The southern coast of Crimea - where is the best place to relax? Review, description, beaches and reviews from tourists. Southern coast of Crimea Which cities belong to the southern coast of Crimea

The southern coast of Crimea is most popular among tourists. The most concentrated here major resorts and the best sanatoriums of the peninsula.

The southeastern part of Crimea includes the southern coast of the peninsula from Foros in the west to Feodosia in the east. The narrow coastal strip is limited to the north by a mountain range.

Large towns and cities on the southern coast of Crimea

The Southern Coast of Crimea (SC) includes several large settlements:

– 78,040 people

– 69,786 people

– 28,642 people

– 18,199 people

– 15,368 people

– 9,485 people

– 9,056 people

– 2,833 people

Foros – 1,982 people

Rivers flowing through the southeast of Crimea




Weather and climate of the southern coast of Crimea

Climate southeastern Crimea subtropical, Mediterranean type with long and hot summers and short mild winters. Average temperatures (air/water):

Winter — +4…+7°C/+6…+11°C

Spring +13…+15°C/+10…+15°C

Summer +24…+32°C/+22…+25°C

Autumn +14…+19°C/+15…+20°C

Crimea map

Interesting places and attractions on the southern coast of Crimea

The southern coast of Crimea is a paradise for travel

In the 19th century, the southern coast of Crimea first attracted the attention of the Russian nobility. picturesque landscapes are complemented by summer residences and palaces, and vacations on the southern borders of the empire are becoming increasingly popular. This is not surprising: it is difficult to find a more profitable place in Russia to relax in spring period and during the velvet season.

This is how Felix Yusupov, a representative of one of the richest noble families, who also settled on the coast near Livadia, describes the peninsula in his memoirs.

Crimea is a wonderful land. It reminds me of French Cote d'Azur, but its landscapes are harsher. All around are high rocky mountains; on the slopes there are pine trees, right up to the shore; The sea is changeable: peaceful and radiant in the sun and terrible in a storm. The climate is mild, there are flowers everywhere, a lot of roses.

The southeast coast amazes with the abundance of palaces and mansions made in completely different styles: they show echoes of French castles of the Renaissance, Italian Renaissance and even traces of the traditions of Ottoman architecture of the 16th-18th centuries. Each building is a separate object of art, created by famous architects in conditions of fierce competition, each park is a small botanical garden with strange plants, fountains and wonderful views of the sea.

Often, the fate of Russian history was decided in these places; details can be found in the museums occupying the premises of the palaces. For example, during the summer months the Livadia Palace became the center of state power, from which the emperor directed all processes in the country. In 1945, the palace hosted meetings that determined the post-war order in Europe. If you're nearby, be sure to take a tour. You will be amazed not only by the grandeur of the complex and its rich history, but also by the selfless attitude of the guides to the profession. It is rare to find specialists so dedicated to their work.

The Crimean health resort quickly gained popularity and was far ahead of the resorts of the Caucasus in terms of the number of vacationers. The southern coast of Taurida has become a favorite vacation spot for both ordinary citizens and representatives of the creative intelligentsia and all kinds of elites. At different times, Pushkin, Tolstoy, Chekhov, Kuprin, Korovin, Green, Chaliapin and many, many others vacationed at Crimean resorts. Crimea gave inspiration to everyone - many works of literature and art were written here, and their authors spoke enthusiastically about the peninsula.

From the beaches of Alushta, Sudak and Feodosia, a stunning change of natural landscapes begins, as if in a kaleidoscope, which can be admired from the heights of the mountains. Once you find yourself at the top of some massif, you are surprised how such a number of diverse landscapes fit on a small piece of land that will forever remain in your heart. The panorama from the Ai-Petri plateau changes several times a day. Having climbed to the top early in the morning, you will most likely see a dense veil of clouds under your feet, covering the entire space to the horizon.

Closer to noon, pine trees growing on the slopes will begin to appear in the milky haze, the fog will slowly dissipate, revealing more and more new horizons: Yalta, Cape Ai-Todor with the “Swallow’s Nest”, Bear Mountain, Vorontsov Palace, Simeiz... You will need at least half an hour just to look at the picture that appears before your eyes. Hundreds of thousands of details: the sea, the coastline, palaces, gardens, cities and houses, ships at sea - just for this view alone it is worth coming to Crimea.

In the 20th century, the island located in the village of Gurzuf became the entry card of the peninsula. Holidays in the most famous pioneer camp in the country were considered the ultimate childhood dream. It was here that delegations from socialist countries, children from friendly states came, and heads of state from near and far abroad who paid a visit to the Soviet Union often stayed here.

Today Crimea is, first of all, sea and sun. However, the southeast coast will make you take a fresh look at seemingly familiar things. A vacation here cannot only be on the beach, it includes walks in the fresh air, excursions, and fishing - the intensity of the trip depends only on your desires.

South-eastern Crimea will appeal to everyone who wants to combine a beach holiday with a rich cultural program and active tourism.

This part Crimean peninsula They have long been called briefly - the South Coast, and everyone immediately understands that we are talking about the southern coast of Crimea, a narrow strip of the Black Sea coast from Cape Aya to Mount Kara-Dag, which is not far from Koktebel. It is called Southern by geographical location, but this name has long been overgrown with other meanings: the warmest and most beautiful!

About geography and climate

From the north, the south of Crimea is limited by the Main Ridge Crimean mountains, protecting the coast from northern winds; from the south it is washed by the Black Sea, which regulates heat: in winter it warms the air, and in summer it brings coolness. Thanks to this relief, the climate South Bank Crimea is favorable for plants, which make it healing: in the forests of the Crimean Mountains and numerous parks, conifers and junipers predominate, releasing medicinal phytoncides, the sea saturates the air with sea salts. This tandem turned the southern coast of Crimea into a huge healing inhalation center.

The climate of the south of Crimea is subtropical, Mediterranean and surpasses in its therapeutic effects best resorts Italy and France:

  1. Winter is very mild, with frequent rains, snow and frost are rare guests here, and the temperature even in the coldest month can suddenly rise to 15-18 degrees. Snow lies only in the mountains.
  2. Spring, that's why it's spring, is to be windy and fickle: in March even snow is possible, and mid-May is usually so warm that vacationers are already swimming.
  3. Summer on the South Coast of Crimea is long and hot - from the end of May to the end of September, but the heat is moderated by the sea breeze, and therefore it is very easy to breathe.
  4. Autumn starts late and ends only in mid-October swimming season, but during the day it’s still warm, and only in the evenings does the air begin to smell like autumn.

Forest vegetation - oaks and pines, juniper and beech, deciduous trees and bushes, many types of grasses, but the very edge South Coast of Crimea, inhabited by people, is planted mainly with ornamental plants: Lebanese and Himalayan cedars, cypress and ivy, magnolias and strawberry trees, cherry laurel and Spanish gorse. Of the fruit trees and shrubs on the southern coast of Crimea, most of them are figs, persimmons, pears, apples, apricots, cherries, peaches, plums and grapes, among the many varieties of which very rare native varieties are still preserved.

Cities and towns of the Southern Coast of Crimea

From Cape Aya to Feodosia, the very extreme point The southern coast of Crimea, at the edge of the sea, are scattered like beads of a pearl necklace, small villages and cities with old names And amazing story. If we drive east from Sevastopol, road signs will tell us the fascinating history of the most densely populated part of the peninsula:

  1. Cape Aya (Holy) protrudes into the sea like a horn. The place is reserved, protected and mysterious. Not far from the cape during the Crimean War, the Black Prince, an English ship carrying a huge amount of gold, crashed. No gold was found, but from time to time gold coins are found at the bottom near the cape.
  2. - a small village on the southern coast of Crimea, one of the first Greek colonies on the coast, and then a Genoese fortress. Now the owner of sanatoriums, boarding houses and a beautiful park, founded in the 19th century.
  3. Kastropol is a small village on the South Coast of Crimea with beautiful beach on the site of a Greek fortress that once stood here.
  4. - a resort village on the southern coast of Crimea with sanatoriums and hotels, located next to the famous Mount Koshka.
  5. Alupka is a small town on the South Coast of Crimea, famous for the palace of Count Vorontsov and a beautiful park.
  6. Koreiz is a small village with sanatoriums and rest houses; it was here that Prince Yusupov and Golitsyn built palaces.
  7. Miskhor – climatic resort Southern coast of Crimea. This is where the famous cable car on Ai-Petri. There is a dendrological park with rare plants here.
  8. is a world-famous resort village; a palace was built here for the last Russian emperor.
  9. - a resort capital, a city of celebration, the pearl of the South Coast in Crimea. It has an excellent climate, so there are many sanatoriums, hotels, and boarding houses.
  10. Massandra is a resort village, also known as the oldest winery in Crimea, built by Prince Golitsyn.
  11. Gurzuf – wonderful resort, location international camp"Artek".
  12. - one of best resort cities on the southern coast of Crimea, where some of the the best sanatoriums, holiday homes, beautiful beaches and a water park.
  13. Solnechnogorskoye, Rybachye, Morskoye are small resort villages located almost at the very edge of the sea, known for their beautiful beaches.

  • - the most beautiful village on the southern coast of Crimea: amazing multi-colored bays, rare pine trees, amazingly beautiful landscapes at one time amazed the Emperor of Russia. Here Prince Golitsyn created a winery.
  • - a small resort town with good beaches And clear sea. Famous for its medieval Genoese fortress.

In any town or village Southern Crimea No matter how you stop to rest, you will be amazed by the history of this area, because over many hundreds of years hundreds of peoples have lived on the land of Crimea, and each has left its mark in the architecture, history, and name.

Holidays on the southern coast of Crimea are holidays in Crimea in its classical sense: Yalta, Massandra, Gurzuf... Ancient seaside beaches, parks and embankments, architectural monuments different eras, palaces and estates - all this can be found in every seaside town on the southern coast of Crimea. And rest on southern resorts Crimea is considered the most “Crimean”.

This tourist region has the most developed infrastructure: cafes and restaurants, shops and shopping centers, children's entertainment areas. Accommodation options are for every taste: from small rooms in the private sector to luxurious cottages, sanatoriums or hotel rooms on the southern coast of Crimea.

Climate and weather

Main attractions

Lovers excursion trips will be more than satisfied - on the southern coast of Crimea there are a lot of attractions that form the basis of any excursion program.

The coast of Southern Crimea is famous for being the basis have a nice rest: hospitable hotels, clean beaches, a wide selection of entertainment and excursions. Vivid holiday impressions on the south coast are guaranteed!

The southern coast of Crimea, where is it better to relax alone, in a group or with children? Let's figure it out. South coast Crimea has always been famous best climate, rich in nature, picturesque mountains, warm sea and, as a result, it became great place for relax.

The southern Crimean resorts stretch over a distance of 150 km from Cape Aya to Mount Kara-Dag. The most popular destinations The best places to relax on the South Coast are Alushta, Gurzuf, Foros and Yalta, as well as small resort villages between them. They can be quickly reached from the capital of Crimea -, and the developed transport infrastructure allows you to travel in different directions. Open in Crimea new airport- this is already a landmark.

It is on the South Coast that the world's longest trolleybus route runs, connecting Yalta, Gurzuf, Alushta and other resort villages with Simferopol.

To decide where it is better to relax on the southern coast of Crimea, you need to decide what your priorities are: sanatorium treatment, choice excursion routes, eco tourism, entertainment, sightseeing, amenities and developed infrastructure for beach holiday or budget holiday. The southern coast of Crimea is suitable for all tourists, where you can relax, but each village has its own pros and cons.

Southern coast of Crimea, where is better: Privetnoe and Kanaka

Privetnoye and Kanaka are located in picturesque place among vineyards, orchards and juniper groves. The resorts offer a relaxed and relaxing holiday on the southern coast of Crimea. There are good pebble beaches, many guest houses and especially boathouses on the first coastline, where the entire infrastructure of the villages is concentrated. Privetnoye and Kanakskaya Balka have the most hotels and guest houses in the low and mid-price range. Entertainment in the village can be found on the beach: windsurfing, sea ​​fishing, boat rides, yacht rides or buggy rides. You can also go to the sauna, play billiards in “Katran” (Privetnoe), and sit in a cafe. Among the attractions of the southern coast of Crimea there is the Uskut Jamisi mosque and the snow-white rock Ak-Kaya, hikes to which will appeal to lovers of eco-tourism.

The southern coast of Crimea, where is the best place to relax: Rybachye

This village of the South Coast, where it is better to relax, is popular with budget tourists and especially campers. Here is one of the most popular tent camps on the seashore. The Rybachye resort on the southern coast of Crimea is located in a picturesque corner among the Crimean Mountains, thickets of cypress trees and conifers. The main attraction of the village is its wide pebble beach with dark volcanic sand and developed infrastructure.

Although central beach The village can be crowded during the peak season, tourists continue to come here as there is an unforgettable atmosphere here. In the village of Rybachye they prevail guest houses and hotels on the southern coast of Crimea in the low and middle price segment, but there are also more prestigious establishments. Here you can stay in boathouses on the seashore, as well as rent good apartments. The village has all kinds of water activities, you can take a trip to the mountains in an SUV, or go fishing in the sea. Tours to the caves are organized in the Karabi-Yayla tract. You can also go to the Jur-Jur waterfall and the waterfalls of the Satera River, to the Chaban-Kale fortress, which is over 600 years old.

The southern coast of Crimea, where to relax: Malorechenskoye and Solnechnogorskoye

The villages of Malorechenskoye and Solnechnogorskoye are located 2 km from each other, you can walk there.

Although they are located among the Crimean Mountains, the mountains in this area are not very high, and therefore there is always a light breeze, which makes it easier to endure the heat. The villages have good small-pebble beaches with developed infrastructure. In Malorechenskoye there is a unique temple-lighthouse structure that serves both.

This is also where Observation deck, which offers stunning views of the coastline. Not far from Solnechnogorsk there is a 15-meter waterfall Dzhur-Dzhur and an Orthodox church located nearby.

In the villages you can accommodate in establishments of the low and medium price segment.

South Coast: where is the best place to relax - Alushta

Alushta, where you can relax on the southern coast of Crimea, has always been considered one of the most popular resorts. Big Alushta on the southern coast of Crimea includes more than a dozen resorts located to the east and to the west. Alushta has a lot of entertainment and attractions, as well as private municipal and wild beaches, where vacationers will always find perfect place for relax. The beaches of the southern coast of Crimea in Alushta consist of small and large pebbles and have good infrastructure, and water activities are offered on many beaches.

In Alushta you can stay in establishments of all price segments, although housing in the private sector is a little more expensive than in other places. There are also sanatoriums and boarding houses in the village and surrounding areas where you can undergo procedural treatment. On the southern coast of Crimea in Alushta, all possible entertainment will be available to you and access to many attractions will be available. Among them Marble Cave, exhibition “Crimea in Miniature” on the street. Gorky, Scythian Naples, Aluston fortress, Alushta Aquarium, etc.

Tours to the Southern Coast of Crimea

South Coast: where to relax - Utes and Partenit

Utes and Partenit, where it is better to relax on the southern coast of Crimea, are very popular among tourists. Holidays on the southern coast of Crimea here are not conducive to a budget holiday, and this is especially true for Utes, where renting luxury apartments is popular, and the village itself is reminiscent of Portofino in Italy, or something similar. Partenit also belongs to the prestigious resorts of Crimea, but here it is much easier to rent housing in the middle price segment and the private sector. You can undergo a course of treatment in the Crimea and Aivazovskoye sanatoriums.

The main attraction of Partenit is Mount Ayu-Dag, and in Utes - big park And old castle Countess Gagarina. The beaches in the villages are small and narrow, consisting of small and large pebbles.

Where to relax on the South Coast: Gurzuf

Gurzuf, where it is better to relax on the South Coast, is considered one of the most famous and visited resorts in Crimea. There is a well-developed infrastructure, entertainment industry, and attractions that tourists admire. In Gurzuf you can stay in one of the sanatoriums and improve your health. You can also stay in mini-hotels and hotels of all price categories. The beaches in Gurzuf are pebbly and have several dozen municipal and private beaches. As a rule, the private beaches of Gurzuf have an infrastructure that the beaches of other resorts can envy. Gurzufskaya embankment is one of the most beautiful and exemplary in Crimea. Entertainment in Gurzuf is available for every taste, from beach attractions to good restaurants with excellent cuisine. The village's attractions include the Gurzuf Garden, Adalary Rocks, Chekhov's Dacha Museum, the Pushkin Museum and the Suuk-Su Palace.

Big Yalta, Southern coast of Crimea

Yalta is truly considered the pearl of the Crimean peninsula. Greater Yalta includes many resort villages, where you can stay in the private sector and establishments of all price categories. The Greater Yalta on the southern coast of Crimea includes the villages of Danila, Nikita, Otradnoye, Massandra, Vinogradnoye, Livadia, Oreanda, Gaspra, Koreiz, Alupka, Simeiz and others.

The beaches and their infrastructure are almost the same everywhere. The structure of the beaches is small and large pebbles. Almost along the entire perimeter of the coastline in the area of ​​resort villages, the beaches are separated by breakwaters and have concrete embankments. Everywhere you can relax on municipal beaches, or stay in a sanatorium and relax on a departmental part of the coastline. There are also private beaches, and this is especially noticeable in central Yalta and Massandra.

Resort villages located east of Yalta offer more affordable holidays on the southern coast of Crimea, compared to villages in the western part. In Greater Yalta they are concentrated imperial palaces and palaces of the Russian nobility - Massandra Palace, Livadia Palace, Vorontsov Palace, castle " Bird home", palace complex "Dulber". In Yalta, on the southern coast of Crimea, there is a zoo, a dolphinarium, an aquarium and amusement parks, as well as museums, theaters and cinemas. In the village of Nikita you can visit the famous Nikitsky Botanical Garden and an alley of cacti.

In the western part of Big Yalta on the southern coast of Crimea is located famous mountain Ai-Petri, which can be reached by cable car.


Foros, where it is better to relax on the southern coast of Crimea, has always been considered a favorite vacation spot for the party elite of the USSR. Today Foros is an ecologically clean place, and therefore the demand for holidays here is always high. Holidays on the southern coast of Crimea in Foros itself cannot be called budgetary, and the reason for this is high prices for placement. In neighboring resort villages Sanatorium, Oliva, Beregovoye, you can rent inexpensive housing in the private sector or stay in a mid-price segment hotel. In these villages you can rent an excellent private villa at a relatively low price. The beaches in Foros and the surrounding area are pebbly, and in some places with rocky ridges, and have good infrastructure, especially those that belong to private establishments. In Foros and the surrounding area you can visit the house-museum of Yulian Semenov, who lived here for a long time, the Kuznetsov Palace, the Baydarovsky Gate, the Church of the Ascension of Christ, the Foros Park, the Devil's Staircase pass, the Shuldan Monastery and the fortress on Mount Isar-Kaya.

Hotels on the Southern Coast of Crimea

Now you know where to relax on the southern coast of Crimea. This place is distinguished by a variety of resort towns and cities. Making a choice is never easy, so it’s better to travel and get to know new places. The southern coast of Crimea is a vacation where you simply cannot sit still!

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Since we are located locally, in Crimea, this allows us to quickly resolve any issues that arise between tourists and the accommodation facility during their vacation.

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