Monuments of Cambodia. Attractions of Cambodia on the map with photos and descriptions of interesting places

Cambodia gained popularity and development as a tourist destination to a certain extent thanks to Angelina Jolie and her heroine, Lara Croft, who had to fight a monster on the territory of the ancient city of Angkor. Now Cambodia is already receiving tourists on its own, and not only acts as part of excursion program Thailand or Vietnam, especially since interesting places there's plenty here.

Attractions in major cities

Let's start our journey through Cambodia from the capital - the city Phnom Penh , which has long been considered one of the most beautiful in the French colonies. But for several wars, many historical monuments were destroyed. After a significant part of the city was rebuilt, only a few outstanding sights remained - Royal Palace, National Museum, Silver Pagoda, Genocide Museum.

In the heart of Phnom Penh's old, touristy area, you can't miss the Royal Palace, which was built by the French in the mid-19th century. There is a small square in front of the palace - a favorite place for vacationers and royals when they make a speech to the people.

If this example of traditional Khmer architecture did not impress you too much, then the Silver Pagoda, the main historical value of the capital, will not leave you indifferent: Enlightened Buddha decorated with almost 10,000 diamonds made of crystal, the floor is lined with more than 5300 silver tiles, each of which weighs 1 kilogram , frescoes on the walls telling an ancient story.

The National Museum, which is located a little north of the palace complex, has a rich exposition dedicated to Khmer culture: relics and sculptures, handicrafts, ethnographic compositions. The streets around the museum maintain an appropriate atmosphere with numerous art and craft shops.

And, of course, numerous temples deserve attention, incl. and the Hindu temple of Tonle Bati, Buddhist pagodas, Wat Phnom temple, Preah Chau temple and many others. For those who like to tickle their nerves, there is the Genocide Museum, which was once a real prison, and now it has all the torture instruments in their places.

Having admired the capital of Cambodia, you can safely go to largest resort countries - to the city of Sihanoukville, located, like the capital Asian tourism Thailand, on the coast of the Gulf of Thailand. The main attraction of the city is wonderful sandy beaches a short drive from the city center and good sea ​​restaurants. One cheerful "attraction" amazes almost everyone - a wooden street toilet with a huge sign "RUSSIAN - FREE" on one of the local beaches.

The small provincial town of Siem Reap, more than the capital Phnom Penh, has retained traces of French colonization. But its appeal lies not in French charm and freshly baked French baguettes, but in the opportunity to spend the night in comfortable hotels before a trip to the ruins of Angkor.

ancient temples

Cambodia, in general, is rich in ancient monuments, but the main attraction of the country is The largest city antiquity - angkor . It was this city that was reflected in our cartoon Mowgli, and earlier in the written version of Kipling. Almost until the end of the 19th century, this monumental monument of Khmer culture was practically not known outside of Cambodia. And after the release of one of the parts of Lara Croft, genuine interest was shown in this place. The city includes more than 100 palaces and temples and covers an area, according to some archaeologists, reaching up to 3000 km2.

The largest temple in the city is Angkor Wat, built in honor of the god Vishnu. In addition, this temple is better preserved than others, and many mysteries are kept in its ruins. The temple complex has a well-balanced composition and strict geometric lines.

The central part of the city is Angkor Thom. This is a kind of city, surrounded by powerful fortified walls, inside which are located the rest of the important monuments of the whole of Angkor.

Bayon Temple, the second largest and most important after Angkor Wat, with numerous corridors, steep stairs, and the most remarkable thing in it - more than 50 small gothic towers, which housed about 200 smiling masks.

The Ta-Prom temple is amazing in that it can be seen in the form in which it was discovered by archaeologists - overgrown with jungle and completely uncleaned.

Terrace of the Leper King, so called because of the statue of the leper king on it, however, its original is now in the Phnom Penh Museum, and in Angkor - only a copy.

In addition to Angkor, it is worth seeing and other temples in Cambodia : temples of Sambo Preu Kuk in the city of Kampong Thom, built earlier than the complex in Angkor; Lolei temple, which has a Buddhist monastery, near Angkor; twin temples (male and female) in the city of Kampong Cham; hard-to-reach mountain temples in Battambang.

National parks and other natural beauties

In addition to antiquity, Cambodia is also attractive for its amazing nature. Now the country is developing National parks . Of particular note:

Bokor park where lovers extreme recreation will be able to go camping and spend the night in hammocks or go through a jungle survival school under the guidance of an experienced instructor;

Ream Park, where you can see a freshwater dolphin, watch tropical birds, snorkel in a fishing village;

Another amazing embodiment of a natural miracle can be called Tonle Sap lake , or the inland sea of ​​Cambodia, the depth of which reaches 9 meters at flood. Traveling on the lake, you will see a unique floating village in which not only houses, schools and even a restaurant, but also small fertile plots of land are located on boats and rafts.

You can also go to multi-day tour on Koh Rong island , near which numerous uninhabited islands are located, and the island itself has retained its original beauty and freshness.

You can describe the beauty of Cambodia in many words, but first of all, this country would like to be called bewitching.

Rainy season in Cambodia

If you consider the well-known phrase that nature does not and cannot have bad weather, just a beautiful figure of speech, then you have never been to Cambodia. Indeed, this equatorial state throughout the calendar year resembles an earthly projection of paradise: it is never cold here, only hot or warm, and blooming orchids and birds that bring out bizarre trills make the picture appearing before the eyes of a tourist truly fabulous.

Visa to Cambodia

Applying for a visa at the embassy First, you can apply for a tourist visa before departure at the Cambodian embassy. To do this, you will need three 4x6 photos, no more than 6 months old, a questionnaire filled out either in English or in Russian in one copy, a passport valid for at least the next six months and $ 20 to pay the consular fee. The validity of the visa is 30 days and the extension is also for 30 days.

Angkor Wat - the mysterious temple of a mighty empire

A bit of history The largest temple in this city, and throughout the world, is Angkor Wat, built in the 12th century in honor of the god Vishnu and occupying about 200 km2. Initially, it was planned to make only a tomb for kings on the territory of the temple, but gradually it grew into a full-fledged city, justifying its name: Angkor Wat is translated as a city-temple. For more than three centuries, the city lived and prospered, until the neighboring Siam (now Thailand) captured the city, destroying it.

Cambodia is an exotic country with a difficult fate. The sad events of the 20th century have not yet been forgotten, but these places still attract travelers. They want to see personally, so unlike the cultural heritage of other countries.
The best time to visit Cambodia is from November to February when the rainy season ends.


Most tourists primarily seek to see Angkor Wat, and this is understandable. The world-famous temple of the Khmer Empire was built in the 12th century and is included in the list world heritage UNESCO as the world's largest religious building. This is the real pride of the Khmers: the outlines of Angkor Wat can even be seen on the flag of Cambodia. The writer Rudyard Kipling was so inspired by the atmosphere of this place that after visiting he wrote his "The Jungle Book". Episodes of the film "Lara Croft: Tomb Raider" were also filmed here. The territory of the Angkor complex itself is huge - its length is 24 kilometers from west to east and 8 kilometers from north to south - and multi-level: it will take a whole day to explore every corner. You can get into the complex through just two entrances, and it is recommended to enter from the western one so that the annoying sun does not hit your eyes.

Address: Siem Reap, Cambodia.

How to get there: The complex is located near the city of Siem Reap. You can get here with a guided tour or on your own. Many tourists hire a tuk-tuk, it will cost about 30 USD per day - the driver, by agreement, will take you to the temple, and also drive around the city in the remaining time. It is better not to look for the first tuker on the street, but to contact a travel agency.

Working hours: daily from 5:00 to 19:00.

Price: 37 USD per person for 1 day of inspection. You can buy a ticket for 3 days for 62 USD or for a week at a price of 72 USD. For an additional 20 USD you will rise above the complex in a hot air balloon.
To calmly explore the temples, come early in the morning: this way you will not fall under the rays of the scorching sun and avoid huge crowds of tourists. And the dawn over the towers of Angkor Wat is a truly grandiose sight.

There are many monks on the territory of the temple. Please note that women should never touch them. Before photographing ministers, politely ask their permission: as a rule, they do not refuse and pose with pleasure. In order not to embarrass the monks, choose clothes that are not very revealing - this is also of practical importance, since it is easy to get burned in the scorching sun. Please note that the stairs of some temples are very steep, so be careful and carefully look under your feet.

Koh Ker

Sights of Cambodia unfortunately not very well known in the world. As a rule, everyone knows about the jungle and Angkor Wat, but other places like the pyramid of death are not very popular. Meanwhile, temple complex in the province of Preah Vihear, dedicated to the god Shiva, is of considerable interest. Those who are passionate about the history of Cambodia will be curious to visit ancient city Lingapura, where the pyramid is located. Once these structures were forgotten, but with the development of tourism, the adjacent territory was cleared of mines and shells. Koh Ker was erected during the reign of Jayavarman IV at the beginning of the 10th century. It was assumed that main temple- the pyramid - will be his tomb, but due to technical errors made during construction, the future mausoleum already then began to collapse. However, the name "pyramid of death" stuck to it. The building itself looks a little intimidating, but, nevertheless, impresses with its size. In the neighboring villages there are mystical legends about strange things that occur near the pyramid. In any case, even the most curious tourists should not go there.

How to get there: for about 45 USD you can book an excursion at any travel agency in Siem Reap. For 100 USD, tourists order a car with a driver - this is more profitable if you are traveling with a company. Some risk taking a motorbike for 15-20 USD, but this method is only suitable for those who feel confident behind the wheel.

Working hours: 07:30 – 17:30.

Price: 10 USD per person.

Plan about 2 hours for sightseeing of the temple. Local residents who want to earn extra money will beg, offer their services as a guide and sell souvenirs. It is not so easy to get rid of them: buy a postcard from one, others will immediately come running. It is better to say once firmly: “No”.
Attention: do not under any circumstances leave hiking trails! The area around the city has not yet been completely cleared of mines. Take seriously the signs that say "Danger! Mines!

Royal Palace

Sights of Cambodia- this is not only the former greatness of the Khmer empire. The magnificent roofs of the Royal Palace are still burning in the sun from afar - this is the architectural dominant of Phnom Penh. The royal family lives here, but some halls are still open to tourists. For example, you can visit the Throne Room crowned with a 59-meter tower, a treasury, a pagoda and a statue of the Emerald Buddha, decorated with diamonds. This atmosphere of luxury contrasts sharply with the general poverty of the kingdom.

Address: Phnom Penh, intersection of 184th and 240th streets.

How to get there: this is the very center of Phnom Penh, next to the embankment of the Tonle Sap River. It is very easy to reach it: the tower can be seen from every corner of the historical center.

Working hours: daily from 8:00 to 11:00 and from 14:00 to 17:00.

Price: 6 UDS, for 10 USD English-speaking guides offer their services.

Open clothing is not allowed, elbows and knees must be covered.

Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum

This place in Cambodia has a terrifying atmosphere and is really hard to be in. Everyone decides for himself whether it is worth visiting. This is a museum of genocide, located in the building of a typical Cambodian school - through the efforts of the dictator Pol Pot, it was turned into the infamous S-21 Security Prison. It was here that citizens objectionable to the regime were tortured and destroyed.

Address: Street 113, Phnom Penh 12304, Cambodia.

How to get there: The museum is located near the Independence Monument in the center of Phnom Penh. It is easier to get there by tuk-tuk, usually drivers ask for 2-3 USD.

Working hours: from 9:00 to 17:00.

Price: 2 USD per person, photo and video for free.

Respect the tragedy that happened in the country - do not smile in the museum, as the icon hanging on the wall warns about. Take care of clothing: it is important that it covers your knees and shoulders.

National Museum of Cambodia

This museum houses the most interesting collections and artifacts from the most significant historical periods of the country. The terracotta building keeps Khmer sculptures, bronze statues of gods and even a real wooden ship in its funds. It is best to start getting acquainted with the exposition from the left pavilion, then you need to move clockwise.

Address: Phnom Penh, corner Street 13, Street 178.

How to get there: the easiest way is to walk from the Royal Palace, it will take just a few minutes.

Working hours: daily from 8:00 to 17:00.

Price: 5 USD, children under 12 years old enter free. An English-speaking guide will cost 3 USD. No photography allowed.

For a long time, Cambodia was practically closed not only to tourists, but also to foreigners in general. The difficult fate of the country in the 20th century, the dictatorship of the Khmer Rouge, who unleashed genocide in the country, as well as the invasion of troops from neighboring states, made visiting Cambodia extremely dangerous.

After graduation civil war The country began to rapidly develop tourism. Almost 5 million people come here every year, most of the tourists visit the unique abandoned temple city angkor in Cambodia. Attractions with photos and descriptions can be found here.

Cambodia sightseeing map in Russian

The main attraction that attracts millions of tourists is the abandoned city of Angkor, which houses the main masterpieces of Khmer architecture: Angkor Wat and Angkor Thom. But besides the famous temples of Angkor, there is something to see and do in Cambodia.

Angkor Wat - where was Lara Croft filmed?

The giant temple complex of Angkor Wat is main asset Cambodia and one of the world's most recognizable landmarks. Angkor Wat temple is part of Angkor - the abandoned capital of the Khmer Empire, the grandiose medieval city from which numerous temples have survived to this day.

Angkor Wat is the most famous part of the city, a Hindu temple in honor of the god Vishnu, built of sandstone and tuff in the 12th century by King Suryavarman II.

Angkor Wat was built in the classical period Khmer architecture and is a masterpiece and a model of style. The temple was opened by Europeans in the middle of the 19th century, 400 years later, after it had been abandoned.

The area of ​​the entire archaeological complex of Angkor is more than 400 km², on its territory there are many forgotten and abandoned temples, such as Angkor, Thom, Bayon, Pre Kan Monastery, Bakong, Bantre Sei, the iconic pools of East Barei, Pre Neak Pean and many other masterpieces.

To a wide range of viewers, the temples of Angkor are familiar from the film "Lara Croft: Tomb Raider", which was filmed on the territory of the Ta Prohm temple. After filming locals jokingly renamed the complex to Temple of Angelina Jolie.

What to see in Phnom Penh?

Capital Cambodia Phnom Penh is a large and noisy city with a population of over 1 million 300 thousand people. The city was built in the 19th century, and a century later the capital was moved here from Angkor, so Phnom Penh is full of historical sights.

Royal Palace Phnom Penh was built in the middle of the 19th century after the return of the status of the capital to the city. The palace is made in the classical Buddhist style, 7 of the 9 pavilions of the palace are open to the public, and the royal family still lives in the premises that are closed to the public.

silver pagoda part of the Phnom Penh Royal Palace complex. The second name of the pagoda is the Temple of the Emerald Buddha. The pagoda got its first name because its floor is lined with 500 kilogram silver plates, and the second - for the statue of Buddha made of green crystal.

There is also a golden Buddha statue in the pagoda, made of 90 kilograms of precious metal and adorned with diamonds.

Buddhist Wat Phnom Monastery was founded in the XIV century at the foundation of the city. In fact, it is from the monastery that the capital of Cambodia takes its history.

Now the monastery, considered the main temple of the country, is place of pilgrimage Buddhist believers and tourists who want to join this world religion. The staircase leading to the temple is impressive, decorated with sculptures of warriors, lions and snakes. Wat Phnom is especially beautiful at night, as at this time of day it is illuminated with special garlands.

In Sihanoukville, tourists mainly come to relax on its beautiful beaches and swim in the sea. The city is not so rich in sights, since Sihanoukville was founded only in the 50s of the XX century as a port city.

The main man-made attraction of Sihanoukville is Sculpture "Golden Lions" located in the city center inside the road junction. Despite the fact that the composition was installed quite recently, the Golden Lions managed to catch the fancy of tourists and have become the main symbol of the city.

Other places of interest are located in suburb Sihanoukville and are natural attractions, for example, Kbal Chhai waterfall 9 kilometers from the city, Khon Rong monkey island or a huge national park Ream, where you can meet wildlife Cambodia.

Siem Reap guide

The city has several names: Siem Reap, Siem Reap, Siem Reap. And its name translates as "Siam Defeated". For a long time, Siem Reap was only a fishing village, until during the French colonization it became the tourist capital of Cambodia due to its proximity to the Angkor complexes.

After recovering from the rule of the Khmer Rouge, Siem Reap is now the main tourist center Cambodia and the gateway to the Angkor complexes. However, in the city itself there is something to see.

Oudong and Battambang

Other cities in Cambodia are not very popular, although the reason for this is rather their remoteness from the main tourist routes and inaccessibility in a country that is not the most developed in terms of roads.

The exception is another former capital of Cambodia, the city udong, located near Phnom Penh and listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The main sights of the city are the ruins of the temple of Vihea Pre At Roz, destroyed by the Khmer Rouge, and the Hill of Royal Welfare, where, according to legend, the royal treasury is buried. The Vipassana Center in Oudong attracts people from all over the world who want to touch the secrets of Eastern meditation.

Second largest city in the country Battambang will impress travelers with a huge statue of the local legendary hero Dambang Kranyong and worthy colonial architecture. In the city of Kep you must visit cave temple, the road to which is “guarded” by monkeys, and bats live in the altar.

What else to do in the country - photo and description

The list of attractions in Cambodia is not limited to Hindu and Buddhist temples.


The main natural attraction of the country is Tonle Sap lake, located in the center of the country and often referred to as the inland Cambodian sea. The easiest way to get to the lake is from Siem Reap. A special feature of Tonle Sap are the locals living in a floating village in boat houses.

You can also admire the stone Buddhist temple built on stilts. Lake Tonle Sap is connected by a strait with largest river indochinese peninsula Mekong, which is also unique natural object Cambodia and surrounding countries.

The easiest way to admire this river giant is in Phnom Penh on the Mekong embankment.

Unusual places

Not many people know that not only in, but also in Cambodia there are their own pyramids. Abandoned Temple City Koh Ker located away from the main attractions of Angkor, so you will most likely have to go to this city on your own.

The main attraction of Koh Ker is pyramid of death prasat prang, which is part of the Prasang Thom temple complex. The 36-meter pyramid is one of the main monuments of the Khmer Empire, and the abandoned city of Koh Ker, located in the jungle, impresses with its desertedness and antiquity of buildings.

What to visit on your own?

The sad attraction of Phnom Penh is the museum complex, consisting of Tol Sleng Genocide Museum and Killing Fields Choeng Ek.

Tol Slang - former prison, through which, during the reign of the Khmer Rouge, about 140 thousand people were killed in the Killing Fields. museum complex captured the memory of those killed in this mass crime and serves as a reminder to posterity of this barbarity of the 20th century.

Cambodia is not the most developed and richest country in Southeast Asia, besides, there are still "scars" of the civil war and the dictatorship of the Khmer Rouge. Therefore, in Cambodia, the well-known precautionary measures.

See video review attractions in Cambodia:

The hallmark of Cambodia is, of course, the complex of temples of Angkor. The classic one-day option for visiting the main attraction looks like this: you negotiate with a tuk-tuk driver (you can’t ride a motorbike around Angkor on your own), and he takes you to watch the sunset (it’s worth considering that there will be about 200 more people with you). The next morning you are going to watch the sunrise (be sure to check the time of sunrise on the Internet, as they often bring an hour and a half earlier); then spend the whole day moving from one temple to another. Those who do not want to share the mystical atmosphere of the temple ruins with a crowd of tourists should come here as soon as dawn breaks (but the sun has not yet risen) and walk along the deserted corridors alone with patterned bas-reliefs.

  • When to visit Angkor: early in the morning before noon and after three in the afternoon.
  • How to dress: light clothing covering the shoulders and knees (we respect the temples and save ourselves from the sun).
  • How to behave: Befriend the tuk-tuk driver and arrange for him to take you around the temples in reverse order to avoid the tourist groups.
  • What to bring: Bring water, a hat, and sunscreen.

No. 2. Siem Reap

In my opinion, Siem Reap is the most pleasant town in Cambodia. It has a well-developed infrastructure, a lot of hotels for every taste, excellent service and delicious cuisine. Due to the fact that Angkor is the main source of income from the tourism sector throughout Cambodia, everything looks relatively prosperous here.

The classic day of a traveler in Siem Reap looks like this: the morning and the first half of the day are given to Angkor, or spent in the arms of Morpheus after a stormy night the day before; after four in the afternoon, everyone returns to the hotels, where you can swim in the pool or enjoy massages and spa treatments. With the onset of darkness, all the people flock to two points - the street of bars (Pub Street) and the night market (Night Market). In the market, you will find many useful and useless products, both local and Chinese. It is worth paying attention to scarves made of silk or cotton and various kitchen utensils carved from the trunk of a coconut tree. In addition to shopping at the night market, you can get a massage. In local restaurants, you can try frogs and crocodile steak, as well as unexpectedly get to a great concert of some little-known Filipino band.

  • How many days to spend: at least 3 days.
  • What to do: circle Angkor-Spa-Shopping-Restaurant-Nightclub-Angkor and choose your favorite activity to repeat it the next day.

No. 3. Battambang

Battambang is just a village compared to Siem Reap. But it is convenient to stop here on the way to Phnom Penh for a day or two. The most interesting thing in the vicinity of the city is the mountain with the temple of Phnom Sampo (Phnom Sampeou). You can spend the whole day here, calmly climbing to the top and stopping along the way at bizarre monuments and Buddha statues. Here everything seems to be done by a big child - primitive, but at the same time very touching. This is probably where Alice would have ended up if she lived in Cambodia. In addition to the hill with the Phnom Sampo temple in Battambang, there is another hill with the ruins of the Phnom Banan temple, an abandoned Pepsi factory and local entertainment - a bamboo train.

  • How many days to spend: maximum 2 days.
  • Things to do: Take a break from the hustle and bustle of Angkor Wat and meditate on the top of the hill.

No. 4. Phnom Penh

Phnom Penh is a city of contrasts. Someone is in a hurry to leave here as soon as possible so as not to see dirt and poverty, while someone walks along the wide avenue with pleasure, visits palaces and temples, and in the evening sits on the Mekong embankment, drinking iced coffee and detachedly watching the life of the city . Phnom Penh is actively growing, cleaning the dirt and child prostitution from the main streets. It is convenient to stop here for a day or two to see with your own eyes the city, which was once the prosperous capital of Indochina, and then, deserted in the bloody seventies, stood for 4 years collapsing.

  • How many days to spend: maximum 2-3 days.
  • Things to do: visit the main attractions (Wat Phnom on the hill, the Royal Palace, National Museum Cambodia, Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum), spend an evening on the Mekong embankment, join group aerobics on the square near the Cambodian-Vietnam Friendship Monument, try all the variety of Khmer cuisine.

No. 5. Sihanoukville

And of course the most important resort place Cambodia is Sihanoukville. Here you will find both sand, and the sea, and hotels for any wallet size, and delicious seafood, and noisy bars. In a word - perfect place to complete your journey through Cambodia. If two days of lying on the beach is enough for you, and the spirit of adventurism haunts you, then feel free to sail around the nearby islands, taking your snorkel mask with you. Stay in one of uninhabited islands longer and imagine yourself as the hero of the movie "Outcast".

  • How many days to spend in Sihanoukville: at least 5, but you can spend all 2 weeks.
  • Things to do: enjoy beach holiday, get a massage every day, go to a mini-cinema, go to the islands, climb Mount Bokor, get to know everyone in the bars.

No. 6. Bokor

Another interesting place unfairly missed by many travel agencies This is Mount Bokor. It is located in the vicinity of the town with the cute name Kampot for the Russian ear, just a two-hour drive from Sihanoukville. At the top of the mountain there was once the residence of the king and a very popular casino in the 50s. Now all the buildings, among which there is both a church and a post office, are in disrepair and look like in mystical thrillers, especially when fog creeps in. The unexpectedly eerie atmosphere and the coolness of the mountains make it worth spending a day here.

Where to stay:

  • Siem Reap:

The hotel is located in the very center, next to the bar street and the market. Spacious modern rooms suitable for young couples and companies of travelers.

Delightful cozy bungalows with gardens and a pond on site. High level service and its own theater - an excellent choice for discerning travelers.

  • Battambang:

Nice hotel in the center of the town with a wide range of prices. On the roof there is a beautiful terrace where the restaurant is located.

Spacious modern rooms and good service. The hotel is located in quiet place but near the center.

In Cambodia live "aliens" who eat pickled fish and crickets, seasoning delicacies with ten sauces at the same time. Cambodians greet with a question: “Have you already eaten rice?” Streets are not given names, but numbers. Even their alphabet is special - it consists of 72 letters, for which it got into the Guinness Book of Records as the largest in the world.

Cambodia, unlike its neighbor Vietnam, is not the most popular tourist destination. Nevertheless, everyone knows about it - largely thanks to the movie. Photos of the sights of Cambodia can be easily found in many travel magazines.

In 2001, the Hollywood film with the participation of Angelina Jolie "Lara Croft Tomb Raider" was released. The shooting of the film took place in the Cambodian Angkor in the capital of the Khmer Empire lost in the jungle. A year later, during the filming of the film "Beyond", which also took place in Cambodia, Angelina adopted baby Maddox from a Cambodian refugee shelter.

And most recently, Jolie acted as the director of a film that touches on the bloody pages of Cambodian history. The painting "First they killed my father" tells the story of the Khmer Rouge regime, which was established in Cambodia in 1975.

There was a lot of talk about the film: film critics wrote about the nomination of the picture for an Oscar, and gossip published photographs in which Angelina tastes a scorpion, a delicacy of the local cuisine.

But, believe me, it is not cinematic passions that attract thousands of tourists from all over the world to Cambodia. Here, civilization coexists with wildlife, and heaven on earth - with the underworld, where it is better not to poke your nose. In a word, Cambodia, like its sights, is a mystery that you certainly want to solve.

Angkor Wat, the capital of the Khmer Empire, lost in the jungle, until the 15th century was a city of a million people, stretching from modern Myanmar to Vietnam.

In the 15th century, the Siamese captured Angkor, later the capital of Cambodia moved to Phnom Penh, and the jungle began to absorb the city of Vishnu.

Even today, the ruins of ancient temples cover an area of ​​several hundred kilometers. For Europeans, the complex was opened by a member of the Royal Geographical Society, Henri Muo. In 1860, he went to the jungle for samples of tropical plants, and returned with an invaluable archaeological find.

One of the largest places of worship in the world is dedicated to the god Vishnu. It was built in the first half of the 12th century during the reign of the Khmer king Suryavarman II. But many researchers believe that Angkor Wat is much older. Each new Khmer emperor built a new temple here.

Angkor Wat is a micromodel of the universe. In the center of the complex is Mount Meru - the abode of the gods. The mountain is surrounded by water, symbolizing the world ocean, along which the continents are scattered. The towers of the temple are built in the shape of a lotus. Four bridges lead to the main entrance, which are guarded by lions - the guardians of the Earth and snakes - the servants of the sea god Naga, which symbolizes the harmony of Water and Earth.

The British historian and archaeologist John Grigsby, who explored the mysterious Angkor, was the first to notice that the temple complex is an earthly projection of a section of the starry sky around the constellation Draco. But computer simulations have shown scientists an interesting inconsistency: the temples of Angkor Wat correspond to the starry sky of the period 10,500 BC.

It is unlikely that the Khmers in the XII century knew how the stars were located over the territories of modern Cambodia more than 11 thousand years ago! Therefore, scientists concluded: the temples were built on top of some even more ancient structures. But what? And who created them? Ordinary people? Hardly…

The steps and doorways are clearly designed for giants. Stone blocks weigh about 250 tons, they were laid without mortar, but the blocks are so tightly fitted to each other that the seams between them are almost invisible. The stone itself is smooth, like polished marble, and the sacred texts seem to be applied to it with a laser. In general, fantastic! According to one version, the city of Angkor was founded by the descendants of the inhabitants of Atlantis.

Attractions of Cambodia on the map

"Temple of Angelina Jolie" in the depths of the wild jungle

"Lara Croft" was filmed in the Angora temple of Ta Prohm, which the Cambodians themselves either jokingly or seriously call the temple of Angelina Jolie. They say that the king of the Khmer Empire, Jaya Varman VII, spent 5 tons of gold and more than 40,000 pearls to decorate the temple.

Of course, there is nothing left of this decoration, but this is not what people come here for. The gigantic occult structure is entwined on all sides by huge plane trees and tropical ficuses, their branches pass through the stones, and their roots descend to the terraces in huge "dreadlocks".

Tourists from all over the world come to see the trees hugging the ruins, so don't rely on "deserted" photos. Even at dawn, camera clicks are heard from all sides. Many travelers meet the sunrise on the shore of the lake in front of Angkor Wat: the towers of the temple in the morning rays look incredible!

Do you want a spider? Landmarks of Cambodian cuisine

Cambodian cuisine is a separate chapter of the journey. One of the most popular delicacies in Cambodia is the fried tarantula, the tastiest part of which, the paws, tastes like crab meat.

Locals breed tarantulas in pits or catch them in the forest, and then roll them in spices and fry them in boiling oil. In addition to spiders, you can order frog legs: amphibians are fried, steamed and put on the grill.

Small snakes, spiders and scorpions are sold in the markets in the form of kebabs. In Cambodia, there are entire "spider" culinary festivals, during which locals and tourists eat spiders of all calibers for a whole week.

The culinary horror of Cambodia does not end there: there is also snake wine - a bottle with a small cobra in rice vodka can be brought as a souvenir.

What are the must-dos in Cambodia?

Swim in the "Inland Sea"

So the locals call Tonle Sap Lake - the largest freshwater lake in South-East Asia, which has several floating villages. The locals live in wooden houses swaying on the water and do not go to the big shore for years. The most civilized village has its own church, Buddhist temple and school - students go to lessons in boats that look like basins.

Mostly villagers are illegal immigrants and refugees from Vietnam who are not allowed to settle on the land. On the water they live for free. According to various estimates, there are from 100 thousand to 2 million inhabitants. They say that businessmen who bring tourists here (for $ 25 per person) support the water peasants so that they do not run ashore.

Go diving off the coast of Koh Ko

For experienced divers, diving in Cambodia will remind diving in Thailand: after all, one body of water, which means that it is similar undersea world and landscapes. Off the Cambodian island of Koh Kon, you can watch seahorses and stingrays.

Off the coast of the uninhabited Koh Rong, barracudas and cuttlefish, dogfish and nimble crabs are found.

Most of the islands in the bay are uninhabited and covered in jungle, and it's up to you to decide what to do here - go on the best fishing in your life or just sit on the sandy shore and meditate on the rays of the setting sun.

Visit the Cambodian jungle

There are many interesting things! In the eastern part of the country on the border with Vietnam live tribes who practice animism and believe in the animation of nature. And in the province of Ratanakiri is the breathtakingly beautiful Virachay National Park, the largest in Cambodia. Here you can endlessly wander under the canopy of evergreen trees, looking out for rhinos, giant ibises, peacock pheasants, deer, sambars, wild pigs and bears in the thickets.

There are more than 20 national parks in Cambodia, one more mysterious than the other. Perhaps the most mysterious is Phnom Bokor at the foot of the Elephant Mountains. mountain range stands in the way of the monsoons that bring precipitation, and all the rains pour out in these wonderful landscapes, turning the region into one of the "wettest" in the country. Asian elephants, gibbons, leopards, tigers and black bears live here.

Popoquil Falls, scattering cascades of bubbling water in the heart of the jungle, is one of the most beautiful places Elephant mountains. "Popokvil" in translation means "surrounded by clouds": due to the rapid flow of water falling from a height of 18 meters, it seems that the waterfall diverges in the clouds.

Hiking and mini hiking are only possible with a ranger. Walking on uncharted paths alone is dangerous, and it's not even about the bears. Cambodia is one of the most mined countries in the world. In 1995, there were about 10 million mines left over from the civil war of 1967-1975.

Mines are still sometimes blown up by adults and children who accidentally wandered into the forest, so there are a lot of people on the streets of Cambodia with injuries of varying severity.

It is impossible to demine the land, since it takes from 300 to 1000 dollars to clear one mine. So it's better to refrain from independent walks through the Cambodian forests, and use the services of a guide and walk on officially permitted routes.

Ride the bamboo train between Phnom Penh and Batgam Bang

An unusual train runs along the old rails between the capital of Cambodia, Phnom Penh, and the town of Batgam Bang. It is, in fact, a flimsy bamboo platform on wheels that can hold ten passengers and a couple of bags of rice.

Bamboo "railcar" is capable of accelerating up to 40 km / h - provided that the wind is fair. The most interesting thing happens when two such trains meet on the same track. The platform, on which fewer passengers sit, is quickly removed from the rails, passing oncoming traffic and moving on.

Categories: ,// dated 15/03/2018