumn in the mountains. Unlike Borjomi, there are practically no tourists here - only local residents busy preparing for winter. Breathe, wander and take pictures. Silence and foxes sneak past the tent at night ...

Bakhmaro is available for the most part in September and October, in November - according to the forecast.

big mountains

Here we mean the alpine zone, not counting the peaks - you can’t walk on the five-thousanders even in the summer without being a climber 🙂

In high mountain areas such as Gudauri, Svaneti, Tusheti the weather is truly unpredictable even in summer, let alone autumn. The data below only reflects the average trend. Snow can suddenly fall at the end of September, if it turns out cold year, or vice versa, relatively warm weather will last until October. A more or less accurate forecast can be obtained only on the eve of the visit.

September: the average temperature is 13-20°C, rain is possible, but the number of rainy days is not so great.

October: the average temperature is 9-13°C, rain is likely, the first frosts may already be at night, rain with snow is also possible, snow closer to the end of the month.

November: the average temperature is 2-10°С, rain with snow, snow are possible, towards the end of the month there is a high probability of the first snow cover.

Available types of recreation:

Car travel: September - yes, including off-road, October - off-road according to forecasts, November - only main routes.

Leisure (trekking, horseback riding): September, the first half of October - no problems, the second half of October - taking into account the forecast, with a supply of warm clothes and readiness for cold weather. In November, winter gradually begins here, it's time to say goodbye to summer activities until the next season.

contemplative rest in hotels:all months, with readiness for a cold snap in the second half of October and for cold weather and possible snowfalls in November.

Interesting places in the big mountains of Georgia to visit in autumn


High mountain region in northern Georgia. majestic mountains, glaciers and waterfalls. The region will be of interest not only to lovers of nature tourism - in Svaneti unique traditions and their own unique culture and cuisine. Here are preserved family medieval towers(the most ancient exist from the 9th century); the recipe for the Svan salt spice is included in the UNESCO Intangible Heritage List; several villages - a real "Middle Ages park" - have hardly changed their appearance since the 16th-17th centuries.

Golden autumn in Svaneti - October. Solitude and leisurely walks, there are already very few tourists, and most hiking trails are still available. And in the evenings, fireplaces are lit and unhurried conversations are held ...

High-mountainous region adjacent to Kakheti. Tusheti- the land of high wooded mountains, passing into the alpine zone, gorges, turbulent rivers. Stunning landscapes are permeated with light, the mountains are soft, friendly. There are also medieval towers here, but they are completely different from the Svan ones. The entire region is national park. In Tusheti, you just need to breathe, walk and watch, take pictures, slowly ride a horse or just sit on the grass. Incredible peace and tranquility. There are almost no tourists here in autumn - perfect place to "reboot".