The most ancient places in Japan. The most interesting sights of Japan - a list, description and interesting facts

One of the most amazing and contrasting countries in the world is Japan. Here, Eastern culture and traditions are closely intertwined with advanced Western technologies - ancient national sights coexist with skyscrapers and elite business centers. And Japan is a country with a beautiful picturesque nature that brings peace and tranquility.

1. Mount Fuji

Mount Fuji is the most famous among all the places of interest in Japan. In fact it is active volcano located on the island of Honshu. Mount Fuji is incredibly popular with tourists and locals alike. For the Japanese, this is a sacred place - they consider it obligatory to stand on top of the mountain at least once in their lives. For travelers, this is an opportunity to get an unforgettable experience and enjoy the beautiful view from the top.

2. Disneyland in Tokyo

Disneyland theme parks are known all over the world, and one of them is located in the capital of Japan. Disneyland Tokyo was the first such park outside the United States. This place is very popular among vacationing families with children. In addition to the fact that there are many interesting and exciting attractions, as well as themed pavilions, Disneyland is a separate small town with its own entertainment centers, shops, cafes and even hotels.

3. Kyoto Tower

Kyoto Tower is one of the best viewing platforms in Japan. It was erected on the roof of a nine-story building in which the hotel is located. The tower was built specifically for tourists for the Olympic Games in Japan in 1964. Kyoto Tower is made in the form of a Japanese candle and painted in traditional white. Many tourists mistakenly believe that the tower has a specific purpose, but no - it was originally conceived as a survey tower.

4. Toyota Mega Web Exhibition Center

One of the most popular innovative attractions in Japan is the Toyota Mega Web Exhibition Center. Here, under the roof of one huge building, the main automobile museum of the country, an inviting amusement park and an amazing exposition are located. best cars Toyota of all time. Despite the automotive theme, absolutely all tourists will be interested in visiting the exhibition center. Here are many cars of past years and upcoming eras.

5. Ueno Park

For those who prefer at least sometimes to be in silence and enjoy nature, you should pay attention to Ueno Park. This attraction is located in Tokyo and is the most visited park in the city. Both traditional Japanese plants and representatives of foreign flora grow on its territory. But the main surprise for tourists will be that the park is the heart of the cultural and scientific life of Tokyo. And on its territory there are several remarkable and interesting museums.

6. Miraikan Museum

An incredible contrast to the ancient sights of Japan is the Miraikan Museum in Tokyo. Within its walls is the most mesmerizing exhibition imaginable. It is dedicated to the achievements of the science of the future: each of the halls is dedicated to the exposition of a certain science. The most popular exhibition of robotics. The main feature of the museum is the opportunity to touch the exhibits and get acquainted with them “in practice”.

7. Ginza District in Tokyo

The Ginza area has been Tokyo's hottest neighborhood for many years. The name of the district is translated as "coin" - because in the 17th-19th centuries the Mint was located in this place. A colorful and restless life is always seething here. Ginza is just full of all kinds of boutiques and shops, cafes and restaurants, clubs and bars, shopping and entertainment centers. Having visited the capital of Japan, you should definitely visit the Ginza region.

8. Happo-en Garden

Happo-en Garden, located in the heart of Tokyo, is one of the most beautiful places in Japan. It creates a unique contrast to the stormy life of the capital. Literally beyond the borders of the garden reigns the vanity of the modern big city, while Happo-en itself is dominated by a quiet and peaceful atmosphere that will bring peace to its visitors. This garden is beautiful at any time of the year and day. A feature of Happo-en is the lack of symmetry in the arrangement of vegetation, which is customary for European countries - it was created in the likeness of pristine nature.

9. Tokyo Tower

Among the new man-made sights of the Japanese capital, the Tokyo TV Tower clearly stands out. Her age is a little more than half a century, but she has already managed to win the title of one of the symbols of the city. Outwardly, this tower looks like the Eiffel Tower, and its observation deck offers beautiful views. From here you can see the magnificent panorama of Tokyo at any time of the day, as well as admire the picturesque view of the snow-covered slopes of Mount Fuji.

10. Tokyo National Museum

Tokyo National Museum- a real giant among the cultural attractions of Japan. Its exposition is so large that you will have to visit it daily for a week if you want to bypass the museum completely. There are over 120 thousand exhibits here, including almost the entire history of Japan: national costumes, samurai armor and weapons, works of various artists and many other items. Also from time to time there are exhibitions of foreign museums. This is a very interesting place to visit!

11. Ginkakuji Temple

One of the most valuable objects of the cultural and historical heritage of Japan is the “twin temples”. They are also called temples of the silver and gold pavilions. Ginkaku-ji Temple is the "silver" brother. This religious landmark was erected in Japan more than five centuries ago. Ginkaku-ji Temple is dedicated to the patroness of mercy, the goddess Kannon. The temple itself is surrounded by a magnificent sandy garden.

12. Kinkakuji Temple

"Big brother" in the main religious duet Japanese culture is the Kinkaku-ji Temple. It is exactly the same “golden pavilion”, according to the architecture of which the “silver” one was already built. Kinkaku-ji was erected at the end of the 14th century, since that time it has been repeatedly subjected to fires, but each time it has been restored. It is worth noting that the temple is included in the list of the most popular tourist places Japan, and every year it is visited by many travelers from different countries the world.

13. National Bunraku Theater

The National Bunraku Theater in Osaka is a striking landmark of Japanese culture. Unimaginable puppet shows await visitors to this institution, which will exceed all expectations and ideas about this art form. Among European tourists, the theater is extremely popular, because there is nothing like it in any other country. And to imagine the numerous variety of performances and productions is completely impossible.

14. Kabukiza Theater

The subject of national pride in Japan is the Kabuki-za theater. The locals have always been famous for honoring their traditions, culture and customs. And the theater is just the embodiment of these three incarnations, which is why it is so valued by the Japanese and so popular among foreign tourists. Performances in the Kabuki-za theater are characterized by a wealth of costumes, theatrical make-up unusual for Western peoples, and a rather deep and intricate meaning of the performances.

Acquaintance with Japan and its sights cannot do without visiting castles. Next, we highlight the most interesting!

15. Nagoya Castle

Nagoya Castle is one of the most important historical and cultural monuments Japan. The building was erected at the beginning of the 17th century and for several centuries it was the main administrative and political center of the principality of Ovari. But, unfortunately, the destructive hand of the Second World War did not pass without a trace for the building - it was turned into ruins. The restoration work was started by the residents of the city themselves, now the attraction has been completely restored and is a symbol of the city, attracting many visitors.

16. Inuyama

Inuyama is the oldest castle in Japan, built in the middle of the 15th century. The building has been perfectly preserved to our time and has a rich history, and its architecture is amazing. Visitors are invited to view the museum exposition, located directly in the building, and take a walk in the garden, which grows trees with a long history. Inuyama Castle has been given the honorary title of National Treasure of Japan, and this perfect place for visiting.

17. Cats

Another jewel in the crown of Japanese castle building is Kochi. Its construction was completed in 1611; since that time, the monument has survived both the fire and several reconstructions. Today, the castle is given over to the placement of museum exhibits and is considered a symbol of national pride. The lands around the attraction are given over to the cultivation of picturesque gardens. Kochi is very popular among tourists and revered by the Japanese themselves, and also receives many visitors every year.

18. Kumamoto

Kumamoto is one of the largest and most interesting castles in Japan. This building was built as impregnable fortress, which is able to survive long and exhausting sieges, of which there were many. The undeniable grandeur of the building and its rich story attract tourists like a magnet - given the considerable distance from the Japanese capital, there are no fewer people who want to visit Kumamoto. Today, the walnut trees growing on the territory of the monument are just a decoration, and during the cruel sieges, the defenders of the fortress ate their fruits and bark.

19. Matsumoto

Matsumoto Castle is a popular ancient and cultural heritage site in Japan. This attraction is located 3 hours from the Japanese capital. Matsumoto and its surroundings are perfectly preserved in the form in which they were several centuries ago. Today, here visitors will be able to contemplate the original appearance of medieval Japan.

20. Matsuyama-jo

One of the oldest and greatest monuments Japanese civilization is Matsuyama-jo Castle. It is worth mentioning that few of the guests of Japan get to it, because it is located quite far from the popular tourist routes. But this does not mean that it is less valuable and popular. On the contrary, Matsuyama-jo is one of the most valuable sights of the country. Among the Japanese, it is considered honorable to visit a place whose walls remember fierce battles and sieges.

21. Matsue

Matsue Castle occupies a special place among the sights of Japan. It is ranked among the greatest castles in the world, but they just don’t get on this list. The Japanese called it the "black castle" - for the color of its walls and the eerie atmosphere that hung over Matsue. The construction has been well preserved to our time, perhaps due to the fact that it did not participate in the wars of past years. Today, inside the castle walls, you can visit the museum, the exposition of which is dedicated to the weapons of the samurai.

22. Nijo

The next object of cultural and historical heritage of Japan is replete with bright and loud titles - we are talking about Nijo Castle in the city of Kyoto. This attraction is included in the List world heritage UNESCO listed as a National Treasure of Japan and is considered one of the most beautiful castles in the country. It is here that the world-famous "nightingale" floors are located, and the history of the building is shrouded in many secrets and legends, which guides will tell tourists about.

23. Fushimi

Also among the fortresses of Japan, Fushimi Castle, located a few kilometers from the city of Kyoto, occupies its well-deserved place. This castle differs from other similar structures in that it was built not for military purposes, but for idle living in it. Unfortunately, its splendor has not been fully preserved to this day - the facade of Fushimi had to be restored, and its interior decoration has sunk into oblivion. Now this building has been given over to a museum, where visitors can get to know several eras from the life of Japan.

24. Odawara

Japan has experienced many wars and battles, a large proportion of which fell on the fate of Odawara Castle. For several centuries of its existence, it has been subjected to sieges more than once, accepted the battle and became the object of the most severe seizures and destruction. All this could not pass without a trace for the castle, and it happened - the building was turned into ruins. After a long time, Odawara was restored and now serves as a museum, which houses an exposition of samurai equipment and weapons, as well as national clothes.

As you can see, there are attractions in Japan that will allow you to join the culture ancient country and learn more about its innovative achievements. In any case, while traveling through the "Country rising sun»Everyone will find something to their liking. Thank you for your attention!

Japan is a country that carefully and carefully preserves and cherishes its traditions and culture. Thousands of tourists come to look at Japanese historical and architectural values. There is something magical in this calm, balanced culture. Take only the tea ceremony beloved by travelers. But it's not all of Japan.

Japanese technology will surprise any European. High skyscrapers and television towers are being built in cities. The Tokyo TV tower is the tallest in the world. The Toyota Museum finds a lot of fans not only among motorists. And Tokyo Disneyland is one of the best parks in the world.

Japan is rich in temples of amazing beauty. The temple of Todai-ji, Kiyomizu-dera, Atsuta, the Golden Pavilion of Kinkaku-ji look incredible. Despite the fires and destruction, they are rebuilt and look fantastic. In them you can deeply get acquainted with the culture and religion of Japan.

In addition to the famous Fujiyama, which will captivate with its beauty and grandeur, Japan has beautiful waterfalls, gardens, national parks and islands. Colorful underwater world and warm water draws to Ishigaki Island. Kegon Falls surprises with power. Arashiyama radiates peace, and in the Happo-en garden you want to walk all the time. You can always discover Japan for yourself. She is inexhaustible. Like the color of sakura, it is constantly updated, surprising with a new beautiful look.

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What to see in Japan?

The most interesting and Beautiful places, photos and a short description.

Fujiyama is the hallmark of Japan. Its height is 3776 meters. For the Japanese, this place is sacred, and for tourists it is incredibly attractive. The volcano has a surprisingly symmetrical cone. Most beautiful view on it in winter or early spring. There is 5 near Fujiyama volcanic lakes. Climbing the mountain is carried out in the summer. Guides and developed infrastructure help to conquer Fujiyama.

This is the most sacred place in Japan. Three million visitors come here every year. Todai-ji Temple was reduced in size by fires, but is still the largest wooden structure in the world. It was built in 745. In the middle of the temple is a 15-meter Buddha statue. For its manufacture, almost all the reserves of bronze were spent. Deer, beloved by tourists, also live on the territory of the temple.

The grove was created by the monk Muso Soseki. It is located in the Kyoto region. Everything in the park has a deep connotation. No wonder they say that here you can understand the meaning of life. There are paths through Arashiyama. You can walk around the park in 15 minutes, but you want to walk there for hours. Bamboo stems make special sounds. This is incredible forest music. The height of the trees reaches 40 meters.

Himeji is called the White Heron Castle. Its walls are snow-white, and the lines and features are graceful, like those of a bird. During its existence, the castle did not suffer from fires or enemy raids. And if someone tried to capture the castle, he would get confused in the labyrinths of gardens and rooms. The whole complex is 83 buildings. Cherry blossoms bloom around them, which makes the castle even more beautiful. It's no surprise that he's been featured in many films.

It is one of the 23 special districts in Tokyo. Once it was a village, then a small town. Now it is part of the capital and the center nightlife, entertainment, fashion and shopping. Also here are some of the most tall skyscrapers cities, Microsoft and Coca-Cola offices. The Hachiko monument is considered the center of the district. In addition to boutiques and entertainment centers, there are museums and temples.

This is a mountain in Wakayama Prefecture, which is home to many temples and Shingon Buddhist schools. The first temple was founded in 819. Today the temples receive tourists. The mountain is very picturesque, and the place is peaceful. Travelers can feel like a part of the life of the monks. There is also a beautiful cemetery on the mountain, which is illuminated at night. You can go up the mountain by tram.

This is one of the Kumano shrines. It is located near the Katsuura thermal spring. Numerous paths lead to the temple. They are surrounded by huge trees and stretch for 600 meters. One of the main beauties of Kumano Nachi Taisha is the most high waterfall in Japan. Its height is 113 meters and for the Japanese it has religious significance. Its power and beauty surprises even seasoned travelers.

This main island from the Yaeyama Islands. On it is Mount Omote-dake, whose height is 526 meters. Ishigaki is famous for its coral reefs. You can swim in the sea near the island all year round the water is warm. Diving is very popular here. There are also very beautiful caves of Hirakubo and Ugan. Boats take tourists to neighboring islands.

Kotoku-in is a temple famous for its bronze Buddha statue. Its height is 13.5 meters, and its age is more than eight centuries. In the original version, the statue was made of wood and reached 24 meters in height. But it was destroyed by a storm in 1247. Then in 1252 the cost of a new statue began. After 12 years, a creation appeared that resisted all the elements and survived the temple in which it stood.

Until 8:15 am on August 6, 1945, the Genbaku Dome was the exhibition center of Hiroshima. After the explosion of the atomic bomb that hit the building, all visitors died. The dome was located 160 meters from the epicenter of the explosion. He burned out, but survived. It was strengthened, and it became the main exhibit, demonstrating the consequences of an atomic explosion and the inadmissibility of using atomic weapons.

Happo-en Garden is a green island in the middle of the paved city. Its beauty has been noted by the government, and tourists are increasingly adding it to their itinerary. In the garden you can get to a real tea ceremony. After it, you can walk along the path that runs through the valley and is surrounded by bonsai trees, admire the fish in the pond or visit the temple. There are two of them and weddings are regularly held in them.

The park is located on the island of Honshu and lies in the Yokoyu Valley at an altitude of 850 meters. It attracts tourists by the fact that about 160 macaques live in it. For a third of the year there is snow in the park. But the favorite place of the monkeys is the water thermal springs. In whole groups they bask in warm water. Monkeys have their own charter and hierarchy. Someone warms up, someone carries food. They feed on plants.

The temple is located on Mount Otova in Kyoto. It is considered a gem among the shrines of the area. It was built in 798. According to legend, the monk Entin noticed a stream and, wanting to find its source, climbed into the mountains. At the top he found a clearing with amazing waterfall. After a prophetic dream, the monk founded the temple. Over time, a temple complex was built here. The water here is considered sacred, and the view from the temple in Kyoto is amazing.

Tokyo sky tree is the tallest television tower in the world. Located in Tokyo, in the Sumida area. Its height is 634 meters. The only building in the world that is taller is the Burj Khalifa. The tower has a cafe and souvenir shops, two observation decks and a restaurant that offers breathtaking views of the city. At the base of the tower is a shopping and entertainment center.

This is a structure covered with sheets of gold. The pavilion was built by Yoshimitsu in 1397 when he was tired of ruling. Near the sanctuary is beautiful lake and a garden that is considered one of the most beautiful in the country. It has many paths, streams and ponds. On the first floor of the pavilion guests are received, on the second floor there is an exhibition of paintings. On the third, religious ceremonies are held.

The shrine is located on the island of Miyajima. The torii gate, which is located on its territory, is considered one of the symbols of Japan. View of them refers to the "Three Famous Landscapes of Japan". Their height is 16 meters. They are built on piles in the water. You can reach the gate only during a strong low tide. Having reached them, you need to put a coin into a crack in a tree and make a wish.

These are very colorful villages that are perfectly preserved and demonstrate the history and life of the Japanese. Climate and geographical position it's harsh here. The villages are located in a mountainous region on the island of Honshu. In winter, the island was often completely cut off from civilization. This formed a special way of life for the inhabitants. Here a special architectural style, which is designed to protect houses from snow.

A famous commander built this castle in the 16th century. Its area is square kilometer. It has five floors above ground and three underground. The walls of the castle are decorated with gold leaf. The building itself is located on a stone embankment for protection from enemies. Some boulders reach six meters in height. An amazing view of the city opens from the observation deck of the main tower of the castle.

The national park is located in the central part of the island of Honshu. It is already over 50 years old, and its area is 17.4 thousand hectares. It grows maple and coniferous forests, bamboo. This area is called the Japanese Alps. There are meadows, amazing mountain lakes and even an active volcano. The inhabitants of the park are typical inhabitants of Japanese forests.

The temple was founded about 1900 years ago, making it one of the oldest in Japan. It contains one of the three sacred imperial relics - the sword of Kusanagi no Mitsurugi. About 3000 historical valuables are placed in the halls of the temple. Every June, Atsuta Shrine hosts a Japanese martial arts competition. 8 million people come here to honor the sun goddess Amaterasu.

This is the residence of the Emperor and the Imperial Palace. It is located in the heart of Tokyo. The area of ​​the entire palace complex is 7.5 square meters. km. During the existence of the palace burned and destroyed. Now it consists of one underground and two ground floors. At any time, tourists can only get into East Park. You can get into the palace only twice a year.

The waterfall is located in national park Nikko. Its height is 101 meters. It is considered one of the most beautiful in Japan. At its foot, a tea house was built and there is a lift. There are 12 more jets flowing along the sides of the waterfall. You can view the waterfall from different angles. Myself national park connected pristine nature and modern comfort.

V entertainment center Palette Town is Japan's main automobile museum. This is an amazing place where high-tech shows are held and the most interesting cars are presented. In six halls, both cars that have ever been produced and projects of future ones are shown. Among them there are rare cars, and cars that look like moon rovers. In the Ride One hall, you can test drive any car, provided that you have a license.

Tokyo Disneyland is located in Urayasu. This is the first Disney park built outside the United States. It is part of the whole Disney resort. It opened on April 15, 1938. The territory of the park is 465,000 m². It is divided into 7 thematic zones. The park has 47 attractions. There are also shops, cafes, hotels. Disneyland is open all year round and is the third most popular park in the world.

Hanami is the cherry blossom festival when people admire the flowers. It passes in the spring. Then the whole country is transformed. Parks, temples and castles attract even more tourists. For the Japanese themselves, this is an amazing phenomenon, pacifying and joyful. In the evenings, the trees are beautifully illuminated, so they are admired not only during the day. A very popular activity is to have picnics under the cherry blossoms.

Japan is one of the most popular travel destinations in the world. Here you will find a unique combination of traditional temples and buildings of the past, with modern achievements in architecture and technology. Tourists, once in this country, can immerse themselves in Japanese history and culture, as well as get an insight into the future, with the help of current science. Many historical monuments used for their intended purpose while remaining open to the public. The incredible beauty of Japan can be seen at any time of the year. Your attention is a brief overview of the sights of Japan, which you must see with your own eyes.

1. Hiroshima Peace Memorial

This monument can be attributed to the tragic sights of Japan. The memorial stands in memory of those whose lives were claimed by the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945. The Genbaku Dome, located in the park, is the only building left standing after the explosion. This is a harsh reminder of peace in war, the importance of human lives and innocent victims.

2. Jigokudani Monkey Park

Jigokudani Park is known for its hot areas. The name Jigokudani literally means "Valley of Hell". This name was assigned to the park because of the steam and boiling water that flows from the frozen ground, surrounded by steep cliffs and cold forests. The park is also famous for its large population of wild Japanese macaques, which travel to the valley in winter when snow covers the park. Monkeys descend from sheer cliffs and from the forest to bask at the warm springs, but in the evening they return back. Thousands of tourists gather to see it.

3. Kiyomizu-dera

Kiyomizu-dera is a Buddhist temple located in Eastern Kyoto, founded in 778. The temple is in complete harmony with nature. Not a single nail was used during the construction of the temple. Nearby are located beautiful waterfalls that flow into deep rivers, into which they sometimes jump from a height locals(survival rate 85.4%). Guests can enjoy shrines and talismans without risking their lives.

4. Himeji Castle

Himeji Castle is considered the finest existing example of Japanese castle architecture and Japan's most visited architectural landmark. It was fortified from enemies during the era of feudalism, completed and reconstructed many times over the centuries, therefore it reflects different periods of design. This castle survived the bombings of World War II.

5. Great Buddha Kamakura

The Great Buddha Kamakura is a colossal monument of culture. The bronze Buddha is 13 meters high and weighs 93 tons. The statue dates from 1252. It was originally housed in a small wooden temple of the Great Buddha, but now stands in an open area, as the original location was washed away by the tsunami of the 15th century.

6. Todaiji Temple

Todaiji Temple is a real feat of engineering. Not only is it the largest wooden building in the world, this temple is also home to the largest bronze Buddha statue in the world. It is one of the most famous temples in Asia.

7 Tokyo Tower

Tokyo Tower is a testament to the development of technology in modern life. The Tokyo Tower is based on the Eiffel Tower. Visitors can climb the tower for panoramic views of Tokyo and the surrounding areas, as well as visit shops and restaurants. This is one of the most modern attractions in Japan.

8. Imperial palace in Tokyo

The Imperial Palace in Tokyo functions as a command center and museum to showcase Japanese art and history. The palace is located on the ruins of an old castle that was destroyed in a fire. New palace surrounded by traditional Japanese gardens and has many halls for receiving guests.

9. Mount Fuji

Mount Fuji is the most high mountain in Japan, its height is 3776 meters. The exceptionally symmetrical cone of the volcano is a well-known symbol of Japan and is often depicted in paintings or photographed. Every year, 200,000 people climb Mount Fuji. The ascent can take three to eight hours and the descent can take two to five hours.

10. Golden Pavilion

Kinkaku-ji or Temple of the Golden Pavilion is the most popular tourist attraction in Japan and Kyoto. The pavilion was built at the end of the 14th century. Unfortunately, the pavilion was burned down in 1950 by a young monk who went insane. Five years later, it was restored as an exact copy of the original. The pavilion is covered with gold leaf and is very beautifully reflected in the pond.

The sights of Japan do not end there. You will find descriptions of many other interesting places in the section dedicated to the country, which is constantly updated with new materials.

If you have ever been to Japan, you probably already know how amazing country. And those who are just planning to visit the Land of the Rising Sun can be envied - they are waiting for a lot unforgettable experience. In our today's selection you will find the most interesting and beautiful places in Japan. Some of them are considered popular attractions, while others are off the beaten track, but each is a unique gem of this country.


The bamboo forest of Sagano seems to move tourists to a completely different reality. In addition to the fact that the tall bamboo stalks themselves look impressive when the wind picks up, they also make sounds, “start to sing,” as the locals say.

Hitachi Park is located in the northeastern part of Tokyo Prefecture, but on the island of Honshu. The best time to visit Hitachi Park is September, when 4.5 million nemophiles (American forget-me-nots) bloom here, turning the ground into an amazing blue blanket of flowers.

Japanese Garden Kawachi Fuji is located in the northern part of Kyushu, near Fukuoka. It is best to visit this place at the end of April, at this time the garden reaches its brightest and most lush flowering.

Shibazakura is a rare pink and white-purple moss that grows in the Fuji Five Lakes area. Every year, from April to June, the Fuji Shibazakura Festival is held in honor of this extraordinary phenomenon.

The city of Kawagoe is famous for its beautiful rivers, sailing along which you can feel the atmosphere of ancient Japan, which has been preserved here. It was Kawagoe that in the 17th century was a fortress and the official residence of the head of the shogunal guard.

One of the main Shinto shrines in Kyoto, the main attraction here is the thousands of red ritual gates that line both sides of the road, which is over 4 km long.

An old detour trail leading from Kyoto to Edo, which was of great importance for trade in the 17th century. The trail passes through very picturesque countryside.

A Buddhist temple founded in 717 by a wandering monk. This building looks especially beautiful in winter, against the backdrop of snow cover.

A three-story structure built in a traditional Japanese style that blends perfectly with the breathtaking scenery. Near the pagoda is the highest waterfall in Japan, its height is as much as 133 meters.

During this festival, 20,000 bamboo lamps are made and lit for three nights. The Taketa Bamboo Lighting Festival begins on the third Friday of November.

A delightful blue pond, located at the foot of Mount Tokachi, on the island of Hokkaido, owes its color to natural minerals.

The spring cherry blossom festival in Japan lasts for about a couple of weeks, turning modern capital countries into a fragrant garden.

Kureito Pagoda is a Japanese anti-war memorial created in 1963. The pagoda is located on a hill, and to get to it, you have to overcome as many as 400 steps. However, the architectural beauty of the pagoda and the magnificent view of Mount Fuji are worth any effort.

15. Tea garden overlooking Mount Fuji

An amazingly beautiful tea plantation located in Shizuoka Prefecture. Here you can drink a cup of delicious green tea brought to Japan from China over 1300 years ago and admire the beautiful natural scenery.