The best states to live in America. Map of America with states and cities in Russian, English Map of the United States of America geography

US political maps

In my own way appearance The political map of the United States is remarkably reminiscent of a rural patchwork quilt, with the patches getting smaller and smaller from west to east as you approach New York. The almost equal sides of the states seem to say that before the advent of the US political system, this place on planet earth was a single whole, without any borders. Only a few states have a border that coincides with the watershed line of large rivers, resulting in one state on one side of the river and a completely different one on the other. On US political maps the boundaries of fifty states, absolutely equal subjects of the federation, are drawn. The capital Washington is located in federal district Colombia, which is not officially part of any state. States are divided into districts, administrative units whose territory must be no less than the territory of the city. There are 3,141 counties in the United States. The number of counties in states is completely arbitrary, for example, in the state of Delaware there are only three counties, and in the state of Texas there are 254 counties. Each state has separate legislative, executive and judicial powers. The names of the states most often come from the names of the kings of France and England and the names of Indian tribes.

Regions of the United States

The Americans themselves divide their country into a number of large regions. These are cultural formations that have formed on the map of the United States under the influence of history and geography. They are characterized by common economics and literature, as well as morals and customs. The multinational historical heritage gives the regions their originality and clear demographic characteristics that determine the age and occupation of the population. Different dialects are spoken in the regions, and people’s views and horizons also differ, depending on geographical location region. Total such conditional regions for USA map four. These are the Northeastern United States, Southern United States, Midwestern United States, and Western United States.

Political-geographical and physical maps of the USA

The US territory mainly consists of three parts located on the North American mainland, if you look at geographic Maps USA. This is the continental, main part, the Alaska Peninsula with islands and the 24 islands of the Hawaiian archipelago. The main continental border is adjacent to Canada in the North and Mexico to the South. The state of Alaska, separated from Canada, borders, in addition to Canada, Russia. Besides US geographic map denotes several possessions in the Caribbean it Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico, as well as officially the islands in the Pacific Ocean, such as Guam, Wake, Midway, belong to the territory of the United States. Eastern Samoa is also part of the United States.

United States of America, located in area 9826630 square kilometers, stretching from the Pacific to the Atlantic. Moreover, the land area occupies 9,161,923 square kilometers, the water surface covers 664,707 square kilometers. The vast majority of America, if you look closely at physical cards The USA is located on the central plain, relatively high mountains in the west, low mountains and hills are located in the east of the country. Alaska also has wide river valleys and mountains. The main volcanic relief is located in Hawaii.

identifies several climatic zones located throughout the vast territory of the country.

Time zone map

Five time zones of the USA In 1878, the famous Canadian engineer S. Fleming first proposed the term standard time, which was adopted in 1884 at the next meeting of the International Astronomical Congress. S. Fleming's idea was as follows: the surface of the territory globe

conventionally divided by meridians into 24 hour zones, each 15° in length or one 1 hour in longitude. At the same time, in each time zone the time that corresponds to the middle meridian of this zone operates. When moving from one zone to an adjacent one, the standard time changes in 1-hour jumps. The standard time of individual time zones is given special names. For example, the time of the zero zone is called Western European, the time of the first zone is called Central European, and the time of the second zone is considered Eastern European. Standard time was first used in 1883 in Canada and the USA. Since the beginning of the 20th century, it began to be used in European countries.

The map of America resembles a patchwork quilt, as it consists of 48 continental states (uniting several thousand cities), the government District of Columbia (Colombia) and 2 entities distant from the mainland: the state of Hawaii is located in the Pacific Ocean (on an archipelago of 24 islands) (Hawaii); on the northwestern edge of the mainland is the state of Alaska with adjacent islands.

In addition to these areas, the United States owns several island territories scattered across two oceans.

It is one of the most urbanized countries in modern world. More than 80% of residents live in cities, although the standard of living in rural areas corresponds to urban levels. The population density of the United States is 34 people. /sq. km.

The country's population is 317 million people, which puts the country in 3rd place on this index after such densely populated countries as China and India. It should be noted that the majority of the country's residents are of working age.

In terms of the volume of gross domestic product and the size of its distribution per person, the States also occupy the first positions, second only to the European Union. The fact that the dollar remains the main currency for payments throughout the world speaks of the leading position of the state in the world market.

According to American law, a city is considered locality, numbering more than 2.5 thousand people.

In total, there are more than 10 thousand towns and cities in the United States of America. The most significant and popular of them is New York, where more than 8.4 million people permanently reside (New York City).

In addition to this metropolis, there are 3 more, in which more than 2 million people live:

Other major cities: Philadelphia more than 1.5 million people
Philadelphia Philadelphia Phoenix
Phoenix San Diego more than 1.4 million people
San Diego San Diego San Antonio
San Antonio Dallas more than 1.3 million people
Dallas San Jose more than 1 million people

San Jose America was shaped by people of different ethnic and religious composition. For this reason, it is rightly called a nation of immigrants. Since the end of the 18th century, 64 million people arrived here from different regions of Asia, Africa, Latin America

The variety of religions practiced is another feature of the United States. The first newcomers were Protestants from Europe, and it was this religion that had the main influence on the development of the country. More than half of the US population professes Protestantism. The proportion of Catholics is large - almost a quarter of the country's population. The remaining sector is occupied by a collection of other religions and non-believers.

The most common language in the United States, English, is not official everywhere, but is recognized as such only in 28 states. Other languages ​​that have firmly entered into everyday use can be safely called; Spanish, Chinese, French, German, Swedish, Italian, Greek.

A large number of migrants from South-East Asia and the Middle East region have added their own languages ​​to the general mass, for example, Filipino, Vietnamese, Thai and Arabic.

The Russian language, which at the end of the 19th century lost its status as one of the official languages, is still used in the former Russian territory - the Alaska Peninsula and among Russian-speaking immigrants (it ranks 10th in terms of prevalence).

The location of the USA is the southern half of the North American continent. The waters of the Atlantic Ocean wash the southern and southeastern coasts of America; Pacific Ocean waters - southwest coast of the USA. The Bering Strait, separating Alaska from Chukotka, serves as a maritime border with Russia.

Access to two oceans: the Pacific and the Atlantic assists in the development of transport, trade and economic relations, and also serves as protection from hotbeds of military conflicts shaking the world today.

Presenter economic situation country is due, not primarily, natural resources: long maritime boundaries, a colossal reserve of natural resources, an abundance of forest and water resources.

Significant iron ore resources lie in the border area with Canada, near Lake Superior. Almost 90% of the total resource of the United States is located here. The deposits of beryllium ore are so large that they allowed America to become one of the five leading powers in this area.

The state of Utah is especially notable for its amount of beryllium ore. Bauxite deposits are concentrated in the regions Hawaiian Islands, states of Alabama (Alabama), Arkansas (Arkansas), Georgia (Georgia), Virginia (Virginia) and Mississippi (Mississippi)

As for gold, here too the Americans have a significant advantage, occupying 3rd place in the ranking of powers with gold ore reserves, second only to Russian Federation and the Republic of South Africa. The country's main gold resources are located in the western and southeastern regions (Arizona, Alaska, Idaho, California, Utah and Nevada).

The main reserves of lithium ores were discovered in the states North Carolina(North Carolina) and Nevada. Stillwater, Montana, is home to platinum ore reserves. Lead ore reserves lie in the mining regions of Missouri.

Zinc deposits are concentrated in the Mississippi Valley. A reserve of silver ore has been discovered in Idaho, accounting for 80% of the country's total reserve. Barite reserves found in the states of Virginia, Alabama, Nevada, Missouri, Georgia, Tennessee (Tennessee), Nevada allow America to take 3rd place in this area.

The states in the north of the country (Ohio, Indiana and Illinois) concentrate the ferrous metallurgy industry. Asbestos deposits occur in the Appalachian Mountains and California.

In addition to the vast resource of industrial raw materials, the map of America shows a large supply of stones used as ornamental or precious stones (for example, peridot, jade, sapphire and tourmaline). They are dispersed in areas close to cities and states where the main mining operations take place.

US political map

A federal presidential republic is how the state system of a state is defined. Each state has its own constitution and its own authorities (executive and legislative).

Map of America with states and cities

The core of the political life of the North American state is Washington. The capital is home to the White House presidential residence and the Congress building located on Capitol Hill.

Densely populated New York, part of the state of New York, is the financial, political and cultural backbone of the North American power. The main attractions of America, such as the theatrical Broadway, respectable 5th Avenue or Times Square, have found their place in this metropolis.

It incorporates the country's cultural institutions, such as the American Museum of Natural History, the Metropolitan Opera and the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Above all, it is one of the most politically active metropolises in the world; This is where the headquarters of the United Nations is located.

The next most important city in America is the capital of the Midwest, Chicago, Illinois. Chicago is unofficially called the second capital, because it brings together large financial organizations (Chicago Chamber of Commerce, Chicago Mercantile Exchange) and has the largest transport interchange in the country.

The state of Massachusetts is popular with Boston, home to Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

The Californian city of Santa Clara, located in Silicon Valley, has become famous due to the concentration of the headquarters of several large companies involved in the development of high technologies (for example, the head office of Intel). Another famous institution in the city is Stanford University.

Business card California became Los Angeles (LOS Angeles), the center of the American film industry, and the beaches of the ocean coast of Santa Monica and Malibu. Las Vegas – Entertainment Center countries. The city has the largest number of large gambling establishments in the world (74). Located in the state of Nevada.

Miami Beach and its beaches have earned Florida the name “Pearl of the States.” Pearl Harbor, America's most famous military base, is located in Honolulu, the capital of Hawaii.

The state of Texas is famous not only for its oil industry with the business center of Houston, it is home to the Lyndon Johnson Space Center and the largest medical center in the world - the Texas Medical Center.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is rich in history. IN Philadelphia is home to Independence Hall, where the Declaration of Independence and later the US Constitution were signed in 1776.

A map of America with states and cities brings together a variety of large and small administrative entities, each of which has its own history and distinctive feature.

US topographic map

America presents all the diversity of reliefs. There are plains, prairies, plateaus and mountain ranges.

Parallel Atlantic coast The Appalachian mountain range stretches, more than 2 thousand km long. The Hudson River crosses the Appalachian Mountains, dividing it into northern and southern regions. In the southern Appalachians is the Piedmont Plateau, famous for its Stone Mountain monolith, whose height reaches 200 m and national park Great Smoky Mountain.

To the south and west the surface is formed by lowlands intersected by large rivers. Closer to the west of the continent lie plains called the Great Plains. Cordillera, one of the most significant mountain systems of the world, extends across the entire west of the country and includes the Rocky Mountains, their longest section.

The Pacific coast is covered by a series of ridges called the Coast Ranges. They include the Alaskan and Sierra Nevada ranges, where the highest point of the mainland states is recorded - Mount Whitney (4.4 thousand).

Separated from the ocean by the “line of waterfalls” lies the Atlantic Lowland, stretching all the way to Florida. In a western direction, to the Rio Grande River, the Mexican Lowland stretches. Approximately in its center lies the Mississippi Plain.

From the Great Lakes region to the region of the Mexican Lowland, from the Appalachian Mountains to the prairies, there is a plain called the Central Plain. The steppe area between this plain and the western mountains is known as the Great Plain.

Mountain ranges, stretching from west to east, form the topography of the state of Alaska, where the Alaska Range turns into a lowland. Recorded in Alaska highest point countries - Mount Denali (6.1 thousand). The Arctic Lowlands and Yukon Plateau occupy the center of the state.

Map of America with states and cities filled big amount small and large bodies of water. Rivers, unevenly distributed across America, flow predominantly into the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. A large watershed is the Gulf of Mexico, which is part of the Atlantic.

The leading river artery of America became the Mississippi with its tributaries the Arkansas, Missouri and Ohio. Those of them, whose length is several hundred kilometers, begin in the Appalachian Mountains and end in the center of the Mexican Lowland.

Most rivers and lakes are dispersed in the eastern regions of the country. The territory includes the Great Lakes, the world's most significant lake system, consisting of five large freshwater lakes in the United States and Canada, located in the northern region of the country.

The Columbia River, used as a water and electrical energy resource (more than 2 thousand km long). flows through the northwestern United States. Passing the largest on the planet Grand Canyon The Colorado River stretches across the west of the country. Two large reservoirs are located above and below the canyon.

Largest river The Alaska-Yukon Peninsula flows into the Bering Sea. Almost a third of the map of America with states and cities is covered with forests, especially dense in the east of the country. The center of the country, from the Appalachians to Illinois, is remarkable for its tracts of hardwood trees; oak, elm, ash.

The northern edge of this forest area is composed of pine trees, while the southern Appalachian border is filled with firs. In the south of the country, in the Gulf of Mexico region, swamp cypress and swamp pine, as well as several types of palm trees, grow.

The slopes of the Cordillera are abundantly covered with coniferous trees, and the slopes of the Appalachians are covered with broad-leaved forests, which is facilitated by well-moistened coastal soils. The forested areas of New England are rich in pine trees (more precisely, its American representative, the Weymouth pine) and deciduous trees.

The south of the Atlantic states is also covered with pine forests, where huge cypress trees grow next to the pines. Orange trees grow in the forests of South Carolina and Georgia; climbing plants, including vines, are abundant in the east of the country.

Vast expanses of steppes abound with tall and dense grass vegetation. In the Great Plains, where the soil is drier, vegetation is not as rich as in coastal areas. On the salt marshes beyond the Arkansas River, thickets of cacti begin to grow. Almost tropical plants grow on the moist soils of the Mississippi Valley: corn, cotton crops, sugar cane.

Great Plain

The hot climate of the south of the country is favorable for heat-loving crops, for example, magnolia and camellia, and fruit plants - persimmon and peach. In most of cold Alaska, only mosses and lichens grow; only the south of the peninsula is covered with pine trees.

The country's industry includes all major sectors, for example, coal mining enterprises are present in 15 states; All 50 have enterprises that generate or process electricity and are rich in oil and gas reserves. The basins in which mining is carried out are located within the Rocky Mountains and the Cordillera, as well as in the vicinity of the Appalachian mountain range and at the junction of three oceans.

The state of Texas is distinguished by its concentration of oil production and oil refining enterprises. There is an accelerated development of nuclear energy. The level of development of the automotive industry in Detroit (Detroit) and the engineering fields has left many leaders in this field far behind.

The aerospace industry is also widely represented in the country. Almost every state is home to enterprises in this sector of the economy; Two of them stand out in particular: Los Angeles, where the country's aerospace center is located, and Seattle, where the company that produces Boeing airliners is located.

The electronics industry is widely represented in the United States, but Silicon Valley (San Francisco), California, stands out. A large number of enterprises developing and producing computers and mobile devices are concentrated here.

At the heart of the continued development of the American economy is the country's primacy in the constant pursuit of scientific research, development and production of the latest technologies.

As for the media, in this area too the Americans are “ahead of the rest.” In the United States there are about 5 thousand radio stations and 8 major television networks. In addition, the press remains in demand, often in electronic rather than paper form.

The US defense industry is known for its anti-missile systems. Armed forces countries are equipped with the most modern types weapons, which allows America to maintain leadership in terms of spending and sales in this area.

The entire territory of the North American state is united by a highly developed transport system, including road, rail and air transport. The main means of transportation, according to statistics, is a personal car. The United States has the longest and most extensive network highways in the world.

Route 66

The most famous of them was “ the main street America" ​​Highway No. 66.

This highway crosses almost the entire territory of the United States from the southwest to the northeast and has a length of about 4 thousand km. The second most popular highway was SR 1. It became famous due to the fact that it runs along the Pacific coast of California, one of the most beautiful in the world.

Its length is almost 900 km. Nevada Route 375 is famous for being located near a recently declassified US military base.

The historic Oregon Highway, formed back in the 30s of the 19th century, is a road connecting the western part of the country with the Great Plains and has provided considerable assistance in the conquest of new territories. The total length of the US highway network is about 7 million km and includes local, state and federal roads.

total length railways the country is 226 thousand km. It should be noted that as the automobile industry grew, the length of railways was reduced by almost half.

UNESCO has recognized 23 world heritage sites located in the United States

Fourteen of them - National parks, located in different parts of America:

USA climate map

The diversity of geographical conditions has given rise to the presence of several climatic zones in the country. Most of continental America is located in the subtropics.

The exception is the Alaska Peninsula. In its southern part there is a temperate climate, in the north there is a polar subarctic climate. Hawaiian archipelago is located in the tropical maritime zone; areas of the California coast are classified as the Mediterranean.

A map of America with states and cities is conventionally divided into two main climatic zones: west and east. Moisture-saturated warm air coming from Mexico causes a lot of precipitation and, as a result, the prevalence of a humid climate.

This is becoming characteristic of the eastern part of America. There are frequent weather changes and sharp temperature changes here: cold winter months and hot summer months. One can highlight the area of ​​New England, where dry, clear weather is often replaced by winds and rains.

The areas surrounding the Great Lakes (Wisconsin, Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, Idaho) and northern New York are characterized by high humidity. If in the east of New England precipitation falls evenly throughout the year, then the states of Michigan and New York, located closer to the center of America, are characterized by severe snowstorms.

In the northern part of the Atlantic coast (Maryland, Virginia, Delaware), in the District of Columbia area, as well as in the Mid-Atlantic states of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New York, a temperate climate is observed. The temperate climate zone also includes the states of Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, North Texas, Colorado, Indiana, Illinois and southern Ohio.

In the north-west of the country, in the states of Oregon (Oregon) and Washington, the oceanic climate reigns: in the summer it is dry and warm, in the rest of the year the weather remains cloudy. To the east, beyond the ridges of the Pacific mountains (Idaho, Wyoming and Montana), there is a dry continental climate.

Parts of southern California, the states of New Mexico and Arizona have a desert climate: in the summer months the temperature rises to 40 ° C, in winter it drops to 41 ° C. Drought in summer and heavy snowfall in winter, characteristic of Mediterranean climate, reign in California.

The climate in Alaska, the northernmost state, along the Pacific coast remains maritime; to the north of the peninsula it changes to an arctic climate. In Anchorage, the state's largest city, temperatures range from +19 °C in summer to -19 °C in winter.

The Hawaiian archipelago lies in a humid tropical climate. The temperature range ranges from +33 °C in summer to -29 °C in winter in the state capital of Honolulu.

Winds from the Pacific coast bring moisture to the western regions. This area is characterized by a large amount of rain and snow. The average annual precipitation index here is one of the highest on the planet. California, further south west coast, and receiving most of its precipitation in the cold season, entered the Mediterranean climate zone.

One of the factors that influences western weather is the mountain ranges. Mountain slopes lying on west side, are moistened more abundantly than those located on the other, leeward side. When heat reigns in deserts all year round, cold and snow remain at altitude.

Favorable climatic conditions contributed to the establishment of the United States as an agricultural and pastoral country and contributed significantly to economic prosperity.

State accession map

The power of the state was created over hundreds of years. It began with the discovery of the southern and North American continents in the 16th century. Following the representatives of these countries, Britain, Portugal and France came to the mainland. The first English colony in the modern United States (Jamestown, modern Virginia) was founded in 1607.

By the end of the 18th century, almost all North American lands were metropolises (exploited territories) of Britain, England and France. The exception was some islands Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico, belonging to northern European Denmark and Holland.

Some of the American metropolises were founded by the authorities of these states, some belonged to private businessmen or joint-stock companies. Complex financial relations between the colonists and the owners of dependent lands, inflated government taxation and severe monopolization caused unrest in society.

One of the most famous was the Boston Tea Party of 1773. The struggle for secession from the mother countries in the 60s and 70s of the 18th century was called the “War of Independence” and is known as the American Revolution. In opposition to British policy, a Congress was convened, which included representatives of 13 colonies.

In July 1776, representatives from 12 of the 13 colonies represented at the congress (excluding New York) voted for freedom from Great Britain. A document was adopted that declared independence and became the basis of the Constitution of the young state (went down in history as the Declaration of Independence.).

At this congress, the united colonies called themselves the United States of America for the first time. July 4th remains the main date public holiday North American power even now.

In the post-revolutionary period, from 1786 to 1791, the Constitution was adopted (1788), the federal authorities of the new state were created, and all the states that were part of it received official status.

The original composition of the USA (states):

The symbols of the country still remind us of the first composition of the state. For example, on banknotes depicts 13 arrows, 13 leaves and 13 feathers; The American flag has 13 stripes.

The development of entrepreneurship required a constant increase in land holdings, and settlers arrived in a continuous stream. The lands that gradually grew into the United States were called “territories”; initially did not have state status and were not full members of the union.

Several colonies owned by governments different countries, joined the Union, separating from the possessions of which they were a part. Thus, the state included the states of Vermouth, Kentucky and Virginia at the end of the 18th century. Earlier, in 1790, the District of Columbia was allocated for government needs.

The state of Tennessee was the first to be formed from lands under the same name, and joined the newly formed union in 1796. The states of Mississippi, Maine, West Virginia and Florida became part of the United States between 1817 and 1863.

In the lands known as the Northwest, the states of Illinois, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, and part of Minnesota (Minnesota) were formed in the early to mid-19th century.

At the very beginning of the 19th century (1803), the young state acquired a territory covering the banks of the Mississippi from the French government and received the name Louisiana. The deal, recognized as the largest in the history of the United States, increased the territory by almost 2 times. At first, the borders of this region of the country did not have precise outlines.

Now on these lands there are:

  • northern Texas;
  • northeastern New Mexico;
  • partly the state of Louisiana (Louisiana);
  • most areas of North Dakota;
  • almost all areas of the state of South Dakota;
  • most areas of Montana;
  • eastern Colorado;
  • southern regions State of Minnesota;
  • part of Wyoming;
  • the entire state of Oklahoma;
  • the entire state of Missouri;
  • the entire state of Nebraska;
  • the entire state of Arkansas;
  • the entire state of Iowa;
  • the entire state of Kansas.

In August 1848, the Oregon Territory was organized. The western regions of the states of Montana and Wyoming, the states of Oregon, Idaho and Washington were formed later on this land. Alaska, acquired from the Russian tsarist government in the second half of the 19th century, received statehood only in 1959.

The lands of Texas, formerly owned by Mexico, declared independence and were declared a republic in 1836. Nine years later, in 1845, the US and Texas congresses jointly decided to forcibly annex this territory, which served as the basis for the outbreak of the Mexican War.

One of the results of this military conflict was the cession by the Mexican government of the territories that later formed the States of Arizona, Utah, New Mexico, California and Nevada.

The Pacific territories (Hawaii, Wake Island, Eastern Samoa, Puerto Rico) became US possessions at the end of the 19th century. In 1959, Hawaii acquired state status and became, to date, the last state to join the United States.

Extremely favorable geographical and, as a consequence, economic position of the country; richest natural resources; access to two oceans; distance from hotbeds of hostilities; the proximity to peaceful, often dependent states and enormous human potential made this North American state one of the most powerful among the leading world powers.

The United States is the main financier and permanent member of the UN Security Council, enjoys influence in the 8 leading world powers, has a significant voice in the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, which allows the state to occupy a dominant position in the Western community.

The collection of cities and states scattered across the map of America represent a country with a full range of resources: natural, economic, administrative, political, cultural and human; rich and always interesting to study.

Article format: Mila Friedan

IN North America There are only two states. One of them is the United States of America. Second country, Canada

The USA ranks fourth in the world in terms of area (9.5 million km²) and third in terms of population (327.0 million people). The length of the border is 14.7 thousand km, c. A detailed map of the United States provides information that the state has a border with only three countries:

- combined -

  • with Canada (8.9 thousand km) - in the north. In addition to land (13 states), the border with Canada runs along the water of four of the five Great Lakes (except Michigan).

- land -

  • with Mexico (3.3 thousand km) in the south.

- sea -

  • along the Bering Strait with the Russian Federation.

A feature of the external and internal (interstate) borders of the United States is their geometric type. In the central part of the country, the borders between many states are absolutely straight lines or river beds.

The US map in Russian is approximately two-thirds brown. The western part of the country to the Pacific coast is a huge plateau, smoothly turning into one of the greatest mountain systems - the Cordillera. In the east of the country there are also mountains - the Appalachians. They are surrounded by a vast flat area:

  • in the south - the states of Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida.
  • in the east - the states of North and South Carolina, Virginia, Georgia, Pennsylvania.

One of the US states, Hawaii, is an archipelago volcanic islands in the northeastern part of the Pacific Ocean. In the mainland of the country, more than a hundred peaks have a height of more than 4,000 m. Another feature of the country’s geography is the location of the state of Alaska. It does not have a common border with the main territory of the country. The border with Canada is a straight line with a length of 2,475 km. Here is located highest mountain USA - Denali (6190 m, until 2015 - McKinley).

USA on the world map: geography, nature and climate

The USA is one of the most recognizable countries on the world map. In addition to two oceans, the coastline of the country is washed from the south by the waters of the Gulf of Mexico. In its depths, dozens of destructive hurricanes. A climatic feature of the central and eastern states are tornadoes - atmospheric vortices, during the passage of which wind speeds reach 320 km/h.

The US water system includes more than 250,000 rivers, the largest of which, the Missouri, is 3,767 km long. The deepest and deepest river is the Missouri. On the border with Canada there are five freshwater lakes with a total water surface area of ​​more than 244 thousand km², which are called Great Lakes:

  • Ontario.
  • Michigan.
  • Huron.
  • Upper.

Total dyne coastline– over 19 thousand km.

The USA is the only country in the world represented by all climatic zones: from the Arctic in the north of Alaska to the tropical in the south of the Florida Peninsula. The subsoil of the country is exceptionally rich in a variety of minerals. The flora of the central, eastern and northern parts of the country consists of broad-leaved and coniferous forests. Vegetation on the western prairies is very sparse. The geography of the region is represented by the huge and amazingly beautiful canyons of dried up rivers.

Map of the USA with cities: administrative division of the country

According to the law, the United States includes 50 states and the Federal Capital District of Columbia. Largest states:

  1. By territory:
  • Alaska (center - Juneau) - 1,717,854 km².
  • Texas (center - Austin) - 696,241 km².
  • California (center - Sacramento) - 423,970 km².
  1. By population:
  • California – 38.8 million people.
  • Texas – 26.9 million people.
  • Florida and New York – 19.8 million people each.

States are made up of counties. There are 3,141 of them in the country. The smallest number of counties in the state is 3 (Delaware), the largest is 254 (Texas). In the District of Columbia (area - 177 km²), separated in 1871 from the territory of the state of Maryland, the country's capital, Washington, is located.

The United States includes a number of overseas island territories. They are under different jurisdictions:

  • incorporated - are part of the state.
  • unincorporated are owned by the state.

According to the method of management, territories are divided into:

  • organized – managed by local government.
  • unorganized - managed by US central authorities.

The total number of overseas territories is 16, including:

  • incorporated organized – 0.
  • incorporated unorganized - 1. Also included in this category is the 12-mile maritime border zone and sea ​​vessels under the US flag on the high seas.
  • unincorporated organized – 4.
  • unincorporated unorganized – 11.

A map of the USA with cities in Russian includes 9 cities with a population of more than a million people. The largest:

NY– the largest city in the United States (8.5 million people) occupies an area of ​​1214.4 km² in the eastern part of the state of the same name on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean. The city is located in an area with a humid subtropical climate. The average annual temperature is 12.7°C.

Los Angeles– the second most populous city in the USA (3.9 million people). Located in the subtropical zone of Santa Monica Bay, Southern California. The length of Greater Los Angeles from north to south is almost 200 km. The average annual temperature is above 14°C, the maximum winter temperature is up to 21°C.

Chicago– the largest city in the state of Illinois (2.7 million people). Administrative center Cook County on the shores of Lake Michigan. Located in continental climatic zone. The average annual temperature is 10°C. Up to 1000 mm of precipitation falls in Chicago per year.

The USA or the United States of America is a country located in North America. The term America is often used instead of the place name USA. A map of the United States shows that the country is bordered by Canada to the north and Mexico to the south. The total area of ​​the country is 9,518,900 km2 (the fourth largest country in the world).

On detailed map USA can be seen that the country is divided into 50 states and the District of Columbia. In addition, the country includes some islands in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. The states are divided into 3141 districts. USA states map represents Largest cities countries: New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, Houston. The capital of the USA is Washington.

America has the highest level of GDP in the economy. Despite the 2008 crisis, which hit the American economy hard, the United States is one of the most developed countries in the world. The US economy is supported by high level largely due to natural resources, high-tech manufacturing, services, scientific research and software development.

The USA plays a significant role in world politics. After World War II, the country became one of the strongest states in the world. The United States is a member of NATO and the UN Security Council.

Historical reference

The USA was formed in 1776 from 13 British colonies. Until 1783, the country fought the War of Independence from the British Empire. The Constitution was adopted in 1787, and the Bill of Rights was adopted in 1791. In the 1860s, a conflict began between the northern and southern states. Civil War, which leads to the unification of the country and the prohibition of slavery.

After World War II, America, which suffered little from military action unlike European countries, became a leader in world politics. From 1946 to the 1980s it is carried out Cold War between the USA and the USSR.

EventsXXI century:

2003-2010 – military operations in Iraq

September 2005 – Hurricane Katrina, levee failure and flooding of New Orleans

2009 – President Barack Obama is inaugurated as the first African-American president

October 2012 – Hurricane Sandy, flooding of New York

Must Visit

A map of the USA in Russian is replete with attractions: from skyscrapers in New York to the Grand Canyon in Arizona. The largest cities in the USA are a must-visit: New York, Los Angeles, Washington, Chicago, Houston, San Francisco, Miami and San Diego.

It is recommended to visit the gaming capital of Las Vegas, Niagara Falls, the Mississippi River Valley, the Grand Canyon National Park, the Statue of Liberty and Manhattan in New York, Independence Hall in Philadelphia, the White House and memorial parks in Washington, Boldt Castle on Hart Island, the Willis Tower and Empire skyscrapers State Building", Disneyland in Florida, Great Smoky Mountains National Park in Tennessee.

Note to tourists

Gulrypsh - a holiday destination for celebrities

Is on Black Sea coast Abkhazia is an urban-type settlement called Gulrypsh, the appearance of which is closely connected with the name of the Russian philanthropist Nikolai Nikolaevich Smetsky. In 1989, due to his wife’s illness, they needed a change of climate. The matter was decided by chance.